Test your websites with this simple GUI based scripted webtester. Generate simple testscripts directly from surfng on the webpage, enhance them with your commands, with variables, loops, checks, … and finally run automated web tests.
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Framework for Automated Web Application Testing

There is a test GUI including browser to record user input while he surfs on the web and a test runner to run (recorded) test scripts. The tests can be integrated e.g. in a jenkins build job. It has been tested on Wordpress, Dokuwiki and Joomla pages. Joomla is difficult due to Javascript-Moo-Tools pollution. There's some specific support, that may help a bit, but to test Joomla sites, you need a lot of experience. Concluson: Avoid Joomla.

Sample Script to search my old homepage on Google, klick on the link, there click on tab «Computer» and check the title for the text «Marcs Computerblog»:

load https://google.com
expect loadStarted
expect urlChanged
expect loadFinished true
do input[name="q"]
  this.value='Marc Wäckerlin';
click input[name="btnG"]
expect loadStarted
expect urlChanged
expect loadFinished true
click a[href^="/url?q=https://marc.waeckerlin.org/&"]
expect loadStarted
expect urlChanged https://marc.waeckerlin.org/doku.php
expect loadFinished true
click a[href="/computer/index"]
expect loadStarted
expect urlChanged https://marc.waeckerlin.org/computer/index
expect loadFinished true
exists h1.sectionedit1 -> Marcs Computerblog