Test your websites with this simple GUI based scripted webtester. Generate simple testscripts directly from surfng on the webpage, enhance them with your commands, with variables, loops, checks, … and finally run automated web tests.
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Install Software
There are prebuilt software packages in the repositories, look in
https://repository.mrw.sh for your operating system.
Note: PublicKey has changed on Novmber 1st 2015, please import the new
There are package repositories for most distributions at https://repository.mrw.sh.
### Ubuntu and Debian
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget -O- https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey \
| sudo apt-key add -
You can install all software using your package manager (`apt`), first install the repository:
sudo apt-get install -y wget software-properties-common apt-transport-https
sudo apt-add-repository https://repository.mrw.sh
sudo apt-get update -y
Then you can install any project you wish, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
sudo apt-get install webtester -y
### OpenSUSE
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`zypper` or _YaST_). First install the repostitory:
zypper ar https://repository.mrw.sh/opensuse/marc-waeckerlin.repo
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
zypper install webtester
In case of trouble: Check if your version of OpenSUSE is supported,
use `lsb_release -rs` to get the version of your OpenSUSE:
### Fedora
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`dnf`). First install the repository:
dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repository.mrw.sh/fedora/marc-waeckerlin.repo
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
dnf install webtester
In case of trouble: Check if your version of Fedora is supported, use `lsb_release -rs` to get the version of your Fedora: https://repository.mrw.sh/fedora
### CentOS
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`yum`). First install the repository:
yum install wget
wget -O/etc/yum.repos.d/marc-waeckerlin.repo https://repository.mrw.sh/centos/marc-waeckerlin.repo
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
yum install webtester
In case of trouble: Check if your version of CentOS is supported, use lsb_release -rs to get the version of your CentOS: https://repository.mrw.sh/centos
### Mageia
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`dnf`). First install the repository:
dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repository.mrw.sh/mageia/marc-waeckerlin.repo
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
dnf install webtester
### Other Linux Distributions
Either use the nearest possible distribution, or use alien to convert from another distribution to your preferred package format, or compile the project yourself (see below).
Download from https://repository.mrw.sh/windows
You need e.g. Mac Ports to compile. Install the following dependencies:
sudo port install subversion svn2cl doxygen graphviz cppunit libtool boost log4cxx qt5-mac
Fix libtool-bug:
sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize /opt/local/bin/libtoolize
Compile from Source
For all unsupported operating systems, including MacOSX.
To compile, please download the tar-sources from: https://repository.mrw.sh/sources
Then untar the package and use the common commands, e.g. for version `1.0.2` of a project named project, that means:
tar xzf project-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd project-1.0.2
sudo make install