possibility to download configuration

Marc Wäckerlin 9 years ago
parent 6a5dad3c93
commit 43448d9ed7
  1. 676
  2. 2
  3. 71
  4. 1

@ -11,282 +11,403 @@
var socket = io.connect();
var focused = null;
function DockerContainers() {
var Status = Object.freeze({
Error: {color: "red", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Terminated: {color: "yellow", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Restarting: {color: "lightblue", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Paused: {color: "lightgrey", action1: "unpause", action2: null, bash: false},
Running: {color: "lightgreen", action1: "pause", action2: "stop", bash: true}
var containers = [];
var nodes = [];
function protocol(port) {
if (port.toString().match("443")) return "https://";
if (port.toString().match("3304")) return "mysql://";
if (port.toString().match("22")) return "ssh://";
return "http://";
function Docker() {
function same(array1, array2) {
return (array1.length == array2.length)
&& array1.every(function(element, index) {
return element === array2[index];
this.exists = function(name) {
if (nodes[name]) return true;
return false;
var _docker = this;
this.Images = function() {
var _images = this;
var images = [];
var nodes = [];
function setup() {
delete nodes; nodes = [];
images.forEach(function(c, i) {
if (!nodes[c.Id]) nodes[c.Id] = {};
nodes[c.Id].id = c.Id;
nodes[c.Id].tags = c.RepoTags;
nodes[c.Id].created = c.Created;
nodes[c.Id].author = c.Author;
nodes[c.Id].os = c.Os+"/"+c.Architecture;
nodes[c.Id].parent = c.Parent;
nodes[c.Id].env = c.Config.Env;
nodes[c.Id].cmd = c.Config.Cmd;
nodes[c.Id].entrypoint = c.Config.Entrypoint;
nodes[c.Id].ports = c.Config.ExposedPorts;
nodes[c.Id].volumes = c.Config.Volumes;
if (c.Parent) {
if (!nodes[c.Parent]) nodes[c.Parent] = {};
if (!nodes[c.Parent].children) nodes[c.Parent].children = [];
this.cleanup = function(id, instance) {
if (!nodes[id]) return
nodes[id].env.forEach(function(e) {
if ((pos=instance.env.indexOf(e))>-1) instance.env.splice(pos, 1)
if (same(nodes[id].cmd, instance.cmd)) instance.cmd = null
else console.log(instance.cmd+" != "+nodes[id].cmd)
if (same(nodes[id].entrypoint, instance.entrypoint)) instance.entrypoint = null
else console.log(instance.entrypoint+" != "+nodes[id].entrypoint)
this.set = function(c) {
if (typeof c == "string") c = JSON.parse(c);
if (typeof c != "object") throw "wrong format: "+(typeof c);
images = c;
this.contextmenu = function(selector) {
$('a[xlink\\:href^=#]').click(function(e) {
name = $(this).attr("xlink:href").replace(/^#/, "");
var n = nodes[name];
$(selector).prepend('<div id="popup"></div>')
if (n.status.action1) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup1">'+n.status.action1+'</button>');
$("#popup1").click(function() {
emit(n.status.action1, name);
this.Containers = function() {
var _containers = this;
var Status = Object.freeze({
Error: {color: "red", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Terminated: {color: "yellow", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Restarting: {color: "lightblue", action1: "start", action2: "remove", bash: false},
Paused: {color: "lightgrey", action1: "unpause", action2: null, bash: false},
Running: {color: "lightgreen", action1: "pause", action2: "stop", bash: true}
var containers = [];
var nodes = [];
function protocol(port) {
if (port.toString().match("443")) return "https://";
if (port.toString().match("3304")) return "mysql://";
if (port.toString().match("22")) return "ssh://";
return "http://";
this.exists = function(name) {
if (nodes[name]) return true;
return false;
function getIps(n, ips) {
n.ports.forEach(function(p) {
if (!ips[p.ip]) ips[p.ip] = [];
function graphIpClusters(ips) {
var res = "newrank=true;\n";
var i = 0;
for (ip in ips) {
res += "subgraph clusterIp"+(++i)+' {\nlabel="'+ip+'";\n';
ips[ip].forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+p.ip+":"+p.external
+'" [label="'+p.external+'",URL="'
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup2">'+(focused?"overview":"focus")+'</button>');
$("#popup2").click(function() {
if (focused) overview(); else details(name);
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (ip in ips) {
ips[ip].forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+p.ip+":"+p.external+'";\n';
return res;
function graphNode(n) {
var res = "";
var label = n.name+'\\n'+n.image.name;
res += '"'+n.name+'"'
+' [label="'+label
n.ports.forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+(p.ip?p.ip+":":"")+p.external+'" -> "'+n.name
