15 changed files with 478 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
#! /bin/bash |
## @id $Id$ |
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |
aclocal && automake && autoconf |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
## @id $Id$ |
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |
AC_INIT([videoweb], [1.0]) |
AC_CONFIG_FILES([makefile src/makefile]) |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
## @id $Id$ |
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |
SUBDIRS = src |
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = aclocal.m4 configure install-sh missing |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 42 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ |
<?php |
$DIR="/var/data/spielfilme"; |
$POSTER="/var/tmp/spielfilme"; |
function pageUrl() { |
$pageURL = 'http'; |
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";} |
$pageURL .= "://"; |
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { |
} else { |
} |
return $pageURL; |
} |
$URL=pageUrl(); |
function img($alt, $src, $class="image") { |
global $URL, $POSTER; |
if (is_file($POSTER.'/'.$src.'.jpg')) |
return '<img alt="'.htmlentities($alt).'" src="'.htmlentities($URL.'?img='.$src).'.jpg" class="'.$class.'"/>'; |
} |
if (isset($_GET["img"])) { |
if (ereg('[^-_.A-Za-z0-9]', $_GET["img"])) { |
?><html> |
<body> |
<p>Illegal Image name: "<code><?php echo htmlentities($_GET["img"]) ?></code>"</p>
</body> |
</html> |
<?php |
} elseif (is_file($POSTER.'/'.$_GET["img"])) { |
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); |
readfile($POSTER.'/'.$_GET["img"]); |
exit; |
} else { |
?><html> |
<body> |
<p>Image not found: "<code><?php echo htmlentities($_GET["img"]) ?></code>"</p>
</body> |
</html> |
<?php |
} |
} elseif (isset($_GET["video"])) { |
if (ereg('[^-_.A-Za-z0-9]', $_GET["video"]) || isset($_GET["mime"]) && ereg('[^-_.A-Za-z0-9]', $_GET["mime"])) { |
?><html> |
<body> |
<p>Illegal Video name: "<code><?php echo htmlentities($_GET["video"]) ?></code>"</p>
</body> |
</html> |
<?php |
} elseif (is_file($DIR.'/'.$_GET["video"])) { |
$mime = mime_content_type($DIR.'/'.$_GET["video"]); |
if (isset($_GET["play"])) { |
/* if (isset($_GET["convert"])) { |
switch ($_GET["convert"]) { |
case "webm": |
header('Content-type: video/webm'); |
exec('ffmpeg -i "'.$DIR.'/'.$_GET["video"].'" -b 1500k -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 160000 -f webm -g 30 - 2>/dev/null'); |
break; |
case "mp4": |
header('Content-type: video/mp4'); |
exec('ffmpeg -i "'.$DIR.'/'.$_GET["video"].'" -qscale 4 -vcodec libx264 -f mp4 - 2>/dev/null'); |
break; |
} |
} else { */ |
// Clears the cache and prevent unwanted output |
ob_clean(); |
@ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE); |
@apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); |
@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); |
if (isset($_GET["mime"])) |
$file = $CONVERT.'/'.$_GET["mime"].'/'.preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '.'.$_GET["mime"], $_GET["video"]); |
else |
$file = $DIR.'/'.$_GET["video"]; // The media file's location |
$size = filesize($file); // The size of the file |
$mime = mime_content_type($file); |
// Send the content type header |
header('Content-type: ' . $mime); |
// Check if it's a HTTP range request |
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])){ |
// Parse the range header to get the byte offset |
