Template to bootstrap configure/automake projects for C++, libtool, Qt, NodeJS, PHP, Shell-Scripts, etc.
Extends autotools, by building packages for Debian and RPM, specifying generic library dependencies, creating desktop applications with icons, etc.https://mrw.sh/development/bootstrap-build-environment
You can not select more than 25 topicsTopics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
dnf install webtester
In case of trouble: Check if your version of Fedora is supported, use `lsb_release -rs` to get the version of your Fedora: https://repository.mrw.sh/fedora
### CentOS
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`yum`). First install the repository:
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
yum install webtester
In case of trouble: Check if your version of CentOS is supported, use lsb_release -rs to get the version of your CentOS: https://repository.mrw.sh/centos
### Mageia
To accept my signature, install my key:
wget https://repository.mrw.sh/PublicKey
rpm --import PublicKey
You can use your packagemanager (`dnf`). First install the repository:
Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [`webtester`](https://mrw.sh/development/webtester):
dnf install webtester
### Other Linux Distributions
Either use the nearest possible distribution, or use alien to convert from another distribution to your preferred package format, or compile the project yourself (see below).
Download from https://repository.mrw.sh/windows
You need e.g. Mac Ports to compile. Install the following dependencies: