Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
6.2 KiB

var urlParse = require('url').parse;
var ClientConstants = require('./protocol/constants/client');
var Charsets = require('./protocol/constants/charsets');
var SSLProfiles = null;
module.exports = ConnectionConfig;
function ConnectionConfig(options) {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = ConnectionConfig.parseUrl(options);
this.host = options.host || 'localhost';
this.port = options.port || 3306;
this.localAddress = options.localAddress;
this.socketPath = options.socketPath;
this.user = options.user || undefined;
this.password = options.password || undefined;
this.database = options.database;
this.connectTimeout = (options.connectTimeout === undefined)
? (10 * 1000)
: options.connectTimeout;
this.insecureAuth = options.insecureAuth || false;
this.supportBigNumbers = options.supportBigNumbers || false;
this.bigNumberStrings = options.bigNumberStrings || false;
this.dateStrings = options.dateStrings || false;
this.debug = options.debug;
this.trace = options.trace !== false;
this.stringifyObjects = options.stringifyObjects || false;
this.timezone = options.timezone || 'local';
this.flags = options.flags || '';
this.queryFormat = options.queryFormat;
this.pool = options.pool || undefined;
this.ssl = (typeof options.ssl === 'string')
? ConnectionConfig.getSSLProfile(options.ssl)
: (options.ssl || false);
this.multipleStatements = options.multipleStatements || false;
this.typeCast = (options.typeCast === undefined)
? true
: options.typeCast;
if (this.timezone[0] == " ") {
// "+" is a url encoded char for space so it
// gets translated to space when giving a
// connection string..
this.timezone = "+" + this.timezone.substr(1);
if (this.ssl) {
// Default rejectUnauthorized to true
this.ssl.rejectUnauthorized = this.ssl.rejectUnauthorized !== false;
this.maxPacketSize = 0;
this.charsetNumber = (options.charset)
? ConnectionConfig.getCharsetNumber(options.charset)
: options.charsetNumber||Charsets.UTF8_GENERAL_CI;
// Set the client flags
var defaultFlags = ConnectionConfig.getDefaultFlags(options);
this.clientFlags = ConnectionConfig.mergeFlags(defaultFlags, options.flags);
ConnectionConfig.mergeFlags = function mergeFlags(defaultFlags, userFlags) {
var allFlags = ConnectionConfig.parseFlagList(defaultFlags);
var newFlags = ConnectionConfig.parseFlagList(userFlags);
// Merge the new flags
for (var flag in newFlags) {
if (allFlags[flag] !== false) {
allFlags[flag] = newFlags[flag];
// Build flags
var flags = 0x0;
for (var flag in allFlags) {
if (allFlags[flag]) {
// TODO: Throw here on some future release
flags |= ClientConstants['CLIENT_' + flag] || 0x0;
return flags;
ConnectionConfig.getCharsetNumber = function getCharsetNumber(charset) {
var num = Charsets[charset.toUpperCase()];
if (num === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('Unknown charset \'' + charset + '\'');
return num;
ConnectionConfig.getDefaultFlags = function getDefaultFlags(options) {
var defaultFlags = [
'-COMPRESS', // Compression protocol *NOT* supported
'-CONNECT_ATTRS', // Does *NOT* send connection attributes in Protocol::HandshakeResponse41
'+CONNECT_WITH_DB', // One can specify db on connect in Handshake Response Packet
'+FOUND_ROWS', // Send found rows instead of affected rows
'+IGNORE_SIGPIPE', // Don't issue SIGPIPE if network failures
'+IGNORE_SPACE', // Let the parser ignore spaces before '('
'+LONG_FLAG', // Longer flags in Protocol::ColumnDefinition320
'+LONG_PASSWORD', // Use the improved version of Old Password Authentication
'+MULTI_RESULTS', // Can handle multiple resultsets for COM_QUERY
'+ODBC', // Special handling of ODBC behaviour
'-PLUGIN_AUTH', // Does *NOT* support auth plugins
'+PROTOCOL_41', // Uses the 4.1 protocol
'+PS_MULTI_RESULTS', // Can handle multiple resultsets for COM_STMT_EXECUTE
'+RESERVED', // Unused
'+SECURE_CONNECTION', // Supports Authentication::Native41
'+TRANSACTIONS' // Expects status flags
if (options && options.multipleStatements) {
// May send multiple statements per COM_QUERY and COM_STMT_PREPARE
return defaultFlags;
ConnectionConfig.getSSLProfile = function getSSLProfile(name) {
if (!SSLProfiles) {
SSLProfiles = require('./protocol/constants/ssl_profiles');
var ssl = SSLProfiles[name];
if (ssl === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('Unknown SSL profile \'' + name + '\'');
return ssl;
ConnectionConfig.parseFlagList = function parseFlagList(flagList) {
var allFlags = Object.create(null);
if (!flagList) {
return allFlags;
var flags = !Array.isArray(flagList)
? String(flagList || '').toUpperCase().split(/\s*,+\s*/)
: flagList;
for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
var flag = flags[i];
var offset = 1;
var state = flag[0];
if (state === undefined) {
// TODO: throw here on some future release
if (state !== '-' && state !== '+') {
offset = 0;
state = '+';
allFlags[flag.substr(offset)] = state === '+';
return allFlags;
ConnectionConfig.parseUrl = function(url) {
url = urlParse(url, true);
var options = {
host : url.hostname,
port : url.port,
database : url.pathname.substr(1)
if (url.auth) {
var auth = url.auth.split(':');
options.user = auth.shift();
options.password = auth.join(':');
if (url.query) {
for (var key in url.query) {
var value = url.query[key];
try {
// Try to parse this as a JSON expression first
options[key] = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (err) {
// Otherwise assume it is a plain string
options[key] = value;
return options;