removed version, refs #101; implemented new temporaryfile handler and improved save, refs #51; partial changes for refs #79 and solved #104
13 changed files with 1271 additions and 227 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
#ifndef __PDFDISPLAY_HPP__ |
#define __PDFDISPLAY_HPP__ |
#include <QtCore/QFile> |
#include <QtGui/QApplication> |
#include <QtGui/QImage> |
#include <QtGui/QLabel> |
#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent> |
#include <QtGui/QPainter> |
#include <QtGui/QPaintEvent> |
#include <QtGui/QToolTip> |
#include <QtGui/QWidget> |
#include <QtCore/QDebug> |
#include <poppler/qt4/poppler-qt4.h> |
class PDFDisplay : public QWidget // picture display widget
{ |
public: |
PDFDisplay( Poppler::Document *d, bool arthur ) |
{ |
showTextRects = false; |
doc = d; |
m_currentPage = 0; |
if (arthur) |
{ |
backendString = "Arthur"; |
doc->setRenderBackend(Poppler::Document::ArthurBackend); |
} |
else |
{ |
backendString = "Splash"; |
doc->setRenderBackend(Poppler::Document::SplashBackend); |
} |
doc->setRenderHint(Poppler::Document::Antialiasing, true); |
doc->setRenderHint(Poppler::Document::TextAntialiasing, true); |
} |
~PDFDisplay() |
{ |
qDeleteAll(textRects); |
delete doc; |
} |
void setShowTextRects(bool show) |
{ |
showTextRects = show; |
} |
void display() |
{ |
if (doc) { |
Poppler::Page *page = doc->page(m_currentPage); |
if (page) { |
qDebug() << "Displaying page using" << backendString << "backend: " << m_currentPage; |
QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); |
image = page->renderToImage(); |
qDebug() << "Rendering took" << t.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "msecs"; |
qDeleteAll(textRects); |
if (showTextRects) |
{ |
QPainter painter(&image); |
painter.setPen(Qt::red); |
textRects = page->textList(); |
for (auto tb(textRects.begin()); tb!=textRects.end(); ++tb) |
painter.drawRect((*tb)->boundingBox()); |
} |
else textRects.clear(); |
update(); |
delete page; |
} |
} else { |
qWarning() << "doc not loaded"; |
} |
} |
protected: |
void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) |
{ |
QPainter paint( this ); // paint widget
if (!image.isNull()) { |
paint.drawImage(0, 0, image); |
} else { |
qWarning() << "null image"; |
} |
} |
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) |
{ |
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) |
{ |
if (m_currentPage + 1 < doc->numPages()) |
{ |
m_currentPage++; |
display(); |
} |
} |
else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) |
{ |
if (m_currentPage > 0) |
{ |
m_currentPage--; |
display(); |
} |
} |
else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Q) |
{ |
exit(0); |
} |
} |
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) |
{ |
int i = 0; |
for (auto tb(textRects.begin()); tb!=textRects.end(); ++tb) |
{ |
if ((*tb)->boundingBox().contains(e->pos())) |
{ |
QString tt = QString("Text: \"%1\"\nIndex in text list: %2").arg((*tb)->text()).arg(i); |
QToolTip::showText(e->globalPos(), tt, this); |
break; |
} |
++i; |
} |
} |
private: |
int m_currentPage; |
QImage image; |
Poppler::Document *doc; |
QString backendString; |
bool showTextRects; |
QList<Poppler::TextBox*> textRects; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
/*! @file
@id $Id$ |
*/ |
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#include <QtWebKit/QWebPluginFactory> |
#include <poppler/qt4/poppler-qt4.h> |
#include <pdfdisplay.hpp> |
#include <QtCore/QDebug> |
#ifndef LOG |
#define LOG qDebug()<<__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ |
#endif |
#define foreach(A, B) \ |
auto foreach_loopvar_##A(B); \
for (auto A(foreach_loopvar_##A.begin()); A!=foreach_loopvar_##A.end(); ++A) |
class PluginFactory: public QWebPluginFactory { |
public: |
PluginFactory(QObject* p=0): QWebPluginFactory(p) { |
LOG; |
Plugin plugin; |
|||| = "Show PDF-Document"; |
plugin.description = "Plugin for PDF documents"; |
MimeType mime; |
mime.fileExtensions<<"pdf"; |
|||| = "application/pdf"; |
mime.description = "PDF-Document"; |
plugin.mimeTypes<<mime; |
_plugins.push_back(plugin); |
} |
virtual QObject* create(const QString& mimeType, const QUrl& url, |
const QStringList& argumentNames, |
const QStringList& argumentValues ) const { |
LOG<<"mimeType:"<<mimeType |
<<"url:"<<url |
<<"argumentNames:"<<argumentNames.join(", ") |
<<"argumentValues:"<<argumentValues.join(", "); |
if (mimeType=="application/pdf") { |
Poppler::Document *doc = Poppler::Document::load(url.path()); |
assert(doc); |
assert(!doc->isLocked()); |
// output some meta-data
int major = 0, minor = 0; |
doc->getPdfVersion( &major, &minor ); |
qDebug() << " PDF Version: " << qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("%1.%2").arg(major).arg(minor)); |
qDebug() << " Title: " << doc->info("Title"); |
qDebug() << " Subject: " << doc->info("Subject"); |
qDebug() << " Author: " << doc->info("Author"); |
qDebug() << " Key words: " << doc->info("Keywords"); |