+'" [label="'+p.internal+'"];\n';
if (n.status.action2) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup3">'+n.status.action2+'</button>');
$("#popup3").click(function() {
emit(n.status.action2, name);
n.links.forEach(function(l) {
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+l.to+'" [label="link: '+l.link+'"];\n'
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup4">logs</button>');
$("#popup4").click(function() {
emit("logs", name);
return res;
function graphVolumesInside(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
res += '"'+v.id+'" [label="'+v.inside+'",shape=box];\n';
if (n.status.bash) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup5">bash</button>');
$("#popup5").click(function() {
emit("bash-start", name);
$("#bash").submit(function() {
emit("bash-input", {name: name, text: $("#command").val()+"\n"});
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup6">download</button>');
$("#popup").css("position", "fixed");
$("#popup").css("top", e.pageY-$("#popup").height()/4);
$("#popup").css("left", e.pageX-$("#popup").width()/2);
$("#popup").mouseleave(function() {
}).click(function() {
return res;
function graphVolumesOutside(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
if (v.host)
res += '"'+v.outside+'" [label="'+v.host+'",shape=box];\n';
function getIps(n, ips) {
n.ports.forEach(function(p) {
if (!ips[p.ip]) ips[p.ip] = [];
function graphIpClusters(ips) {
var res = "newrank=true;\n";
var i = 0;
for (ip in ips) {
res += "subgraph clusterIp"+(++i)+' {\nlabel="'+ip+'";\n';
ips[ip].forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+p.ip+":"+p.external
+'" [label="'+p.external+'",URL="'
return res;
function graphVolumesConnections(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
if (v.host)
res += '"'+v.id+'" -> "'+v.outside+'" [label="mounted from"]\n';
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+v.id+'" [label="volume/'+v.rw+'"]\n';
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(o) {
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+nodes[o].name+'" [label="volumes from"]\n';
return res;
this.graph = function(n) {
var res = "";
var ips = [];
n = n || nodes;
for (name in n) getIps(n[name], ips);
res += graphIpClusters(ips);
for (name in n) res += graphNode(n[name]);
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesInside(n[name]);
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesOutside(n[name]);
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesConnections(n[name]);
return res;
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (ip in ips) {
ips[ip].forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+p.ip+":"+p.external+'";\n';
function addNodes(ns, name) {
var n = nodes[name];
ns[name] = n;
n.links.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer.to]) addNodes(ns, peer.to);
n.usedby.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
n.volumesto.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
return res;
function graphNode(n) {
var res = "";
var label = n.name+'\\n'+n.image;
res += '"'+n.name+'"'
+' [label="'+label
n.ports.forEach(function(p) {
res += '"'+(p.ip?p.ip+":":"")+p.external+'" -> "'+n.name
+'" [label="'+p.internal+'"];\n';
n.links.forEach(function(l) {
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+l.to+'" [label="link: '+l.link+'"];\n'
return res;
function graphVolumesInside(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
res += '"'+v.id+'" [label="'+v.inside+'",shape=box];\n';
return res;
function graphVolumesOutside(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
if (v.host)
res += '"'+v.outside+'" [label="'+v.host+'",shape=box];\n';
return res;
function graphVolumesConnections(n) {
var res = "";
n.volumes.forEach(function(v) {
if (v.host)
res += '"'+v.id+'" -> "'+v.outside+'" [label="mounted from"]\n';
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+v.id+'" [label="volume/'+v.rw+'"]\n';
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(o) {
res += '"'+n.name+'" -> "'+nodes[o].name+'" [label="volumes from"]\n';
return res;
this.graph = function(n) {
var res = "";
var ips = [];
n = n || nodes;
for (name in n) getIps(n[name], ips);
res += graphIpClusters(ips);
for (name in n) res += graphNode(n[name]);
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesInside(n[name]);
res += "{rank=same;\n";
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesOutside(n[name]);
for (name in n) res += graphVolumesConnections(n[name]);
