@ -9,8 +9,122 @@ |
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
var socket = io.connect(); |
var container = []; |
function DockerContainers() { |
var Status = Object.freeze({ |
Error: "red", |
Terminated: "yellow", |
Restarting: "lightblue", |
Paused: "lightgrey", |
Running: "lightgreen" |
}); |
var containers = []; |
var nodes = []; |
this.graph = function() { |
var res = ""; |
console.log("nodes["+nodes.length+"]=", nodes); |
for (name in nodes) { |
var n = nodes[name]; |
var label = n.name+'\\n'+n.image; |
res += '"'+n.name+'"' |
+' [label="'+label |
+'",URL="details('+"'"+n.name+"'" |
+')",style=filled,fillcolor='+n.status+"];\n"; |
} |
res += "{rank=same;\n"; |
for (name in nodes) { |
var n = nodes[name]; |
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) { |
res += '"'+v.id+'" [label="'+v.inside+'",shape=box];\n'; |
}); |
} |
res+="}\n"; |
res += "{rank=same;\n"; |
for (name in nodes) { |
var n = nodes[name]; |
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) { |
if (v.host) |
res += '"'+v.outside+'" [label="'+v.host+'",shape=box];\n'; |
}); |
} |
res+="}\n"; |
for (name in nodes) { |
var n = nodes[name]; |
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) { |
if (v.host) |
res += '"'+v.id+'" -> "'+v.outside+'"\n'; |
}); |
} |
for (name in nodes) { |
var n = nodes[name]; |
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) { |
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+v.id+'"\n'; |
}); |
} |
return res; |
} |
function setup() { |
delete nodes; nodes=[]; |
containers.forEach(function(c) { |
var name = c.Name.replace(/^\//, ""); |
nodes[name] = {}; |
console.log("container: "+name); |
nodes[name].name = name; |
nodes[name].image = c.Config.Image; |
nodes[name].ports = []; |
var ports = c.NetworkSettings.Ports || c.NetworkSettings.PortBindings; |
if (ports) |
for (var port in ports) |
if (ports[port]) |
for (var expose in ports[port]) { |
var ip = ports[port][expose].HostIp; |
if (ip==""||ip==""||ip=="") ip=null; |
nodes[name].ports.push({ |
internal: port, |
external: ports[port][expose].HostPort, |
ip: ip |
}); |
} |
if (c.State.Running) nodes[name].status = Status.Running; |
else if (c.State.Paused) nodes[name].status = Status.Paused; |
else if (c.State.Restarting) nodes[name].status = Status.Restarting; |
else if (c.State.ExitCode == 0) nodes[name].status = Status.Terminated; |
else nodes[name].status = Status.Error; |
nodes[name].volumes = []; |
var volumes = c.Volumes || c.Config.Volumes; |
nodes[name].volumes = []; |
if (volumes) |
for (var volume in volumes) { |
var outside = (typeof volumes[volume]=="string")?volumes[volume]:null; |
nodes[name].volumes.push({ |
id: volume+':'+(outside?outside:name), |
inside: volume, |
outside: outside, |
host: outside && !outside.match(/^\/var\/lib\/docker/) |
? volumes[volume] : null |
}); |
} |
nodes[name].volumesfrom = c.VolumesFrom; |
nodes[name].links = []; |
if (c.HostConfig && c.HostConfig.Links) |
c.HostConfig.Links.forEach(function(l) { |
nodes[name].links.push({ |
to: l.replace(/^\/?([^:]*).*$/, "$1"), |
link: l.replace(new RegExp("^.*:/?"+name+"/"), "") |
}); |
}); |
console.log(nodes[name]); |
}); |
} |
this.setContainers = function(c) { |
if (typeof c == "string") c = JSON.parse(c); |
if (typeof c != "object") throw "wrong format: "+(typeof c); |
containers = c; |
setup(); |
} |
} |
var dc = new DockerContainers(); |
/// Show error messsage
/** Fades in an error message and logs to console. |
@ -176,6 +290,7 @@ function rotateviz() { |
function showviz(vizpath) { |
$("#imagetools").show(); |
viz = vizpath; |
console.log("DRAW: "+viz); |
res = "digraph {\n"+" rankdir="+rankdir+";\n"+viz+"\n}"; |
try { |
zoomlevel = 0; |
@ -246,7 +361,8 @@ function imgs() { |
function containers(c) { |
console.log("->rcv containers"); |
console.log(c); |
dc.setContainers(c); |
showviz(dc.graph()); |
} |
/// Initial Function: Startup