qDebug() << " Creator: " << doc->info("Creator"); |
qDebug() << " Producer: " << doc->info("Producer"); |
qDebug() << " Date created: " << doc->date("CreationDate").toString(); |
qDebug() << " Date modified: " << doc->date("ModDate").toString(); |
qDebug() << "Number of pages: " << doc->numPages(); |
qDebug() << " Linearised: " << doc->isLinearized(); |
qDebug() << " Encrypted: " << doc->isEncrypted(); |
qDebug() << " OK to print: " << doc->okToPrint(); |
qDebug() << " OK to copy: " << doc->okToCopy(); |
qDebug() << " OK to change: " << doc->okToChange(); |
qDebug() << "OK to add notes: " << doc->okToAddNotes(); |
qDebug() << " Page mode: " << doc->pageMode(); |
qDebug() << " Metadata: " << doc->metadata(); |
QStringList fontNameList; |
foreach(font, doc->fonts()) |
fontNameList += font->name(); |
qDebug() << " Fonts: " << fontNameList.join( ", " ); |
if ( doc->hasEmbeddedFiles() ) { |
qDebug() << "Embedded files:"; |
foreach(file, doc->embeddedFiles()) { |
qDebug() << " " << (*file)->name(); |
} |
qDebug(); |
} else { |
qDebug() << "No embedded files"; |
} |
if (doc->numPages() <= 0) |
{ |
delete doc; |
qDebug() << "Doc has no pages"; |
return 0; |
} |
{ |
std::auto_ptr<Poppler::Page> page(doc->page(0)); |
qDebug() << "Page 1 size: " << page->pageSize().width()/72 << "inches x " << page->pageSize().height()/72 << "inches"; |
} |
bool useArthur(false); |
PDFDisplay* test(new PDFDisplay(doc, useArthur)); |
test->setWindowTitle("Poppler-Qt4 Test"); |
test->setShowTextRects(false); |
test->display(); |
test->show(); |
// QMainWindow* main(new QMainWindow);
// main->setCentralWidget(test);
// main->show();
return test; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
virtual QList<Plugin> plugins() const { |
LOG; |
return _plugins; |
} |
virtual void refreshPlugins() { |
LOG; |
} |
private: |
QList<Plugin> _plugins; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
/*! @file
@id $Id$ |
*/ |
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#ifndef __SAVEORRUN_HXX__ |
#define __SAVEORRUN_HXX__ |
#include <ui_saveorrun.h> |
#include <QtGui/QDialog> |
#include <QtGui/QFileDialog> |
#include <QtGui/QFileSystemModel> |
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox> |
#include <memory> |
class SaveOrRun: public QDialog, protected Ui::SaveOrRun { |
public: |
SaveOrRun(QString obj, QString type, QString src, |
bool kiosk=false, QWidget* p=0): |
QDialog(p), _ok(false) { |
setupUi(this); |
_object->setText(obj); |
_type->setText(type); |
_source->setText(src); |
QString path(QDir::homePath()); |
QStringList defpaths; |
defpaths<<"downloads"<<"Downloads"<<"Documents" |
<<tr("Dokumente", "Documents folder in local language") |
<<"Desktop" |
<<tr("Arbeitsfläche", "Desktop folder in local language"); |
for (auto it(defpaths.begin()); it!=defpaths.end(); ++it) |
if (QFile::exists(QDir::homePath()+QDir::separator()+*it)) { |
path = QDir::homePath()+QDir::separator()+*it; |
break; |
} |
_filename->setText(path+QDir::separator()+obj); |
_program->setText(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() |
+QDir::separator()); |
// if (kiosk) {
// _openWith->hide();
// _program->hide();
// _programpath->hide();
// _saveAs->hide();
// _filenamelabel->setText(_saveAs->text()+' '+_filenamelabel->text());
// }
} |
void init() { |
_ok = false; |
} |
bool save() { |
return _saveAs->isChecked(); |
} |
bool run() { |
return _openWith->isChecked(); |
} |
bool ok() { |
return _ok; |
} |
QString filename() { |
return _filename->text(); |
} |
QString program() { |
return _program->text(); |
} |
public Q_SLOTS: |
virtual void accept() { |
if (save() && QFileInfo(filename()).exists() |
&& QMessageBox::question(this, tr("File Exists"), |
tr("File already exists:\n\n" |
"%1\n\n" |
"Overwrite?").arg(filename()), |
QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No) |
== QMessageBox::No |
|| run() && (!QFile::exists(program()) |
|| !QFileInfo(program()).isExecutable()) |
|| save() && filename().size()==0 |
|| run() && program().size()==0) |
return; // reject
_ok = true; |
QDialog::accept(); |
} |
protected Q_SLOTS: |
void on__browseSaveAs_clicked(bool) { |
QString saveFile |
(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File As ..."), |
_filename->text(), QString(), 0, |
QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite)); |
if (!saveFile.size()) return; |
if (QFileInfo(saveFile).isDir()) |
saveFile += QDir::separator()+_object->text(); |
_filename->setText(saveFile); |
} |
void on__browseOpenWith_clicked(bool) { |
QString openFile |
(QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File With ..."), |
_program->text())); |
if (openFile.size()) _program->setText(openFile); |
} |
private: |
bool _ok; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ |
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<string>Type:</string> |
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</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>...</string> |