return res;
function addNodes(ns, name) {
var n = nodes[name];
ns[name] = n;
n.links.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer.to]) addNodes(ns, peer.to);
n.usedby.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
n.volumesto.forEach(function(peer) {
if (!ns[peer]) addNodes(ns, peer);
this.subgraph = function(name) {
var ns = [];
addNodes(ns, name);
return this.graph(ns);
function setup() {
delete nodes; nodes = [];
containers.forEach(function(c, i) {
var name = c.Name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (!nodes[name]) nodes[name] = {};
nodes[name].id = i;
nodes[name].name = name;
nodes[name].image = c.Config.Image;
nodes[name].ports = [];
var ports = c.NetworkSettings.Ports || c.NetworkSettings.PortBindings;
if (ports)
for (var port in ports)
if (ports[port])
for (var expose in ports[port]) {
var ip = ports[port][expose].HostIp;
if (!ip||ip==""||ip==""||ip==0) ip=window.location.hostname;
internal: port,
external: ports[port][expose].HostPort,
ip: ip
if (c.State.Paused) nodes[name].status = Status.Paused;
else if (c.State.Running) nodes[name].status = Status.Running;
else if (c.State.Restarting) nodes[name].status = Status.Restarting;
else if (c.State.ExitCode == 0) nodes[name].status = Status.Terminated;
else nodes[name].status = Status.Error;
nodes[name].volumes = [];
var volumes = c.Volumes || c.Config.Volumes;
nodes[name].volumes = [];
if (volumes)
for (var volume in volumes) {
var rw = "rw";
var outside = (typeof volumes[volume]=="string")?volumes[volume]:null;
if (c.Mounts) c.Mounts.forEach(function(mnt) {
if (mnt.Destination==volume) {
outside = mnt.Source;
rw = mnt.RW ? "rw" : "ro";
this.subnet = function(name) {
var ns = {};
addNodes(ns, name);
return ns;
this.subgraph = function(name) {
return this.graph(this.subnet(name));
this.creation = function(name) {
var ns = this.subnet(name);
var creates = [];
for (n in ns) {
var instance = {
name: ns[n].name,
image: ns[n].image.name,
ports: ns[n].ports,
env: ns[n].env,
cmd: ns[n].cmd,
entrypoint: ns[n].entrypoint,
volumesfrom: ns[n].volumesfrom,
links: ns[n].links,
volumes: []
ns[n].volumes.forEach(function(v) {
if (v.host) instance.volumes.push({
inside: v.inside,
outside: v.host
_docker.images.cleanup(ns[n].image.id, instance);
creates.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.volumesfrom.indexOf(b)>=0) return 1; // a after b
if (b.volumesfrom.indexOf(a)>=0) return -1; // a before b
for (var i=0; i<a.links.length; ++i) if (a.links[i].to == b.name) return 1; // a after b;
for (var i=0; i<b.links.length; ++i) if (b.links[i].to == a.name) return -1; // a before b;
return 0; // a and b do not depend on each other
return creates;
function setup() {
delete nodes; nodes = [];
containers.forEach(function(c, i) {
var name = c.Name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (!nodes[name]) nodes[name] = {};
nodes[name].id = c.Id;
nodes[name].name = name;
nodes[name].image = {
name: c.Config.Image,
id: c.Image
nodes[name].env = c.Config.Env;
nodes[name].cmd = c.Config.Cmd;
nodes[name].entrypoint = c.Entrypoint;
nodes[name].ports = [];
var ports = c.NetworkSettings.Ports || c.NetworkSettings.PortBindings;
if (ports)
for (var port in ports)
if (ports[port])
for (var expose in ports[port]) {
var ip = ports[port][expose].HostIp;
if (!ip||ip==""||ip==""||ip==0) ip=window.location.hostname;
internal: port,
external: ports[port][expose].HostPort,
ip: ip
if (c.State.Paused) nodes[name].status = Status.Paused;
else if (c.State.Running) nodes[name].status = Status.Running;
else if (c.State.Restarting) nodes[name].status = Status.Restarting;
else if (c.State.ExitCode == 0) nodes[name].status = Status.Terminated;
else nodes[name].status = Status.Error;
nodes[name].volumes = [];
var volumes = c.Volumes || c.Config.Volumes;
nodes[name].volumes = [];
if (volumes)
for (var volume in volumes) {
var rw = "rw";
var outside = (typeof volumes[volume]=="string")?volumes[volume]:null;
if (c.Mounts) c.Mounts.forEach(function(mnt) {
if (mnt.Destination==volume) {
outside = mnt.Source;
rw = mnt.RW ? "rw" : "ro";
id: volume+':'+(outside?outside:name),
inside: volume,
outside: outside,
host: outside && !outside.match(/^\/var\/lib\/docker/)
? outside : null
nodes[name].volumesfrom = [];
if (!nodes[name].volumesto) nodes[name].volumesto = [];
if (c.HostConfig.VolumesFrom) c.HostConfig.VolumesFrom.forEach(function(id) {
containers.forEach(function(c) {
if (c.Id == id || c.Name == "/"+id || c.Name == id) {
