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* Express - view
* Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var path = require('path')
, extname = path.extname
, dirname = path.dirname
, basename = path.basename
, utils = require('connect').utils
, View = require('./view/view')
, partial = require('./view/partial')
, union = require('./utils').union
, merge = utils.merge
, http = require('http')
, res = http.ServerResponse.prototype;
* Expose constructors.
exports = module.exports = View;
* Export template engine registrar.
exports.register = View.register;
* Lookup and compile `view` with cache support by supplying
* both the `cache` object and `cid` string,
* followed by `options` passed to `exports.lookup()`.
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object} cache
* @param {Object} cid
* @param {Object} options
* @return {View}
* @api private
exports.compile = function(view, cache, cid, options){
if (cache && cid && cache[cid]){
options.filename = cache[cid].path;
return cache[cid];
// lookup
view = exports.lookup(view, options);
// hints
if (!view.exists) {
if (options.hint) hintAtViewPaths(view.original, options);
var err = new Error('failed to locate view "' + view.original.view + '"');
err.view = view.original;
throw err;
// compile
options.filename = view.path;
view.fn = view.templateEngine.compile(view.contents, options);
cache[cid] = view;
return view;
* Lookup `view`, returning an instanceof `View`.
* Options:
* - `root` root directory path
* - `defaultEngine` default template engine
* - `parentView` parent `View` object
* - `cache` cache object
* - `cacheid` optional cache id
* Lookup:
* - partial `_<name>`
* - any `<name>/index`
* - non-layout `../<name>/index`
* - any `<root>/<name>`
* - partial `<root>/_<name>`
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object} options
* @return {View}
* @api private
exports.lookup = function(view, options){
var orig = view = new View(view, options)
, partial = options.isPartial
, layout = options.isLayout;
// Try _ prefix ex: ./views/_<name>.jade
// taking precedence over the direct path
if (partial) {
view = new View(orig.prefixPath, options);
if (!view.exists) view = orig;
// Try index ex: ./views/user/index.jade
if (!layout && !view.exists) view = new View(orig.indexPath, options);
// Try ../<name>/index ex: ../user/index.jade
// when calling partial('user') within the same dir
if (!layout && !view.exists) view = new View(orig.upIndexPath, options);
// Try root ex: <root>/user.jade
if (!view.exists) view = new View(orig.rootPath, options);
// Try root _ prefix ex: <root>/_user.jade
if (!view.exists && partial) view = new View(view.prefixPath, options);
view.original = orig;
return view;
* Partial render helper.
* @api private
function renderPartial(res, view, options, parentLocals, parent){
var collection, object, locals;
if (options) {
// collection
if (options.collection) {
collection = options.collection;
delete options.collection;
} else if ('length' in options) {
collection = options;
options = {};
// locals
if (options.locals) {
locals = options.locals;
delete options.locals;
// object
if ('Object' != {
object = options;
options = {};
} else if (undefined != options.object) {
object = options.object;
delete options.object;
} else {
options = {};
// Inherit locals from parent
union(options, parentLocals);
// Merge locals
if (locals) merge(options, locals);
// Partials dont need layouts
options.isPartial = true;
options.layout = false;
// Deduce name from view path
var name = || partial.resolveObjectName(view);
// Render partial
function render(){
if (object) {
if ('string' == typeof name) {
options[name] = object;
} else if (name === global) {
merge(options, object);
return res.render(view, options, null, parent, true);
// Collection support
if (collection) {
var len = collection.length
, buf = ''
, keys
, key
, val;
options.collectionLength = len;
if ('number' == typeof len || Array.isArray(collection)) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
val = collection[i];
options.firstInCollection = i == 0;
options.indexInCollection = i;
options.lastInCollection = i == len - 1;
object = val;
buf += render();
} else {
keys = Object.keys(collection);
len = keys.length;
options.collectionLength = len;
options.collectionKeys = keys;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
val = collection[key];
options.keyInCollection = key;
options.firstInCollection = i == 0;
options.indexInCollection = i;
options.lastInCollection = i == len - 1;
object = val;
buf += render();
return buf;
} else {
return render();
* Render `view` partial with the given `options`. Optionally a
* callback `fn(err, str)` may be passed instead of writing to
* the socket.
