14 changed files with 574 additions and 6 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
/*! @file
@id $Id$ |
*/ |
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#include <ui_certificate.hxx> |
#include <QtCore/QDateTime> |
#include <QTreeWidget> |
#include <QTreeWidgetItem> |
#include <QtNetwork/QSslCertificate> |
#include <QMdiSubWindow> |
#include <QtCore/QDebug> |
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 |
namespace QSsl { |
typedef AlternativeNameEntryType AlternateNameEntryType; |
} |
#endif |
class Certificate: public QWidget, protected Ui::Certificate { |
public: |
Certificate(QWidget * parent = 0): QWidget(parent) { |
setupUi(this); |
} |
Certificate& certificate(const QSslCertificate& cert) { |
_certificate = cert; |
_cert->clear(); |
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 |
if (!cert.isValid()) return *this; |
#endif |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<tr("Valid Since") |
<<cert.effectiveDate().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate)))); |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<tr("Valid Until") |
<<cert.expiryDate().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate)))); |
if (!cert.subjectInfo(QByteArray("serialNumber")).isEmpty()) { |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<tr("SuisseID Number") |
<<cert.subjectInfo(QByteArray("serialNumber"))))); |
} |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<tr("Certificate Serial Number") |
<<cert.serialNumber()))); |
// _cert->addTopLevelItem
// ((new QTreeWidgetItem
// (QStringList()<<tr("Version")
// <<cert.version())));
QTreeWidgetItem *it(0); |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((it = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList()<<tr("Subject Info")<<""))); |
for (QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo |
si(QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName); |
si>=QSslCertificate::Organization; |
si=(QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo)((int)si-1)) |
if (!cert.subjectInfo(si).isEmpty()) |
it->addChild |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<subjectInfo(si)<<cert.subjectInfo(si)))); |
QTreeWidgetItem *it2(0); |
it->addChild |
((it2 = new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<tr("Alternate Subject")<<""))); |
QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType, QString> |
#if QT_VERSION <0x050000 |
asns(cert.alternateSubjectNames()) |
#else |
asns(cert.subjectAlternativeNames()) |
#endif |
; |
for (QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType, QString>::iterator |
asn(asns.begin()); asn!=asns.end(); ++asn) |
it2->addChild |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<alternateName(asn.key())<<asn.value()))); |
_cert->addTopLevelItem |
((it = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList()<<tr("Issuer Info")<<""))); |
for (QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo |
si(QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName); |
si>=QSslCertificate::Organization; |
si=(QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo)((int)si-1)) |
if (!cert.issuerInfo(si).isEmpty()) |
it->addChild |
((new QTreeWidgetItem |
(QStringList()<<subjectInfo(si)<<cert.issuerInfo(si)))); |
_cert->expandAll(); |
_cert->resizeColumnToContents(0); |
_cert->resizeColumnToContents(1); |
return *this; |
} |
QSslCertificate certificate() { |
return _certificate; |
} |
QString alternateName(QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType an) { |
switch (an) { |
case QSsl::EmailEntry: return tr("E-Mail"); |
case QSsl::DnsEntry: return tr("URL"); |
} |
return tr("error", "unknown certificate subject alternate name"); |
} |
QString subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo si) { |
switch (si) { |
case QSslCertificate::Organization: |
return tr("Organization"); |
case QSslCertificate::CommonName: |
return tr("Common Name"); |
case QSslCertificate::LocalityName: |
return tr("Locality"); |
case QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName: |
return tr("Organizational Unit"); |
case QSslCertificate::CountryName: |
return tr("Country"); |
case QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName: |
return tr("State or Province"); |
} |
return tr("error", "unknown certificate subject info"); |
} |
protected: |
QSslCertificate _certificate; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
/*! @file
@id $Id$ |
*/ |
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#include <ui_openfromurl.hxx> |
#include <QDialog> |
#include <QNetworkAccessManager> |
#include <QNetworkReply> |
class OpenFromURL: public QDialog, public Ui::OpenFromURL { |
public: |
OpenFromURL(QWidget* p): QDialog(p) { |
setupUi(this); |
} |
QString url() { |
return _url->currentText(); |
} |
void read() { |
QNetworkReply* reply |
(_net.head(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("https://"+_url->currentText())))); |
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(finished())); |
connect(reply, SIGNAL(encrypted()), SLOT(encrypted())); |
connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList<QSslError>&)), |
SLOT(sslErrors(const QList<QSslError>&))); |
connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), |
SLOT(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); |
} |
signals: |
void certificate(QUrl, QSslCertificate); |
protected slots: |
void on__buttons_accepted() { |
_url->addItem(_url->currentText()); |
} |
void finished() { |
qDebug()<<"finished"; |
QNetworkReply* reply(dynamic_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender())); |
QList<QSslCertificate> certs(reply->sslConfiguration() |
.peerCertificateChain()); |
qDebug()<<"number of peer certificates: "<<certs.size(); |
if (certs.size()) { |
Q_FOREACH(QSslCertificate cert, certs) {
certificate(reply->url(), cert);
} |
} else { |
QSslCertificate cert(reply->sslConfiguration().peerCertificate()); |
if (!cert.isNull()) { |
certificate(reply->url(), cert); |
} else { |
qDebug()<<"no peer certificate found"; |
} |
} |
} |
void encrypted() { |
qDebug()<<"encrypted"; |
} |
void sslErrors(const QList<QSslError>& errors) { |
qDebug()<<"sslErrors"; |
} |
void error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code) { |
qDebug()<<"error"; |
} |
private: |
QNetworkAccessManager _net; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
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Reference in new issue