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<property name="textInteractionFlags"> |
<set>Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse</set> |
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</widget> |
</item> |
<item row="3" column="0"> |
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="_openWith"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>open file with:</string> |
</property> |
</widget> |
</item> |
<item row="3" column="1" colspan="2"> |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="_program"> |
<property name="enabled"> |
<bool>false</bool> |
</property> |
</widget> |
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<widget class="QPushButton" name="_browseOpenWith"> |
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<property name="text"> |
<string>browse ...</string> |
</property> |
</widget> |
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<item row="4" column="0"> |
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="_saveAs"> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>save file as</string> |
</property> |
<property name="checked"> |
<bool>true</bool> |
</property> |
</widget> |
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</item> |
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</property> |
<property name="text"> |
<string>browse ...</string> |
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<resources/> |
<connections> |
<connection> |
<sender>buttonBox</sender> |
<signal>accepted()</signal> |
<receiver>SaveOrRun</receiver> |
<slot>accept()</slot> |
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<y>254</y> |
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<x>157</x> |
<y>274</y> |
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</hints> |
</connection> |
<connection> |
<sender>buttonBox</sender> |
<signal>rejected()</signal> |
<receiver>SaveOrRun</receiver> |
<slot>reject()</slot> |
<hints> |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
<x>316</x> |
<y>260</y> |
</hint> |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
<x>286</x> |
<y>274</y> |
</hint> |
</hints> |
</connection> |
<connection> |
<sender>_openWith</sender> |
<signal>toggled(bool)</signal> |
<receiver>_program</receiver> |
<slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot> |
<hints> |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
<x>105</x> |
<y>170</y> |
</hint> |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
<x>232</x> |
<y>172</y> |
</hint> |
</hints> |
</connection> |
<connection> |
<sender>_saveAs</sender> |
<signal>toggled(bool)</signal> |
<receiver>_filename</receiver> |
<slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot> |
<hints> |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
<x>92</x> |
<y>463</y> |
</hint> |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
<x>220</x> |
<y>463</y> |
</hint> |
</hints> |
</connection> |
<connection> |
<sender>_openWith</sender> |
<signal>toggled(bool)</signal> |
<receiver>_browseOpenWith</receiver> |
<slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot> |
<hints> |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
<x>82</x> |
<y>79</y> |
</hint> |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
<x>531</x> |
<y>79</y> |
</hint> |
</hints> |
</connection> |
<connection> |
<sender>_saveAs</sender> |
<signal>toggled(bool)</signal> |
<receiver>_browseSaveAs</receiver> |
<slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot> |
<hints> |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
<x>82</x> |
<y>109</y> |
</hint> |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
<x>531</x> |
<y>109</y> |
</hint> |
</hints> |
</connection> |
</connections> |
</ui> |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
/*! @file
@id $Id$ |
*/ |
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#include <QtCore/QTemporaryFile> |
#include <QtCore/QRegExp> |
#include <QtCore/QDebug> |
class TemporaryFile: public QFile { |
public: |
TemporaryFile(QString filename): _autoRemove(false) { |
if (exists(filename)) { |
QString prefix(filename); |
QString suffix(filename); |
prefix.remove(QRegExp("\\.[^.]*$")); |
suffix.remove(QRegExp("^.*\\.")); |
qDebug()<<"filename"<<filename |
<<"prefix"<<prefix |
<<"suffix"<<suffix; |
if (prefix==suffix) suffix.clear(); |
for (unsigned long i(0); i<10000; ++i) |
if (!exists(filename = |
QString("%1_%2.%3") |
.arg(prefix) |
.arg(i, 4, 10, QChar('0')) |
.arg(suffix))) break; |
} |
qDebug()<<"filename"<<filename; |
setFileName(filename); |
} |
bool open() { |
return QFile::open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); |
} |
void setAutoRemove(bool flag) { |
_autoRemove = flag; |
} |
~TemporaryFile() { |
qDebug()<<"_autoRemove"<<_autoRemove |
<<"exists()"<<exists(); |
if (_autoRemove && exists()) { |
qDebug()<<"Remove: "<<fileName(); |
remove(); |
} else { |
qDebug()<<"Don't remove: "<<fileName(); |
} |
} |
private: |
bool _autoRemove; |
}; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue