some more improvements, new commands, new simpler ecpect load command, certificate handling for self signed ca plus for client authentication

Marc Wäckerlin 9 years ago
parent c9ec2b6122
commit 04c4c54089
  1. 121
  2. 13
  3. 4
  4. 175
  5. 14

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <QWebElement>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>
#include <QSslKey>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QMouseEvent>
@ -464,6 +465,14 @@ class Script: public QObject {
back += 2;
_ignoreSignalsUntil = "loadStarted";
} else if ((*cmd)->command().startsWith("expect load")) {
QString url2((*cmd)->command());
url2.remove("expect load");
if (url2.size()) url=url2.trimmed();
back += 2;
_ignoreSignalsUntil = "loadStarted";
} else {
@ -782,33 +791,57 @@ class Expect: public Command {
"Known signals and parameters are:\n"
" - loadFinished <bool: \"true\" if ok, \"false\" on error>\n"
" - loadStarted\n"
" - urlChanged <url>";
" - urlChanged <url>\n"
"There is a short hand:\n"
" - load <url>\n"
" stands for the three signals:\n"
" - loadStarted\n"
" - urlChanged <url>\n"
" - loadFinished true";
QString command() const {
return "expect "+_signal+(_args.size()?" "+_args.join(' '):QString());
return "expect "+_signal._signal
+(_signal._args.size()?" "+_signal._args.join(' '):QString());
std::shared_ptr<Command> parse(Script*, QString args, QStringList&, int) {
std::shared_ptr<Expect> cmd(new Expect());
cmd->_args = args.split(" ");
cmd->_signal = cmd->_args.takeFirst();
cmd->_signal._args = args.split(" ");
cmd->_signal._signal = cmd->_signal._args.takeFirst();
return cmd;
bool execute(Script* script, QWebFrame*) {
Logger log(this, script);
QString signal(_signal);
QList<Signal> sigs;
if (_signal._signal=="load") { // special signal load
sigs += Signal("loadStarted");
sigs += Signal("urlChanged", _signal._args);
sigs += Signal("loadFinished", "true");
} else {
sigs += _signal;
Q_FOREACH(Signal signal, sigs) {
QStringList args;
Q_FOREACH(QString arg, _args) args.push_back(script->replacevars(arg));
Q_FOREACH(QString arg, signal._args)
Script::Signal lastsignal(script->getSignal());
QStringList lastargs;
Q_FOREACH(QString arg, lastsignal.second)
if (lastsignal.first!=signal || (args.size() && args!=lastargs))
throw WrongSignal(signal, args, lastsignal);
if (lastsignal.first!=signal._signal || (args.size() && args!=lastargs))
throw WrongSignal(signal._signal, args, lastsignal);
return true;
struct Signal {
Signal(QString s, QStringList a): _signal(s), _args(a) {}
Signal(QString s, QString a): _signal(s), _args(a) {}
Signal(QString s): _signal(s) {}
Signal() {}
QString _signal;
QStringList _args;
Signal _signal;
class Open: public Command {
@ -1396,24 +1429,23 @@ class Timeout: public Command {
QString _timeout;
class Certificate: public Command {
class CaCertificate: public Command {
QString tag() const {
return "certificate";
return "ca-certificate";
QString description() const {
"certificate <filename>"
"ca-certificate <filename.pem>"
"Load a CA certificate that will be accepted on SSL connections.";
QString command() const {
return "certificate "+_filename;
return "ca-certificate "+_filename;
std::shared_ptr<Command> parse(Script*, QString args,
QStringList&, int) {
std::shared_ptr<Certificate> cmd(new (Certificate));
std::shared_ptr<CaCertificate> cmd(new (CaCertificate));
cmd->_filename = args.trimmed();
return cmd;
@ -1432,6 +1464,64 @@ class Certificate: public Command {
QString _filename;
class ClientCertificate: public Command {
QString tag() const {
return "client-certificate";
QString description() const {
"client-certificate <certfile.pem> <keyfile.key> <keypassword>"
"Load a client certificate to authenticate on SSL connections. "
"The password for the keyfile should not contain spaces. "
"Create the two files from a PKCS#12 file using OpenSSL:\n"
" openssl pkcs12 -in certfile.p12 -out certfile.pem -nodes -clcerts\n"
" openssl pkcs12 -in certfile.p12 -out keyfile.pem -nocerts\n";
QString command() const {
return "client-certificate "+_certfile+" "+_keyfile+" "+_password;
std::shared_ptr<Command> parse(Script*, QString args,
QStringList&, int) {
std::shared_ptr<ClientCertificate> cmd(new (ClientCertificate));
QStringList s(args.trimmed().split(' '));
if (s.size()<3) throw MissingArguments(args, "certfile keyfile password");
cmd->_certfile = s.takeFirst();
cmd->_keyfile = s.takeFirst();
cmd->_password = s.join(' ');
return cmd;
bool execute(Script* script, QWebFrame*) {
Logger log(this, script);
QSslConfiguration sslConfig(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration());
QString filename(script->replacevars(_certfile));
QFile certfile(filename);
if (!certfile.exists() || !