var src = c.Name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (!nodes[src]) nodes[src] = {};
if (!nodes[src].volumesto) nodes[src].volumesto = [];
id: volume+':'+(outside?outside:name),
inside: volume,
outside: outside,
host: outside && !outside.match(/^\/var\/lib\/docker/)
? outside : null
nodes[name].links = [];
if (!nodes[name].usedby) nodes[name].usedby = [];
if (c.HostConfig && c.HostConfig.Links)
c.HostConfig.Links.forEach(function(l) {
var target = {
to: l.replace(/^\/?([^:]*).*$/, "$1"),
link: l.replace(new RegExp("^.*:/?"+name+"/"), "")
if (!nodes[target.to]) nodes[target.to] = {};
if (!nodes[target.to].usedby) nodes[target.to].usedby = [];
for (name in nodes) { // cleanup duplicate links to volumes when using volumes-from
var n = nodes[name];
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(other) {
var o = nodes[other];
o.volumes.forEach(function(ovol) {
n.volumes.reduceRight(function(x, nvol, i, arr) {
if (nvol.id == ovol.id)
arr.splice(i, 1);
}, [])
this.contextmenu = function(selector) {
$('a[xlink\\:href^=#]').click(function(e) {
name = $(this).attr("xlink:href").replace(/^#/, "");
var n = nodes[name];
$(selector).prepend('<div id="popup"></div>')
if (n.status.action1) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup1">'+n.status.action1+'</button>');
$("#popup1").click(function() {
emit(n.status.action1, name);
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup2">'+(focused?"overview":"focus")+'</button>');
$("#popup2").click(function() {
if (focused) overview(); else details(name);
if (n.status.action2) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup3">'+n.status.action2+'</button>');
$("#popup3").click(function() {
emit(n.status.action2, name);
nodes[name].volumesfrom = [];
if (!nodes[name].volumesto) nodes[name].volumesto = [];
if (c.HostConfig.VolumesFrom) c.HostConfig.VolumesFrom.forEach(function(id) {
containers.forEach(function(c) {
if (c.Id == id || c.Name == "/"+id || c.Name == id) {
var src = c.Name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (!nodes[src]) nodes[src] = {};
if (!nodes[src].volumesto) nodes[src].volumesto = [];
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup4">logs</button>');
$("#popup4").click(function() {
emit("logs", name);
nodes[name].links = [];
if (!nodes[name].usedby) nodes[name].usedby = [];
if (c.HostConfig && c.HostConfig.Links)
c.HostConfig.Links.forEach(function(l) {
var target = {
to: l.replace(/^\/?([^:]*).*$/, "$1"),
link: l.replace(new RegExp("^.*:/?"+name+"/"), "")
if (!nodes[target.to]) nodes[target.to] = {};
if (!nodes[target.to].usedby) nodes[target.to].usedby = [];
if (n.status.bash) {
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup5">bash</button>');
$("#popup5").click(function() {
emit("bash-start", name);
$("#bash").submit(function() {
emit("bash-input", {name: name, text: $("#command").val()+"\n"});
$("#popup").append('<button id="popup6">download</button>');
$("#popup6").click(function() {
var download = document.createElement('a');
download.href = 'data:application/json,'
+ encodeURI(JSON.stringify(_containers.creation(name), null, 2));
download.target = '_blank';
download.download = name+'.json';
var clickEvent = new MouseEvent("click", {
"view": window,
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": false
for (name in nodes) { // cleanup duplicate links to volumes when using volumes-from
var n = nodes[name];
n.volumesfrom.forEach(function(other) {
var o = nodes[other];
o.volumes.forEach(function(ovol) {
n.volumes.reduceRight(function(x, nvol, i, arr) {
if (nvol.id == ovol.id)
arr.splice(i, 1);
}, [])
$("#popup").css("position", "fixed");
$("#popup").css("top", e.pageY-$("#popup").height()/4);
$("#popup").css("left", e.pageX-$("#popup").width()/2);
$("#popup").mouseleave(function() {
}).click(function() {
this.set = function(c) {
if (typeof c == "string") c = JSON.parse(c);
if (typeof c != "object") throw "wrong format: "+(typeof c);
containers = c;
this.setContainers = function(c) {
if (typeof c == "string") c = JSON.parse(c);
if (typeof c != "object") throw "wrong format: "+(typeof c);
containers = c;
this.images = new this.Images();
this.containers = new this.Containers();
var dc = new DockerContainers();
var docker = new Docker();
function htmlenc(html) {
return $('<div/>').text(html).html();
@ -312,7 +433,8 @@ function error(data) {
console.log("error: "+data);
} else {
$("#status").html('unknown error: '+JSON.stringify(data));
console.log("error: "+JSON.stringify(data));
console.log("error: ", data);
