Template to bootstrap configure/automake projects for C++, libtool, Qt, NodeJS, PHP, Shell-Scripts, etc. Extends autotools, by building packages for Debian and RPM, specifying generic library dependencies, creating desktop applications with icons, etc. https://mrw.sh/development/bootstrap-build-environment
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#! /bin/bash -ex
## @id $Id$
## Resolve RPM Build Dependencies
## Installs all the required packages
## Call: ./resolve-rpmbuilddeps 'name of build schroot'
## e.g. call: ./resolve-rpmbuilddeps opensuse-13.2_x86_64
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
INSTALL_TOOL=${INSTALL_TOOL:-$((test -x /usr/bin/zypper && echo zypper) || (test -x /usr/bin/dnf && echo dnf) || (test -x /usr/bin/yum && echo yum))}
PACKAGE_NAME=$(sed -n 's/^ *m4_define(x_package_name, \(.*\)).*/\1/p' configure.ac)
if test -n "${SCHROOTNAME}"; then
schroot -c ${SCHROOTNAME} -u root -- ${INSTALL_TOOL} install -y rpm-build automake libtool subversion gcc-c++ pkgconfig
schroot -c ${SCHROOTNAME} -u root -- ./bootstrap.sh -c
TGZFILE=$(grep PACKAGE_STRING= configure | sed "s, ,-,g;s,PACKAGE_STRING=',,g;s,',.tar.gz,g")
touch $TGZFILE
FILES=$(LANG= schroot -c ${SCHROOTNAME} -- rpmbuild -bb --clean --nobuild --define "_topdir ." --define "_sourcedir ." ${PACKAGE_NAME}.spec 2>&1 | sed -n 's, is needed by.*,,p')
if test -n "${FILES}"; then
schroot -c ${SCHROOTNAME} -u root -- ${INSTALL_TOOL} install -y ${FILES}
${INSTALL_TOOL} install -y rpm-build automake libtool subversion gcc-c++ pkgconfig
./bootstrap.sh -c
TGZFILE=$(grep PACKAGE_STRING= configure | sed "s, ,-,g;s,PACKAGE_STRING=',,g;s,',.tar.gz,g")
touch $TGZFILE
FILES=$(LANG= rpmbuild -bb --clean --nobuild --define "_topdir ." --define "_sourcedir ." ${PACKAGE_NAME}.spec 2>&1 | sed -n 's, is needed by.*,,p')
if test -n "${FILES}"; then
${INSTALL_TOOL} install -y ${FILES}
echo "**** Success: All Dependencies Resolved"