throw FileNotFound(filename);
QSslCertificate cert(&certfile);
if (cert.isNull()) throw NotACertificate(filename);
filename = script->replacevars(_keyfile);
QFile keyfile(filename);
if (!keyfile.exists() || !
throw FileNotFound(filename);;
QSslKey k(&keyfile, QSsl::Rsa, QSsl::Pem,
QSsl::PrivateKey, _password.toUtf8());
if (k.isNull()) throw KeyNotReadable(filename);
return true;
QString _certfile;
QString _keyfile;
QString _password;
/* Template:
class : public Command {
@ -1507,7 +1597,8 @@ inline void Script::initPrototypes() {
add(new Set);
add(new UnSet);
add(new Timeout);
add(new Certificate);
add(new CaCertificate);
add(new ClientCertificate);

@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ class BadArgument: public ParseError {
BadArgument(QString arg): ParseError("bad argument: "+arg) {}
class MissingArguments: public ParseError {
MissingArguments(QString args, QString req):
ParseError("missing arguments, requires "+req+", got: "+args) {}
class TestFailed: public Exception {
TestFailed(QString why): Exception("Test Failed: "+why) {}
@ -114,6 +120,13 @@ class NotACertificate: public TestFailed {
class KeyNotReadable: public TestFailed {
KeyNotReadable(QString arg):
TestFailed("key file is not readable (password?): "+arg) {
class NotUnattended: public TestFailed {
NotUnattended(): TestFailed("web page is not in unattended test mode") {}

@ -225,7 +225,9 @@ class NetworkAccessManager: public QNetworkAccessManager {
void sslErrorsLog(const QList<QSslError>& errors) {
Q_FOREACH(const QSslError& error, errors)
log("**** SSL-Error: "+error.errorString());
log("**** SSL-Error: "+error.errorString()+"\n"+
" Certificate: "+error.certificate().toText());
//QNetworkReply* reply(dynamic_cast<QNetworkReply*>(QObject::sender()));
void sslErrorsLog(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError>&) {

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <ui_testgui.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QEvent>
class TestGUI: public QMainWindow, protected Ui::TestGUI {
@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ class TestGUI: public QMainWindow, protected Ui::TestGUI {
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: {
if (_record->isChecked() && !element.isNull()) {
if (_record->isChecked()) {
if (!element.isNull()) {
QString selected(selector(_lastFocused));
QRegularExpressionMatch mooCombo
@ -311,7 +313,8 @@ class TestGUI: public QMainWindow, protected Ui::TestGUI {
if (mooCombo.hasMatch()) {
// special treatment for moo tools combobox (e.g. used in joomla)
// special treatment for moo tools combobox (e.g. used
// in joomla)
appendCommand("click "+mooCombo.captured(1)+">a");
appendCommand("sleep 1");
} else if (mooComboItem.hasMatch()) {
@ -323,14 +326,28 @@ class TestGUI: public QMainWindow, protected Ui::TestGUI {
} else {
appendCommand("click "+selected);
} else {
appendCommand("# click, but where?");
} break;
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: {
} break;
case QEvent::ChildRemoved: { // select option value changed
_typing = true;
_keyStrokes = "dummy";
} break;
case QEvent::InputMethodQuery:
case QEvent::ToolTipChange:
case QEvent::MouseMove:
case QEvent::UpdateLater:
case QEvent::Paint: break;
default: ;//LOG("Event: "<<event->type());
/* _log->appendPlainText(QString("Event: %1")
.arg(eventName(event->type()))); */
_inEventFilter = false;
return false;
@ -495,6 +512,158 @@ class TestGUI: public QMainWindow, protected Ui::TestGUI {
addDomElement(element, parentItem);
QString eventName(QEvent::Type t) {
switch (t) {
case QEvent::None: return "QEvent::None - Not an event.";
case QEvent::ActionAdded: return "QEvent::ActionAdded - A new action has been added (QActionEvent).";
case QEvent::ActionChanged: return "QEvent::ActionChanged - An action has been changed (QActionEvent).";
case QEvent::ActionRemoved: return "QEvent::ActionRemoved - An action has been removed (QActionEvent).";
case QEvent::ActivationChange: return "QEvent::ActivationChange - A widget's top-level window activation state has changed.";
case QEvent::ApplicationActivate: return "QEvent::ApplicationActivate - This enum has been deprecated. Use ApplicationStateChange instead.";
//case QEvent::ApplicationActivated: return "QEvent::ApplicationActivated - This enum has been deprecated. Use ApplicationStateChange instead.";
case QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate: return "QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate - This enum has been deprecated. Use ApplicationStateChange instead.";
case QEvent::ApplicationFontChange: return "QEvent::ApplicationFontChange - The default application font has changed.";
case QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange: return "QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange - The default application layout direction has changed.";
case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: return "QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange - The default application palette has changed.";
case QEvent::ApplicationStateChange: return "QEvent::ApplicationStateChange - The state of the application has changed.";
case QEvent::ApplicationWindowIconChange: return "QEvent::ApplicationWindowIconChange - The application's icon has changed.";
case QEvent::ChildAdded: return "QEvent::ChildAdded - An object gets a child (QChildEvent).";
case QEvent::ChildPolished: return "QEvent::ChildPolished - A widget child gets polished (QChildEvent).";
case QEvent::ChildRemoved: return "QEvent::ChildRemoved - An object loses a child (QChildEvent).";
case QEvent::Clipboard: return "QEvent::Clipboard - The clipboard contents have changed (QClipboardEvent).";
case QEvent::Close: return "QEvent::Close - Widget was closed (QCloseEvent).";
case QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel: return "QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel - A widget wants to close the software input panel (SIP).";
case QEvent::ContentsRectChange: return "QEvent::ContentsRectChange - The margins of the widget's content rect changed.";
case QEvent::ContextMenu: return "QEvent::ContextMenu - Context popup menu (QContextMenuEvent).";
case QEvent::CursorChange: return "QEvent::CursorChange - The widget's cursor has changed.";
case QEvent::DeferredDelete: return "QEvent::DeferredDelete - The object will be deleted after it has cleaned up (QDeferredDeleteEvent).";
case QEvent::DragEnter: return "QEvent::DragEnter - The cursor enters a widget during a drag and drop operation (QDragEnterEvent).";
case QEvent::DragLeave: return "QEvent::DragLeave - The cursor leaves a widget during a drag and drop operation (QDragLeaveEvent).";
case QEvent::DragMove: return "QEvent::DragMove - A drag and drop operation is in progress (QDragMoveEvent).";
case QEvent::Drop: return "QEvent::Drop - A drag and drop operation is completed (QDropEvent).";
case QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange: return "QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange - A dynamic property was added, changed, or removed from the object.";
case QEvent::EnabledChange: return "QEvent::EnabledChange - Widget's enabled state has changed.";
case QEvent::Enter: return "QEvent::Enter - Mouse enters widget's boundaries (QEnterEvent).";
//case QEvent::EnterEditFocus: return "QEvent::EnterEditFocus - An editor widget gains focus for editing. QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION must be defined.";
case QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode: return "QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode - Send to toplevel widgets when the application enters \"What's This?\" mode.";
case QEvent::Expose: return "QEvent::Expose - Sent to a window when its on-screen contents are invalidated and need to be flushed from the backing store.";
case QEvent::FileOpen: return "QEvent::FileOpen - File open request (QFileOpenEvent).";
case QEvent::FocusIn: return "QEvent::FocusIn - Widget or Window gains keyboard focus (QFocusEvent).";
case QEvent::FocusOut: return "QEvent::FocusOut - Widget or Window loses keyboard focus (QFocusEvent).";
case QEvent::FocusAboutToChange: return "QEvent::FocusAboutToChange - Widget or Window focus is about to change (QFocusEvent)";
case QEvent::FontChange: return "QEvent::FontChange - Widget's font has changed.";
case QEvent::Gesture: return "QEvent::Gesture - A gesture was triggered (QGestureEvent).";
case QEvent::GestureOverride: return "QEvent::GestureOverride - A gesture override was triggered (QGestureEvent).";
