This library provides a simple and nice C++ wrapper around these libraries, so that programmers can concentrate on functionality. It offers general support for PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11, plus specific functionality for the SuisseID.
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C++ Library for accessing PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11
The Libraries for accessing smartcard tokens are written in ugly C,
moving around pointers with no memory management. This library
provides a simple and nice C++ wrapper around these libraries, so that
programmers can concentrate on functionality. It offers general
support for PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11, plus specific functionality
for the SuisseID.
There are several [Namespaces](namespaces.html) which correspond to the [Modules](modules.html) that are implemented. All libraries libraries deal with hardware token cryptography. Some libraries are just clean C++-wrappers around the original libraries that are implemented in ugliest C manner. The warppers care about memory- and resource-management and implement a simple and easy C++ interface, including std::string for binary data and exceptions for error handling.
For special documentations, such as global overviews and tutorials, please refere to [Pages](pages.html).
The library contains the following [modules](modules.html):
- [Siemens CardOS 4.4](group__gcardos.html):
APDU access to Siemens CardOS 4.4.
CardOS is an operating system on Siemens smart cards.
- [Cryptoki API / PKCS#11](group__gcryptoki.html):
C++ wrapper around higher level PKCS#11 smart card access.
Cryptoki, also known as PKCS#11 is a higher level API.
- [OpenSSL](group__gopenssl.html):
C++ wrapper around some OpenSSL functionality.
OpenSSL is a high level cryptography library.
- [PCSC-Lite](group__gpcsc.html):
C++ wrapper around PCSC-Lite smart card reader access library.
PCSC-Lite is a middleware to access a smart card using SCard API.
- [SuisseID](group__gsuisseid.html):
High level functions for the SuisseID hardware token.
SuisseID is a standardized digital identity in Switzerland.
- [Crypto](group__gcrypto,html):
Crypto implements some auxiliary crypto funtions.
See [Overview of the Components](mainoverview.html) to get a graphical overview on the module structure and the hardware interaction.
In the Web
- The official project page is on:
- The official documentation is on:
- The official repositories are on:
Missing a Feature, Found a Bug
You are missing a feature, or an implementation is too incomplete for the purpose you need it? Or you even found a bug? Just register and open an issue [on the project management page](