Template to bootstrap configure/automake projects for C++, libtool, Qt, NodeJS, PHP, Shell-Scripts, etc. Extends autotools, by building packages for Debian and RPM, specifying generic library dependencies, creating desktop applications with icons, etc. https://mrw.sh/development/bootstrap-build-environment
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

25 lines
955 B

#! /bin/sed -f
1idigraph schema {
# remove newlines
:a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g
s| *CREATE TABLE[^("'`]*[`"']\?\([a-z]\+\)[`"']\? *|\n \1\n [shape=none, margin=0, label=<\n <table>\n <tr><td colspan="3"><b>\1</b></td></tr>\n|ig
s/varchar *( *\([0-9]\+\) *)/varchar[\1]/ig
s/ *PRIMARY KEY *( *[`"']\?\([a-z]\+\)[`"']\? *) *[,)]//ig
:b;s/\([a-z]\+\)\([^;]*\)FOREIGN KEY *( *[`"']\?\([a-z]\+\)[`"']\? *) *REFERENCES *[`"']\?\([a-z]\+\)[`"'] *( *[`"']\?\([a-z]\+\)[`"']\? *) *\([^,)]*\)[,)]\(.*\)/\1\2\7\n \1:\3 -> \4:\5/ig;tb
s| *COMMENT *= *[`"']\?\([^`"']*\)[`"']\?| <tr><td colspan="3">\1</td></tr>|ig
s| *[`"']\([a-z]\+\)[`"'] *\([^,)]*\) *COMMENT *[`"']\([^`"']*\)[`"'] *[,)]| <tr><td port="\1">\1</td><td>\2</td><td>\3</td></tr>\n|ig
s/ *ENGINE *= *\w* *//ig
s/ *DEFAULT *CHARSET *= *\w* *//ig
s/ *CHARACTER *SET *=\? *\w* *//ig
s|;|\n </table>\n >];\n|ig