$ranges = array_map( |
'intval', // Parse the parts into integer |
explode( |
'-', // The range separator |
substr($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 6) // Skip the `bytes=` part of the header |
) |
); |
// If the last range param is empty, it means the EOF (End of File) |
if(!$ranges[1]){ |
$ranges[1] = $size - 1; |
} |
// Send the appropriate headers |
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'); |
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); |
header('Content-Length: ' . ($ranges[1] - $ranges[0])); // The size of the range |
// Send the ranges we offered |
header( |
sprintf( |
'Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d', // The header format |
$ranges[0], // The start range |
$ranges[1], // The end range |
$size // Total size of the file |
) |
); |
// It's time to output the file |
$f = fopen($file, 'rb'); // Open the file in binary mode |
$chunkSize = 8192; // The size of each chunk to output |
// Seek to the requested start range |
fseek($f, $ranges[0]); |
// Start outputting the data |
while(true){ |
// Check if we have outputted all the data requested |
if(ftell($f) >= $ranges[1]){ |
break; |
} |
// Output the data |
echo fread($f, $chunkSize); |
// Flush the buffer immediately |
@ob_flush(); |
flush(); |
} |
} |
else { |
// It's not a range request, output the file anyway |
header('Content-Length: ' . $size); |
// Read the file |
@readfile($file); |
// and flush the buffer |
@ob_flush(); |
flush(); |
} |
// } |
} else { |
?><!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<body> |
<p> |
<video controls> |
<source src="<?php echo $URL.'&play=1' ?>" type="<?php echo $mime ?>">
<?php /* <source src="<?php echo $URL.'&play=1&convert=webm' ?>" type="video/webm">*/ |
if ($d=opendir($CONVERT)) { |
while (false!==($f=readdir($d))) if ($f!='.' && $f!=".." && is_dir($CONVERT.'/'.$f)) { |
$p=$CONVERT.'/'.$f.'/'.preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '.'.$f, $_GET['video']); |
if (is_file($p)) |
echo '<source src="'.$URL.'&play=1&mime='.$f.'" type="video/'.$f.'">'; |
} |
closedir($d); |
} |
/*<source src="<?php echo $URL.'&play=1&convert=mp4' ?>" type="video/mp4"> */ ?>
Your browser does not support the video tag. |
</video><br/> |
[<a href="<?php echo $URL.'&play=1' ?>">Click to Download or copy link to VLC player</a>]
</p> |
</body> |
</html> |
<?php |
} |
} else { |
?><html> |
<body> |
<p>Video not found: "<code><?php echo htmlentities($_GET["video"]) ?></code>"</p>
</body> |
</html> |
<?php |
} |
} else { |
?><html> |
<head> |
<style> |
ul {list-style-type: none;} |
ul li {display: inline-block; text-weight: bold; border: .5ex groove green; padding: 0; margin: .5ex;} |
table {} |
td.poster {} |
img.poster {height: 210px;} |
img.preview {height: 70px;} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h1>Videofilme</h1> |
<ul> |
<?php |
if ($d=opendir($DIR)) { |
while (false!==($f=readdir($d))) if (is_file($DIR.'/'.$f)) { |
$b=ereg_replace('\.[^.]*', '', $f); |
$t=ereg_replace(' - ', '<br/>', ereg_replace('[0-9]*-[^ ]*$', '', ereg_replace('( - )?(part|[cC][dD]|[Tt][eE][iI][lL])[0-9]+', '', ereg_replace('_', ' ', htmlentities($b))))); |
if (preg_match('/.*(part|[cC][dD]|[Tt][eE][iI][lL])([0-9]+).*/', $b, $m)) |
$t.='<br/>Teil '.$m[2]; |
$t=ereg_replace('<br/>$', '', ereg_replace('(<br/>)+', '<br/>', $t)); |
echo '<li><table><tr><th colspan="2" class="poster"><a href="'.htmlentities($URL.'?video='.urlencode($f).'&play=1').'">'.$t.'</a></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3"><a href="'.htmlentities($URL.'?video='.urlencode($f)).'">'.img($b, $b, "poster").'</a></td><td>'.img("$b preview 25%", "$b-25", "preview").'</td></tr><tr><td>'.img("$b preview 50%", "$b-50", "preview").'</td></tr><tr><td>'.img("$b preview 75%", "$b-75", "preview").'</td></tr></table></li>'."\n"; |
} |
closedir($d); |
} |
?> |
</ul> |
</body> |
</html> |
<?php } ?> |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
## @id $Id$ |
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |
configdir=${sysconfdir}/${PACKAGE} |
config_DATA = default.jpg unknown-movie-folder.jpg |
webdatadir= |
html_DATA = index.php |
bin_SCRIPTS = |
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
#! /bin/bash -e |
echo "$(date) -- $0 $*" >> /tmp/movieposter.log |
# Change this for your environment |
SRC_PATH=/var/data/spielfilme |
DEFAULT=/etc/movieposter/default.jpg |
#DEFAULT=/etc/mediatomb/scripts/unknown-movie-folder.jpg |
TARGET_PATH=/var/tmp/spielfilme |
DEBUG=1 # set DEBUG to 1 for debugging |
# Normally you don't need to change this |
s,.*/,,; # remove path |
s/\.[^.]*$//; # remove extension |
s/-[^_]*$//; # remove after last dash if no _ follows |
s/_[12][90][0-9][0-9]$//; # remove year at end |
s/^[12][90][0-9][0-9]_//; # remove year at begin |
s/_*[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]*_*/_/g; # remove word in capitals only |
s/__*/_/g; # remove duplicated underscore |
s/_$//; # remove trailing whitespaces |
/[a-z]/p; # file must contain lowecase letter' |
IFS=" |
" |
function trace { |
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then |
echo "$*" 1>&2 |
fi |
} |
# get poster-link from movie database |
function findposterurl { |
# first try OpenMovieDatabase API |
url="$*" |
trace " $url" |
img=$(wget -q -O- "$url" \ |
| sed -n 's/.*Poster":"\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p'); |
if [ -n "$img" -a "$img" != "N/A" ]; then # poster image found |
echo "$img" |
return |
fi |
# then try categories movie and tv in The Movie Database |
# not using the API, because the API requires a key |
for t in movie tv; do |
url="$t?query=${*// /+}" |
trace " $url" |
img=$(wget -q -O- "$url" \ |
| html2 2> /dev/null \ |
| sed -n '0,/\/@class=poster/d; s/.*\/img\/@src=//p' \ |
| head -1) |
if [ -n "$img" -a "$img" != "N/A" ]; then # poster image found |
echo "$img" |
return |
fi |
# make sure there are not too many unsuccessful queries in short time |
sleep $SLEEP # don't want to exclude me |
done |
} |
# try to find poster-link from movie databases in two ways: |
# unchanged or by removing the last number |
function poster { |
n="$*" |
# try movie name as passed in the arguments |
img=$(findposterurl "$n") |
if [ -z "$img" ]; then |
# try without number at the end or without I at the end |
n2=$(echo "$n" | sed 's/ *[0-9]* *$//; s/ I *$//g') |
if [ "$n2" == "$n" ]; then return; fi # no number at the end |
img=$(findposterurl "$n2") |
fi |
if [ -n "$img" ]; then |
echo "$img"; |
fi |
} |
function getimage { |
f=$(echo "$1" | sed -n "$SED_FILTER") |
if [ -z "$f" ]; then |
trace "**** ingored: $1" |
return |
fi |
n=${f//_/ }; # moviename is filename with spaces instead of underscore |
t="${1%.*}.jpg" # target file name |
if test -n "$TARGET_PATH"; then |
test -d "$TARGET_PATH" || mkdir -p "$TARGET_PATH"; |
t="${TARGET_PATH}/${t##*/}" |
fi |
echo "$t" |
if [ -s "$t" ]; then |
trace "**** exists: $t" |
return |
fi # already downloaded |
# try to find movie using full filename |
trace "**** $f -> $n" |
img=$(poster "$n") |
if [ -z "$img" ]; then # no poster found, try with manipulated name |
# split filename at "_-_" and sort by length, search for the parts |
for n2 in $(echo $n | sed 's/ - /\n/g' \ |
| awk '{ print length($0) " " $0; }' | sort -r -n \ |
| cut -d ' ' -f 2-); do |
if [ "$n" = "$n2" ]; then continue; fi # same - ignore |
trace ",,,, $n -> $n2" |
img=$(poster "$n2") |
if [ -n "$img" ]; then break; fi # found |
for n3 in $(echo $n2 | sed 's/-/\n/g' \ |
| awk '{ print length($0) " " $0; }' | sort -r -n \ |
| cut -d ' ' -f 2-); do # split at -, sort by length |
if [ "$n2" = "$n3" ]; then continue; fi # same - ignore |
echo ".... $n2 -> $n3" |
img=$(poster "$n3") |
if [ -n "$img" ]; then break; fi # found |
done |
done |
fi |
if [ -n "$img" ]; then |
trace "---- Download: $img"; |
wget -q -O"$t" $img; |
if ! [ -s "$t" ]; then |
trace "==== ERROR"; rm "$t"; |
fi; |
fi; |
if ! [ -s "$t" ]; then |
trace "++++ Transcoding: $1" |
if ! ( ffmpegthumbnailer -i"$1" -o"$t" -f -s400 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && [ -s "$t" ] ); then |
trace "++++ Copy Default: $DEFAULT" |
cp "$DEFAULT" "$t" |
fi |
fi |
if [ -s "$t" ]; then |
trace "++++ INSTALLED!" |
fi |
} |
function thumbnails() { |
if ! test -f "$1"; then |
return |
fi |
t="${1%.*}" # target file name |
if test -n "$TARGET_PATH"; then |
test -d "$TARGET_PATH" || mkdir -p "$TARGET_PATH"; |
t="${TARGET_PATH}/${t##*/}" |
fi |
for p in "25%" "50%" "75%"; do |
t2="${t}-${p%\%}.jpg" |
if test -s "$t2"; then |
continue; |
fi |
trace "++++ Thumbnail: ${t2}" |
if ! ( ffmpegthumbnailer -i"$1" -o"${t2}" -s400 -t"${p}" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && [ -s "$t2" ] ); then |
rm "$t2" |
fi |
done |
} |
#### MAIN ############################################################# |
while (( "$#" )); do |
arg=$1 |
shift |
case "$arg" in |
(-h|--help) |
cat<<EOF |
1) copy image from a movie file: |
$0 in-movie-path out-image-path |
2) scan sourcedir and cache images for all files |
$0 |
3) other options: |
-h, --help show this help |
exit $# |
;; |
(*) |
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
echo "**** ERROR! call: $0 --help" 1>&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
cp $(getimage "$arg") "$1" |
exit 0 |
;; |
esac |
done |
trace "******** $0 ********" |
# scan all the movie files and also the directories |
# assuming the file name contains the movie title in some predefined way |
# find all files and subdirectories take newline as separator |
SLEEP=10 |
for f in $(find $SRC_PATH/ \( -name '*.jpg' -prune \) -o -type f -print); do |
getimage "$f" > /dev/null |
thumbnails "$f" |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
#! /bin/bash |
SRC="/var/data/spielfilme" |
DST="/var/tmp/spielfilme/webm" |
for f in $(find "$SRC" \( -name '*.jpg' -prune \) -o -type f -print); do |
t="${f/$SRC/$DST}" |
t="${t%.*}.webm" |
if test -s "${t}"; then |
continue; |
fi |
test -d "${t%/*}" || mkdir -p "${t%/*}" |
#ffmpeg -i "$f" -b 1500k -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 160000 -f webm -g 30 "$t" |
avconv -i "$f" "$t" |
if ( ! test -s "${t}" ) && ( test -e "$t" ); then |
rm "$t" |
fi |
done |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Reference in new issue