#!/bin/bash -e
# pass your docker hub login name as $1, defaults to your user name
# you should have a repositories named ubuntu and debian
# if you have your own repository, you can also prepend it:
# my.repo.url:5000/myname the script will then append ubuntu or debian
# e.g. to my.repo.url:5000/myname/ubuntu:trusty-amd64
# please login to docker before you start this script
docker_user = ${ 1 :- ${ docker_user :- $( id -un) } }
if test -f /etc/setup-debootstrap.conf; then
. /etc/setup-debootstrap.conf
if test -f ~/setup-debootstrap.conf; then
. ~/setup-debootstrap.conf
tmpdir = ${ tmpdir :- "/var/tmp/chroots" }
test -d " ${ tmpdir } " || mkdir -p " ${ tmpdir } "
docker_user = ${ docker_user :- ${ USER } }
if test -z " ${ ports [@] } " ; then
#ports=( armhf powerpc ppc64el s390x arm64 )
#qemus=( arm ppc ppc64 s390x aarch64 )
ports = ( armhf )
qemus = ( arm )
numports = ${# ports [@] }
if test -z " $archs " ; then
case " $( dpkg --print-architecture) " in
( amd64) archs = "amd64 i386" ; ;
( *) archs = $( dpkg --print-architecture) ; ;
for ( ( i = 0; i<$numports ; ++i) ) ; do
if test -x /usr/bin/qemu-${ qemus [ $i ] } -static; then
archs += " ${ ports [ $i ] } "
ubuntu_qt5 = "yakkety xenial wily vivid trusty"
debian_qt5 = "jessie sid"
debian_qt4 = ""
# not yet successfully installable: debian stretch and buster
ubuntu = ( " ${ ubuntu_qt5 } " )
debian = ( " ${ debian_qt5 } " " ${ debian_qt4 } " )
distros = ( ${ distros :- " ${ ubuntu [@] } " " ${ debian [@] } " } )
packages_qt5 = "libpoppler-qt5-dev libpodofo-dev libqt5designer5 libqt5svg5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qt5-default qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools"
packages_qt4 = "libqt4-core libqt4-designer libqt4-dev libqt4-webkit qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake"
# |libqtcore4 |libqtwebkit-dev |libp11-kit-dev|libgnutls-dev
packages_base = "apt-transport-https automake autotools-dev binutils-dev debhelper default-jdk-headless doxygen dpkg-dev g++ git graphviz libboost-thread-dev libcppunit-dev liblog4cxx-dev libpcsclite-dev libpkcs11-helper1-dev libproxy-dev libssl-dev libtool libz-dev lsb-release mscgen nodejs pandoc pkg-config software-properties-common subversion subversion-tools texinfo xvfb"
package_not_in_wily = "default-jdk-headless"
if test -z " ${ packages [@] } " ; then
packages = ( " ${ packages_base } ${ packages_qt5 } " " ${ packages_base } ${ packages_qt5 } " " ${ packages_base } ${ packages_qt4 } " )
if test -z " ${ index } " -a " ${# distros [@] } " -ne " ${# packages [@] } " ; then
echo "**** ERROR: number of distribution lists doesn't match package lists" 1>& 2
echo " distribution lists: ${# distros [@] } " 1>& 2
echo " package lists: ${# packages [@] } " 1>& 2
exit 1
fastmode = 0;
limit =
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
case " $1 " in
( -f| --fastmode) fastmode = 1; ;
( -l| --limit) shift; limit = $1 ; ;
( *)
echo " **** ERROR: unknown option $1 " 1>& 2
exit 1; ;
error( ) {
tmpdir = $2
disto = $3
arch = $4
echo " **** ERROR at ${ 0 } : ${ 1 } " 1>& 2
echo " .... on $( eval echo \" ${ BASH_COMMAND } \" ) " 1>& 2
echo " .... tmpdir= $tmpdir arch= $arch distro= $distro " 1>& 2
exit 1
for ( ( i = 0; i<${# distros [@] } ; ++i) ) ; do
package = " ${ packages [ ${ index :- $i } ] } "
for distro in ${ distros [ $i ] } ; do
prevent = package_not_in_${ distro } ;
instpkgs = ${ package }
for pkg in ${ !prevent } ; do
instpkgs = ${ instpkgs // ${ pkg } / }
if test -n " $limit " -a " $distro " != " $limit " ; then
if ! test -e /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/${ distro } ; then
echo " **** WARNING: skipping unsupported ${ distro } " 1>& 2
continue ;
ubuntus = " ${ ubuntu [@] } "
if test " ${ ubuntus // ${ distro } / } " != " ${ ubuntus } " ; then
type = "ubuntu"
type = "debian"
for arch in ${ archs } ; do
trap 'error "${LINENO}" "${tmpdir}" "${disto}" "${arch}"' ERR SIGINT
echo " ******** process $type $distro $arch ******** " 1>& 2
if test -d " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " ; then
echo " ++++ already exists ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
if test $fastmode -eq 1; then
continue ;
if test " $( dpkg --print-architecture) " = " $arch " -o \( " $( dpkg --print-architecture) " = amd64 -a " $arch " = i386 \) ; then
echo " ---- install ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo debootstrap --arch= " $arch " " $distro " " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } "
for ( ( i = 0; $i <$numports ; ++i) ) ; do
if test " ${ ports [ $i ] } " = " ${ arch } " ; then
qemu = " ${ qemus [ $i ] } "
if ! test -e /usr/bin/qemu-${ qemu } -static; then
echo " **** WARNING: no emulator ${ qemu } found, skipping ${ arch } " 1>& 2
continue ;
arch = ${ arch #*- }
echo " ---- install on $qemu ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo debootstrap --foreign --arch= " $arch " " $distro " " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } "
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-${ qemu } -static " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } /usr/bin/qemu- ${ qemu } -static "
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND = noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN = true LC_ALL = C LANGUAGE = C LANG = C chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage || \
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true -y -f install && \
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND = noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN = true LC_ALL = C LANGUAGE = C LANG = C chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND = noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN = true LC_ALL = C LANGUAGE = C LANG = C chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " dpkg --configure -a
echo " ---- mount filesystems in ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
for x in proc sys dev; do
if mount | grep -q " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /$x ; then
sudo umount -flr " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /$x
sudo mount -t proc proc " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /proc
sudo mount -t sysfs sys " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /sys
sudo mount -o bind /dev " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /dev
echo " ---- preconfigure debian packages in ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " debconf-set-selections <<EOF
console-setup console-setup/fontsize-fb47 select 8x16
console-setup console-setup/fontface47 select Fixed
console-setup console-setup/charmap47 select UTF-8
console-setup console-setup/store_defaults_in_debconf_db boolean true
keyboard-configuration console-setup/ask_detect boolean false
keyboard-configuration console-setup/detected note
console-setup console-setup/fontsize string 8x16
console-setup console-setup/fontsize-text47 select 8x16
console-setup console-setup/codesetcode string Uni2
keyboard-configuration console-setup/detect detect-keyboard
console-setup console-setup/codeset47 select . Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Greek
echo " ---- prevent packages in ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
for f in "dbus" "libpam-systemd*" "packagekit*" "policykit*" "colord" ; do
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " <<EOF1
if ! grep -q " Package: $f " /etc/apt/preferences; then
cat >> /etc/apt/preferences <<EOF2
Package: $f
Pin-Priority: -100
echo " ---- upgrade ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true update
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true -y -f install
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true -y upgrade
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common || \
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true install -y software-properties-common
if test " ${ distro } " != "jessie" -a " ${ distro } " != "sid" ; then
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " add-apt-repository universe || \
( test " $type " != "debian" && \
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " add-apt-repository " deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ${ distro } universe " )
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true update
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true -y dist-upgrade
echo " ---- cleanup ${ instpkgs } to ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true autoremove --purge -y
echo " ---- install ${ instpkgs } to ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
sudo chroot " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4= true install -y ${ instpkgs }
echo " ---- unmount filesystems in ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
for x in proc sys dev; do
if mount | grep -q " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /$x ; then
sudo umount -flr " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } " /$x
echo " ---- import ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } to ${ docker_user } / ${ type } : ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
cd " ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } "
sudo tar c . | docker import - " ${ docker_user } / ${ type } : ${ distro } - ${ arch } "
echo " ---- push ${ tmpdir } / ${ distro } - ${ arch } to ${ docker_user } / ${ type } : ${ distro } - ${ arch } " 1>& 2
docker push " ${ docker_user } / ${ type } : ${ distro } - ${ arch } "