new command check to compare two values or to compare a value to the result of a command - command call now returns the value of the last statement

Marc Wäckerlin 9 years ago
parent 13b8752c7a
commit d7ad9f38d6
  1. 112
  2. 8

@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ class Command: public QObject {
QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100);
void runScript(std::shared_ptr<Script> script,
bool runScript(Command* parentCommand,
std::shared_ptr<Script> script,
Script* parent, QWebFrame* frame,
QStringList vars = QStringList(),
QStringList args = QStringList());
@ -469,12 +470,13 @@ class Script: public QObject {
return result;
void run(QWebFrame* frame) {
run(frame, _testsuites, targetdir(), _screenshots, _maxretries);
void run(QWebFrame* frame, std::shared_ptr<xml::Node> testsuites,
bool run(QWebFrame* frame) {
return run(frame, _testsuites, targetdir(), _screenshots, _maxretries);
bool run(QWebFrame* frame, std::shared_ptr<xml::Node> testsuites,
QString td = QString(), bool screenshots = true,
int maxretries = 0) {
bool res(true);
_testsuites = testsuites;
_timeout = 20; // defaults to 20s
@ -502,7 +504,7 @@ class Script: public QObject {
if (!_ignores.size() || (*cmd)->tag()=="label") { // not ignored
try {
if (!(*cmd)->execute(this, frame)) {
if (!(res=(*cmd)->execute(this, frame))) {
if (!back) retries = 0; else --back;
testcase<<(xml::String("system-out") =
@ -608,6 +610,7 @@ class Script: public QObject {
if (!_signals.empty()) throw UnhandledSignals(_signals);
return res;
QString& cout() {
return _cout;
@ -718,6 +721,10 @@ class Script: public QObject {
return txt;
QString result() {
if (_script.size()) return (*_script.rbegin())->result();
return QString();
void addSignals(QWebFrame* frame) {
@ -1496,9 +1503,10 @@ class Set: public Command {
"Sets the value of a variable either to a constant, or to the output"
" of a command. A command should be a command that produces an"
" output, such as «do», which returns the result of JavaScript or"
" «execute», which returns the output of the executed command."
" All variables are global with regrad to functions.";
" output, such as <do>, which returns the result of JavaScript or"
" <execute>, which returns the output of the executed command, or"
" <call>, which returns the result of the last command."
" All variables are global with regard to functions.";
QString command() const {
if (_next)
@ -1840,14 +1848,14 @@ class Function: public Command {
Logger log(this, script);
return true;
bool call(QStringList args, Script* script, QWebFrame* frame) {
bool call(Command* parentCommand, QStringList args,
Script* script, QWebFrame* frame) {
Logger log(this, script);
try {
runScript(_script, script, frame, _vars, args);
return runScript(parentCommand, _script, script, frame, _vars, args);
} catch (const std::exception& x) {
throw FunctionCallFailed(_name, _vars, args, x);
return true;
QString _name;
@ -1883,8 +1891,7 @@ class Call: public Command {
bool execute(Script* script, QWebFrame* frame) {
Logger log(this, script);
script->function(_name)->call(_args, script, frame);
return true;
return script->function(_name)->call(this, _args, script, frame);
QString _name;
@ -1953,8 +1960,8 @@ class If: public Command {
if (check) runScript(_script, script, frame);
else if (_else) runScript(_else, script, frame);
if (check) return runScript(this, _script, script, frame);
else if (_else) return runScript(this, _else, script, frame);
return true;
@ -2023,6 +2030,71 @@ class TestCase: public Command {
QString _name;
class Check: public Command {
QString tag() const {
return "check";
QString description() const {
tag()+" <value1> <op> <value2>\n"+
tag()+" <value1>\n"
" <command>"
"Compares two values (you can use variables) or compares a value to the"
" result of a command. The command should be a command that produces an"
" output, such as <do>, which returns the result of JavaScript or"
" <execute>, which returns the output of the executed command, or"
" <call>, which returns the result of the last command.";
QString command() const {
if (_next)
return tag()+" "+_value1+" "+QString(_cmp)+"\n "+_next->command();
return tag()+" "+_value1+" "+QString(_cmp)+" "+_value2;
std::shared_ptr<Command> parse(Script* script, QString args,
QStringList& in, int line) {
std::shared_ptr<Check> cmd(new Check());
cmd->_next = 0;
int pos(args.indexOf(QRegularExpression("[=^~<>]")));
if (pos<0) throw BadArgument(tag()+" needs a comparision, not: "+args);
cmd->_value1 = args.left(pos).trimmed();
cmd->_cmp = args[pos].toLatin1();
cmd->_value2 = args.mid(pos+1).trimmed();
if (in.size() && in.first().contains(QRegularExpression("^ "))) {
cmd->_next = script->parse(in, line+1);
cmd->_next->log(false); // suppress logging of subcommand
return cmd;
bool execute(Script* script, QWebFrame* frame) {
Logger log(this, script);
QString value1(script->replacevars(_value1));
QString value2(script->replacevars(_value2));
if (_next) {
_next->execute(script, frame);
value2 = script->replacevars(_next->result());
bool check(false);
switch (_cmp) {
case '=': check = value1==value2; break;
case '^': check = value1!=value2; break;
case '~': check = value1.contains(QRegularExpression(value2)); break;
case '<': check = value1.toInt()<value2.toInt(); break;
case '>': check = value1.toInt()>value2.toInt(); break;
if (!check) throw CheckFailed(value1, _cmp, value2);
return true;
QString _value1;
QString _value2;
char _cmp;
std::shared_ptr<Command> _next;
/* Template:
class : public Command {
@ -2079,7 +2151,8 @@ inline Logger::~Logger() {
inline void Command::runScript(std::shared_ptr<Script> script,
inline bool Command::runScript(Command* parentCommand,
std::shared_ptr<Script> script,
Script* parent, QWebFrame* frame,
QStringList vars,
QStringList args) {
@ -2093,10 +2166,12 @@ inline void Command::runScript(std::shared_ptr<Script> script,
connect(script.get(), SIGNAL(logging(QString)),
parent, SLOT(log(QString)));
bool res(script->run(frame));
disconnect(script.get(), SIGNAL(logging(QString)),
parent, SLOT(log(QString)));
parentCommand->_result = script->result();
return res;
} catch (const std::exception& x) {
disconnect(script.get(), SIGNAL(logging(QString)),
@ -2133,6 +2208,7 @@ inline void Script::initPrototypes() {
add(new If);
add(new TestSuite);
add(new TestCase);
add(new Check);

@ -253,4 +253,12 @@ class VariableNotFound: public TestFailed {
class CheckFailed: public TestFailed {
CheckFailed(QString value1, char cmp, QString value2):
TestFailed(QString("check failed: %1 %2 %3")
.arg(value1).arg(cmp).arg(value1)) {