case QEvent::GrabKeyboard: return "QEvent::GrabKeyboard - Item gains keyboard grab (QGraphicsItem only).";
case QEvent::GrabMouse: return "QEvent::GrabMouse - Item gains mouse grab (QGraphicsItem only).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu - Context popup menu over a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter - The cursor enters a graphics scene during a drag and drop operation (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave - The cursor leaves a graphics scene during a drag and drop operation (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove - A drag and drop operation is in progress over a scene (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop - A drag and drop operation is completed over a scene (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp - The user requests help for a graphics scene (QHelpEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter - The mouse cursor enters a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave - The mouse cursor leaves a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove - The mouse cursor moves inside a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick - Mouse press again (double click) in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove - Move mouse in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress - Mouse press in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease - Mouse release in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove - Widget was moved (QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize - Widget was resized (QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent).";
case QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel: return "QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel - Mouse wheel rolled in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent).";
case QEvent::Hide: return "QEvent::Hide - Widget was hidden (QHideEvent).";
case QEvent::HideToParent: return "QEvent::HideToParent - A child widget has been hidden.";
case QEvent::HoverEnter: return "QEvent::HoverEnter - The mouse cursor enters a hover widget (QHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::HoverLeave: return "QEvent::HoverLeave - The mouse cursor leaves a hover widget (QHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::HoverMove: return "QEvent::HoverMove - The mouse cursor moves inside a hover widget (QHoverEvent).";
case QEvent::IconDrag: return "QEvent::IconDrag - The main icon of a window has been dragged away (QIconDragEvent).";
case QEvent::IconTextChange: return "QEvent::IconTextChange - Widget's icon text has been changed.";
case QEvent::InputMethod: return "QEvent::InputMethod - An input method is being used (QInputMethodEvent).";
case QEvent::InputMethodQuery: return "QEvent::InputMethodQuery - A input method query event (QInputMethodQueryEvent)";
case QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange: return "QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange - The keyboard layout has changed.";
case QEvent::KeyPress: return "QEvent::KeyPress - Key press (QKeyEvent).";
case QEvent::KeyRelease: return "QEvent::KeyRelease - Key release (QKeyEvent).";
case QEvent::LanguageChange: return "QEvent::LanguageChange - The application translation changed.";
case QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange: return "QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange - The direction of layouts changed.";
case QEvent::LayoutRequest: return "QEvent::LayoutRequest - Widget layout needs to be redone.";
case QEvent::Leave: return "QEvent::Leave - Mouse leaves widget's boundaries.";
//case QEvent::LeaveEditFocus: return "QEvent::LeaveEditFocus - An editor widget loses focus for editing. QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION must be defined.";
case QEvent::LeaveWhatsThisMode: return "QEvent::LeaveWhatsThisMode - Send to toplevel widgets when the application leaves \"What's This?\" mode.";
case QEvent::LocaleChange: return "QEvent::LocaleChange - The system locale has changed.";
case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick: return "QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick - A mouse double click occurred outside the client area.";