console.log((new Error('stacktrace')));
} else {
@ -372,7 +494,7 @@ function status(text, msg) {
$("form input:first-child").focus();
function emit(signal, data) {
@ -481,23 +603,50 @@ function showviz(vizpath, more) {
function details(name) {
if (name) focused = name;
else if (!focused) return overview();
function images(i) {
console.log("->rcv images");
function containers(c) {
console.log("->rcv containers");
if (focused && dc.exists(focused))
if (focused && docker.containers.exists(focused))
function logs(data) {
console.log("->rcv logs("+data.name+")");
function showImage() {
function showConsole() {
if ($("#screen").val()!="") $("#screen").append("\n");
function showLogs() {
function logs(data) {
console.log("->rcv logs("+data.name+")");
if (data.type=='done') {
$("#logs").append('<span class="'+data.type+'">\nDONE</span>');
} else {
@ -586,9 +735,6 @@ function ansifilter(data) {
function bash_data(data) {
console.log("->rcv bash-data("+data.name+")", data);
if (data.type=='done') {
$("#screen").append('<span class="'+data.type+'">\nDONE</span>');
} else {
@ -598,7 +744,7 @@ function bash_data(data) {
function overview() {
focused = null;
/// Initial Function: Startup
@ -609,6 +755,7 @@ function start() {
try {
status("Starting up ...");
} catch (m) {
@ -624,6 +771,7 @@ function init() {
.on("fail", error)
.on("containers", containers)
.on("images", images)
.on("logs", logs)
.on("bash-data", bash_data);

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ table.docker li+li {
color: black;
#menuicon, #imagetools img {
#menuicon, #imagetools img, #close {
cursor: pointer;
height: 1em;
width: auto;

@ -70,6 +70,46 @@ module.exports = function() {
function imageinspect(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error || stderr)
return fail("inspect docker images failed", {
error: error, stderr: stderr, stdout: stdout
emit("images", stdout);
function imagelist(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error || stderr)
return fail("list docker images failed", {
error: error, stderr: stderr, stdout: stdout
exec("docker inspect "+stdout.trim().replace(/\n/g, " "), imageinspect);
function updateimages(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error || stderr)
return fail("update docker images failed", {
error: error, stderr: stderr, stdout: stdout
exec("docker images -q", imagelist);
function modify(cmd, name) {
if (!name.match(/^[a-z0-9][-_:.+a-z0-9]*$/i))
return fail("illegal instance name");
exec("docker "+cmd+" "+name, updatecontainers);
function containers() {
console.log("-> containers");
function images() {
console.log("-> images");
function start(name) {
console.log("-> start("+name+")");
modify("start", name);
@ -111,36 +151,39 @@ module.exports = function() {
var bash_connections = {};
function bash_start(name) {
console.log("-> bash-start("+name+")");
function new_bash(name) {
if (!name.match(/^[a-z0-9][-_:.+a-z0-9]*$/i))
return fail("illegal instance name");
if (bash_connections[name]) return fail("bash already open");
if (bash_connections[name]) return;
bash_connections[name] =
pty.spawn("docker", ["exec", "-it", name, "bash", "-i"]);
bash_connections[name].stdout.on('data', function(data) {
emit('bash-data', {name: name, type: 'stdout', text: data.toString()});
// bash_connections[name].stderr.on('data', function(data) {
// emit('bash-data', {name: name, type: 'stdout', text: data.toString()});
// });
function bash_start(name) {
console.log("-> bash-start("+name+")");
function bash_input(data) {
console.log("-> bash-input("+data.name+", "+data.text+")");
if (!bash_connections[data.name]) return fail("bash not open");
// function bash_end(name, text) {
// console.log("-> bash-end("+name+")");
// if (!bash_connections[name]) return fail("bash not open");
// bash_connections[name].stdin.close();
// }
function bash_end(name, text) {
console.log("-> bash-end("+name+")");
if (!bash_connections[name]) return;
delete bash_connections[name]; bash_connections[name] = null;
.on("containers", containers)
.on("images", images)
.on("start", start)
.on("stop", stop)
.on("pause", pause)
@ -148,8 +191,8 @@ module.exports = function() {
.on("remove", remove)
.on('logs', logs)
.on('bash-start', bash_start)
.on('bash-input', bash_input);
//.on('bash-end', bash_end);
.on('bash-input', bash_input)
.on('bash-end', bash_end);

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
<img onclick="zoom(1)" src="images/zoom.svg" />
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