Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

882 lines
18 KiB

* Stylus - Lexer
* Copyright (c) Automattic <developer.wordpress.com>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var Token = require('./token')
, nodes = require('./nodes')
, errors = require('./errors');
* Expose `Lexer`.
exports = module.exports = Lexer;
* Operator aliases.
var alias = {
'and': '&&'
, 'or': '||'
, 'is': '=='
, 'isnt': '!='
, 'is not': '!='
, ':=': '?='
* Initialize a new `Lexer` with the given `str` and `options`.
* @param {String} str
* @param {Object} options
* @api private
function Lexer(str, options) {
options = options || {};
this.stash = [];
this.indentStack = [];
this.indentRe = null;
this.lineno = 1;
this.column = 1;
// HACK!
function comment(str, val, offset, s) {
var inComment = s.lastIndexOf('/*', offset) > s.lastIndexOf('*/', offset)
, commentIdx = s.lastIndexOf('//', offset)
, i = s.lastIndexOf('\n', offset)
, double = 0
, single = 0;
if (~commentIdx && commentIdx > i) {
while (i != offset) {
if ("'" == s[i]) single ? single-- : single++;
if ('"' == s[i]) double ? double-- : double++;
if ('/' == s[i] && '/' == s[i + 1]) {
inComment = !single && !double;
return inComment
? str
: val + '\r';
// Remove UTF-8 BOM.
if ('\uFEFF' == str.charAt(0)) str = str.slice(1);
this.str = str
.replace(/\s+$/, '\n')
.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n')
.replace(/\\ *\n/g, '\r')
.replace(/([,(:](?!\/\/[^ ])) *(?:\/\/[^\n]*)?\n\s*/g, comment)
.replace(/\s*\n[ \t]*([,)])/g, comment);
* Lexer prototype.
Lexer.prototype = {
* Custom inspect.
inspect: function(){
var tok
, tmp = this.str
, buf = [];
while ('eos' != (tok = this.next()).type) {
this.str = tmp;
return buf.concat(tok.inspect()).join('\n');
* Lookahead `n` tokens.
* @param {Number} n
* @return {Object}
* @api private
lookahead: function(n){
var fetch = n - this.stash.length;
while (fetch-- > 0) this.stash.push(this.advance());
return this.stash[--n];
* Consume the given `len`.
* @param {Number|Array} len
* @api private
skip: function(len){
var chunk = len[0];
len = chunk ? chunk.length : len;
this.str = this.str.substr(len);
if (chunk) {
} else {
this.column += len;
* Move current line and column position.
* @param {String} str
* @api private
move: function(str){
var lines = str.match(/\n/g)
, idx = str.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lines) this.lineno += lines.length;
this.column = ~idx
? str.length - idx
: this.column + str.length;
* Fetch next token including those stashed by peek.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
next: function() {
var tok = this.stashed() || this.advance();
this.prev = tok;
return tok;
* Check if the current token is a part of selector.
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
isPartOfSelector: function() {
var tok = this.stash[this.stash.length - 1] || this.prev;
switch (tok && tok.type) {
// #for
case 'color':
return 2 == tok.val.raw.length;
// .or
case '.':
// [is]
case '[':
return true;
return false;
* Fetch next token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
advance: function() {
var column = this.column
, line = this.lineno
, tok = this.eos()
|| this.null()
|| this.sep()
|| this.keyword()
|| this.urlchars()
|| this.comment()
|| this.newline()
|| this.escaped()
|| this.important()
|| this.literal()
|| this.anonFunc()
|| this.atrule()
|| this.function()
|| this.brace()
|| this.paren()
|| this.color()
|| this.string()
|| this.unit()
|| this.namedop()
|| this.boolean()
|| this.unicode()
|| this.ident()
|| this.op()
|| this.eol()
|| this.space()
|| this.selector();
tok.lineno = line;
tok.column = column;
return tok;
* Lookahead a single token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
peek: function() {
return this.lookahead(1);
* Return the next possibly stashed token.
* @return {Token}
* @api private
stashed: function() {
return this.stash.shift();
* EOS | trailing outdents.
eos: function() {
if (this.str.length) return;
if (this.indentStack.length) {
return new Token('outdent');
} else {
return new Token('eos');
* url char
urlchars: function() {
var captures;
if (!this.isURL) return;
if (captures = /^[\/:@.;?&=*!,<>#%0-9]+/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(captures[0]));
* ';' [ \t]*
sep: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^;[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token(';');
* '\r'
eol: function() {
if ('\r' == this.str[0]) {
return this.advance();
* ' '+
space: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([ \t]+)/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('space');
* '\\' . ' '*
escaped: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\\(.)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var c = captures[1];
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal(c));
* '@css' ' '* '{' .* '}' ' '*
literal: function() {
// HACK attack !!!