case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress: return "QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress - A mouse button press occurred outside the client area.";
case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease: return "QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease - A mouse button release occurred outside the client area.";
case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove: return "QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove - A mouse move occurred outside the client area.";
case QEvent::MacSizeChange: return "QEvent::MacSizeChange - The user changed his widget sizes (Mac OS X only).";
case QEvent::MetaCall: return "QEvent::MetaCall - An asynchronous method invocation via QMetaObject::invokeMethod().";
case QEvent::ModifiedChange: return "QEvent::ModifiedChange - Widgets modification state has been changed.";
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: return "QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick - Mouse press again (QMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: return "QEvent::MouseButtonPress - Mouse press (QMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: return "QEvent::MouseButtonRelease - Mouse release (QMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::MouseMove: return "QEvent::MouseMove - Mouse move (QMouseEvent).";
case QEvent::MouseTrackingChange: return "QEvent::MouseTrackingChange - The mouse tracking state has changed.";
case QEvent::Move: return "QEvent::Move - Widget's position changed (QMoveEvent).";
case QEvent::NativeGesture: return "QEvent::NativeGesture - The system has detected a gesture (QNativeGestureEvent).";
case QEvent::OrientationChange: return "QEvent::OrientationChange - The screens orientation has changes (QScreenOrientationChangeEvent)";
case QEvent::Paint: return "QEvent::Paint - Screen update necessary (QPaintEvent).";
case QEvent::PaletteChange: return "QEvent::PaletteChange - Palette of the widget changed.";
case QEvent::ParentAboutToChange: return "QEvent::ParentAboutToChange - The widget parent is about to change.";
case QEvent::ParentChange: return "QEvent::ParentChange - The widget parent has changed.";
case QEvent::PlatformPanel: return "QEvent::PlatformPanel - A platform specific panel has been requested.";
case QEvent::Polish: return "QEvent::Polish - The widget is polished.";
case QEvent::PolishRequest: return "QEvent::PolishRequest - The widget should be polished.";
case QEvent::QueryWhatsThis: return "QEvent::QueryWhatsThis - The widget should accept the event if it has \"What's This?\" help.";
//case QEvent::ReadOnlyChange: return "QEvent::ReadOnlyChange - Widget's read-only state has changed (since Qt 5.4).";
case QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel: return "QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel - A widget wants to open a software input panel (SIP).";
case QEvent::Resize: return "QEvent::Resize - Widget's size changed (QResizeEvent).";
case QEvent::ScrollPrepare: return "QEvent::ScrollPrepare - The object needs to fill in its geometry information (QScrollPrepareEvent).";
case QEvent::Scroll: return "QEvent::Scroll - The object needs to scroll to the supplied position (QScrollEvent).";
case QEvent::Shortcut: return "QEvent::Shortcut - Key press in child for shortcut key handling (QShortcutEvent).";
case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: return "QEvent::ShortcutOverride - Key press in child, for overriding shortcut key handling (QKeyEvent).";
case QEvent::Show: return "QEvent::Show - Widget was shown on screen (QShowEvent).";
case QEvent::ShowToParent: return "QEvent::ShowToParent - A child widget has been shown.";
case QEvent::SockAct: return "QEvent::SockAct - Socket activated, used to implement QSocketNotifier.";
case QEvent::StateMachineSignal: return "QEvent::StateMachineSignal - A signal delivered to a state machine (QStateMachine::SignalEvent).";
case QEvent::StateMachineWrapped: return "QEvent::StateMachineWrapped - The event is a wrapper for, i.e., contains, another event (QStateMachine::WrappedEvent).";
case QEvent::StatusTip: return "QEvent::StatusTip - A status tip is requested (QStatusTipEvent).";
