#!/bin/bash -ex
## @id $Id$
## Create Mac OS-X App Bundle from built file
## Parameters:
## $1: name of the app-target
## $2: name of the project
## $3: package installation target
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
if test " $( uname -s) " != "Darwin" ; then
echo " **** ERROR: run on Mac OS-X: $0 "
exit 1
cd ${ 0 %/* }
project = ${ 2 :- $( sed -n 's/ *m4_define *( *x_package_name, *\(.*\) *).*/\1/p' $( pwd ) /configure.ac) }
apptarget = ${ 1 :- ${ project } .app }
sources = ${ 3 :- $( pwd ) /usr }
test -n " $project "
test -d " $sources "
! test -e " $apptarget " || rm -rf " $apptarget "
target = " $( pwd ) / ${ apptarget } /Contents/MacOS "
echo " Creating $apptarget for $project from $sources "
# Step 1: create and fill app directory structure
mkdir -p ${ apptarget } /Contents/{ Resources,MacOS}
! test -d ${ sources } /bin || \
find ${ sources } /bin -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -a { } ${ apptarget } /Contents/MacOS/ \;
executablefile = ${ apptarget } /Contents/MacOS/${ project }
test -x $executablefile || executablefile = $( ls -1 ${ apptarget } /Contents/MacOS/ | head -1)
! test -d ${ sources } /lib || \
find ${ sources } /lib -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -a { } ${ apptarget } /Contents/MacOS/ \;
! test -d ${ sources } /share/${ project } || \
find ${ sources } /share/${ project } -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -a { } ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources/ \;
! test -d ${ sources } /share || \
find ${ sources } /share -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -a { } ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources/ \;
! test -d ${ sources } || \
find ${ sources } -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -a { } ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources/ \;
# Step 2: copy qt plugins, if necessary
for f in ${ QT_PLUGINS } ; do
test -d ${ target } /${ f } \
|| cp -r ${ QT_PLUGIN_PATH } /${ f } ${ target } /${ f } \
|| exit 1
# Step 3: resolve all library dependencies
found = 1
oldpath = " $( pwd ) "
while [ $found -ne 0 ] ; do
found = 0
cd " ${ target } "
for file in $( find . -type f) ; do
for lib in $( otool -L ${ file } | tail -n +2 \
| egrep '/opt/local/|' " ${ HOME } " \
| grep -v $file | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do
found = 1
test -f ${ lib ##*/ } \
|| ( \
cp ${ lib } . \
&& chmod u+w ${ lib ##*/ } \
) \
|| exit 1
install_name_tool -change ${ lib } \
@executable_path/${ lib ##*/ } ${ file } \
|| exit 1
cd ${ oldpath }
# Step 4: if necessary, install qt_menu.nib
if test -n " ${ QTDIR } " ; then
MENU_NIB = $( find ${ QTDIR } -name .svn -o -name .git -prune -o -name qt_menu.nib -print \
| head -1)
if test -e " ${ MENU_NIB } " ; then
rsync -r " ${ MENU_NIB } " ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources/
test -d ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources/qt_menu.nib
# Step 5: copy or create info.plist
infoplist = $( find ${ apptarget } /Contents/Resources -name Info.plist)
if test -f " ${ infoplist } " ; then
cp -a " ${ infoplist } " ${ apptarget } /Contents/Info.plist
cat > ${ apptarget } /Contents/Info.plist <<EOF
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd" >
<plist version = "1.0" >
<string>${ project } </string>
<string>${ executablefile ##/ } </string>