* Options:
* - `object` Single object with name derived from the view (unless `as` is present)
* - `as` Variable name for each `collection` value, defaults to the view name.
* * as: 'something' will add the `something` local variable
* * as: this will use the collection value as the template context
* * as: global will merge the collection value's properties with `locals`
* - `collection` Array of objects, the name is derived from the view name itself.
* For example _video.html_ will have a object _video_ available to it.
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object|Array|Function} options, collection, callback, or object
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {String}
* @api public
res.partial = function(view, options, fn){
var app =
, options = options || {}
, viewEngine = app.set('view engine')
, parent = {};
// accept callback as second argument
if ('function' == typeof options) {
fn = options;
options = {};
// root "views" option
parent.dirname = app.set('views') || process.cwd() + '/views';
// utilize "view engine" option
if (viewEngine) parent.engine = viewEngine;
// render the partial
try {
var str = renderPartial(this, view, options, null, parent);
} catch (err) {
if (fn) {
} else {;
// callback or transfer
if (fn) {
fn(null, str);
} else {
* Render `view` with the given `options` and optional callback `fn`.
* When a callback function is given a response will _not_ be made
* automatically, however otherwise a response of _200_ and _text/html_ is given.
* Options:
* - `scope` Template evaluation context (the value of `this`)
* - `debug` Output debugging information
* - `status` Response status code
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object|Function} options or callback function
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
res.render = function(view, opts, fn, parent, sub){
// support callback function as second arg
if ('function' == typeof opts) {
fn = opts, opts = null;
try {
return this._render(view, opts, fn, parent, sub);
} catch (err) {
// callback given
if (fn) {
// unwind to root call to prevent multiple callbacks
} else if (sub) {
throw err;
// root template, next(err)
} else {;
// private render()
res._render = function(view, opts, fn, parent, sub){
var options = {}
, self = this
, app =
, helpers = app._locals
, dynamicHelpers = app.dynamicViewHelpers
, viewOptions = app.set('view options')
, root = app.set('views') || process.cwd() + '/views';
// cache id
var cid = app.enabled('view cache')
? view + (parent ? ':' + parent.path : '')
: false;
// merge "view options"
if (viewOptions) merge(options, viewOptions);
// merge res._locals
if (this._locals) merge(options, this._locals);
// merge render() options
if (opts) merge(options, opts);
// merge render() .locals
if (opts && opts.locals) merge(options, opts.locals);
// status support
if (options.status) this.statusCode = options.status;
// capture attempts
options.attempts = [];
var partial = options.isPartial
, layout = options.layout;
// Layout support
if (true === layout || undefined === layout) {
layout = 'layout';
// Default execution scope to a plain object
options.scope = options.scope || {};
// Populate view
options.parentView = parent;
// "views" setting
options.root = root;
// "view engine" setting
options.defaultEngine = app.set('view engine');
// charset option
if (options.charset) this.charset = options.charset;
// Dynamic helper support
if (false !== options.dynamicHelpers) {
// cache
if (!this.__dynamicHelpers) {
this.__dynamicHelpers = {};
for (var key in dynamicHelpers) {
this.__dynamicHelpers[key] = dynamicHelpers[key].call(
, this.req
, this);
// apply
merge(options, this.__dynamicHelpers);
// Merge view helpers
union(options, helpers);
// Always expose partial() as a local
options.partial = function(path, opts){
return renderPartial(self, path, opts, options, view);
// View lookup
options.hint = app.enabled('hints');
view = exports.compile(view, app.cache, cid, options);
// layout helper
options.layout = function(path){
layout = path;
// render
var str =, options);
// layout expected
if (layout) {
options.isLayout = true;
options.layout = false;
options.body = str;
this.render(layout, options, fn, view, true);
// partial return
} else if (partial) {
return str;
// render complete, and
// callback given
} else if (fn) {
fn(null, str);
// respond
} else {
* Hint at view path resolution, outputting the
* paths that Express has tried.
* @api private
function hintAtViewPaths(view, options) {
console.error('failed to locate view "' + view.view + '", tried:');
console.error(' - %s', path);