case QEvent::StyleChange: return "QEvent::StyleChange - Widget's style has been changed.";
case QEvent::TabletMove: return "QEvent::TabletMove - Wacom tablet move (QTabletEvent).";
case QEvent::TabletPress: return "QEvent::TabletPress - Wacom tablet press (QTabletEvent).";
case QEvent::TabletRelease: return "QEvent::TabletRelease - Wacom tablet release (QTabletEvent).";
case QEvent::OkRequest: return "QEvent::OkRequest - Ok button in decoration pressed. Supported only for Windows CE.";
case QEvent::TabletEnterProximity: return "QEvent::TabletEnterProximity - Wacom tablet enter proximity event (QTabletEvent), sent to QApplication.";
case QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity: return "QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity - Wacom tablet leave proximity event (QTabletEvent), sent to QApplication.";
case QEvent::ThreadChange: return "QEvent::ThreadChange - The object is moved to another thread. This is the last event sent to this object in the previous thread. See QObject::moveToThread().";
case QEvent::Timer: return "QEvent::Timer - Regular timer events (QTimerEvent).";
case QEvent::ToolBarChange: return "QEvent::ToolBarChange - The toolbar button is toggled on Mac OS X.";
case QEvent::ToolTip: return "QEvent::ToolTip - A tooltip was requested (QHelpEvent).";
case QEvent::ToolTipChange: return "QEvent::ToolTipChange - The widget's tooltip has changed.";
case QEvent::TouchBegin: return "QEvent::TouchBegin - Beginning of a sequence of touch-screen or track-pad events (QTouchEvent).";
case QEvent::TouchCancel: return "QEvent::TouchCancel - Cancellation of touch-event sequence (QTouchEvent).";
case QEvent::TouchEnd: return "QEvent::TouchEnd - End of touch-event sequence (QTouchEvent).";
case QEvent::TouchUpdate: return "QEvent::TouchUpdate - Touch-screen event (QTouchEvent).";
case QEvent::UngrabKeyboard: return "QEvent::UngrabKeyboard - Item loses keyboard grab (QGraphicsItem only).";
case QEvent::UngrabMouse: return "QEvent::UngrabMouse - Item loses mouse grab (QGraphicsItem only).";
case QEvent::UpdateLater: return "QEvent::UpdateLater - The widget should be queued to be repainted at a later time.";
case QEvent::UpdateRequest: return "QEvent::UpdateRequest - The widget should be repainted.";
case QEvent::WhatsThis: return "QEvent::WhatsThis - The widget should reveal \"What's This?\" help (QHelpEvent).";
case QEvent::WhatsThisClicked: return "QEvent::WhatsThisClicked - A link in a widget's \"What's This?\" help was clicked.";
case QEvent::Wheel: return "QEvent::Wheel - Mouse wheel rolled (QWheelEvent).";
case QEvent::WinEventAct: return "QEvent::WinEventAct - A Windows-specific activation event has occurred.";
case QEvent::WindowActivate: return "QEvent::WindowActivate - Window was activated.";
case QEvent::WindowBlocked: return "QEvent::WindowBlocked - The window is blocked by a modal dialog.";
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate: return "QEvent::WindowDeactivate - Window was deactivated.";
case QEvent::WindowIconChange: return "QEvent::WindowIconChange - The window's icon has changed.";
case QEvent::WindowStateChange: return "QEvent::WindowStateChange - The window's state (minimized, maximized or full-screen) has changed (QWindowStateChangeEvent).";
case QEvent::WindowTitleChange: return "QEvent::WindowTitleChange - The window title has changed.";
case QEvent::WindowUnblocked: return "QEvent::WindowUnblocked - The window is unblocked after a modal dialog exited.";
case QEvent::WinIdChange: return "QEvent::WinIdChange - The window system identifer for this native widget has changed.";
case QEvent::ZOrderChange: return "QEvent::ZOrderChange - The widget's z-order has changed. This event is never sent to top level windows.";
return QString("%1").arg(t);
enum UrlStack {

@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
#include <testgui.hxx>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QCommandLineParser>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
QApplication a(argc, argv);
TestGUI w(0, argc>1?argv[1]:"");
QCommandLineParser parser;
QStringList urls(parser.positionalArguments());
TestGUI w(0, urls.size()?urls[0]:"");;
return a.exec();
} catch (std::exception &x) {
std::cerr<<"**** error: "<<x.what()<<std::endl;
return 1;