var captures;
if (captures = /^@css[ \t]*\{/.exec(this.str)) {
var c
, braces = 1
, css = ''
, node;
while (c = this.str[0]) {
this.str = this.str.substr(1);
switch (c) {
case '{': ++braces; break;
case '}': --braces; break;
case '\n':
case '\r':
css += c;
if (!braces) break;
css = css.replace(/\s*}$/, '');
node = new nodes.Literal(css);
node.css = true;
return new Token('literal', node);
* '!important' ' '*
important: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^!important[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal('!important'));
* '{' | '}'
brace: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([{}])/.exec(this.str)) {
var brace = captures[1];
return new Token(brace, brace);
* '(' | ')' ' '*
paren: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([()])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var paren = captures[1];
if (')' == paren) this.isURL = false;
var tok = new Token(paren, paren);
tok.space = captures[2];
return tok;
* 'null'
null: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(null)\b[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
tok = new Token('null', nodes.null);
return tok;
* 'if'
* | 'else'
* | 'unless'
* | 'return'
* | 'for'
* | 'in'
keyword: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(return|if|else|unless|for|in)\b[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var keyword = captures[1];
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
tok = new Token(keyword, keyword);
return tok;
* 'not'
* | 'and'
* | 'or'
* | 'is'
* | 'is not'
* | 'isnt'
* | 'is a'
* | 'is defined'
namedop: function() {
var captures
, tok;
if (captures = /^(not|and|or|is a|is defined|isnt|is not|is)(?!-)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var op = captures[1];
if (this.isPartOfSelector()) {
tok = new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
} else {
op = alias[op] || op;
tok = new Token(op, op);
tok.space = captures[2];
return tok;
* ','
* | '+'
* | '+='
* | '-'
* | '-='
* | '*'
* | '*='
* | '/'
* | '/='
* | '%'
* | '%='
* | '**'
* | '!'
* | '&'
* | '&&'
* | '||'
* | '>'
* | '>='
* | '<'
* | '<='
* | '='
* | '=='
* | '!='
* | '!'
* | '~'
* | '?='
* | ':='
* | '?'
* | ':'
* | '['
* | ']'
* | '.'
* | '..'
* | '...'
op: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^([.]{1,3}|&&|\|\||[!<>=?:]=|\*\*|[-+*\/%]=?|[,=?:!~<>&\[\]])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var op = captures[1];
op = alias[op] || op;
var tok = new Token(op, op);
tok.space = captures[2];
this.isURL = false;
return tok;
* '@('
anonFunc: function() {
var tok;
if ('@' == this.str[0] && '(' == this.str[1]) {
tok = new Token('function', new nodes.Ident('anonymous'));
tok.anonymous = true;
return tok;
* '@' (-(\w+)-)?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+
atrule: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^@(?:-(\w+)-)?([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var vendor = captures[1]
, type = captures[2]
, tok;
switch (type) {
case 'require':
case 'import':
case 'charset':
case 'namespace':
case 'media':
case 'scope':
case 'supports':
return new Token(type);
case 'document':
return new Token('-moz-document');
case 'block':
return new Token('atblock');
case 'extend':
case 'extends':
return new Token('extend');
case 'keyframes':
return new Token(type, vendor);
return new Token('atrule', (vendor ? '-' + vendor + '-' + type : type));
* '//' *
comment: function() {
// Single line
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '/' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('\n');
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
return this.advance();
// Multi-line
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '*' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('*/');
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
var str = this.str.substr(0, end + 2)
, lines = str.split(/\n|\r/).length - 1
, suppress = true
, inline = false;
this.lineno += lines;
this.skip(end + 2);
// output
if ('!' == str[2]) {
str = str.replace('*!', '*');
suppress = false;
if (this.prev && ';' == this.prev.type) inline = true;
return new Token('comment', new nodes.Comment(str, suppress, inline));
* 'true' | 'false'
boolean: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(true|false)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var val = nodes.Boolean('true' == captures[1]);
var tok = new Token('boolean', val);
tok.space = captures[2];
return tok;
* 'U+' [0-9A-Fa-f?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6})?
unicode: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^u\+[0-9a-f?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9a-f]{1,6})?/i.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(captures[0]));
* -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]* '('
function: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(-*[_a-zA-Z$][-\w\d$]*)\(([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) {
var name = captures[1];
this.isURL = 'url' == name;
var tok = new Token('function', new nodes.Ident(name));
tok.space = captures[2];
return tok;
* -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]*
ident: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^-*[_a-zA-Z$][-\w\d$]*/.exec(this.str)) {
return new Token('ident', new nodes.Ident(captures[0]));
* '\n' ' '+
newline: function() {
var captures, re;
// we have established the indentation regexp
if (this.indentRe){
captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.str);
// figure out if we are using tabs or spaces
} else {
// try tabs
re = /^\n([\t]*)[ \t]*/;
captures = re.exec(this.str);
// nope, try spaces
if (captures && !captures[1].length) {
re = /^\n([ \t]*)/;
captures = re.exec(this.str);
// established
if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re;
if (captures) {
var tok
, indents = captures[1].length;
if (this.str[0] === ' ' || this.str[0] === '\t') {
throw new errors.SyntaxError('Invalid indentation. You can use tabs or spaces to indent, but not both.');
// Blank line
if ('\n' == this.str[0]) return this.advance();
// Outdent
if (this.indentStack.length && indents < this.indentStack[0]) {
while (this.indentStack.length && this.indentStack[0] > indents) {
this.stash.push(new Token('outdent'));
tok = this.stash.pop();
// Indent
} else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) {
tok = new Token('indent');
// Newline
} else {
tok = new Token('newline');
return tok;
* '-'? (digit+ | digit* '.' digit+) unit
unit: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(-)?(\d+\.\d+|\d+|\.\d+)(%|[a-zA-Z]+)?[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseFloat(captures[2]);
if ('-' == captures[1]) n = -n;
var node = new nodes.Unit(n, captures[3]);
node.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('unit', node);
* '"' [^"]+ '"' | "'"" [^']+ "'"
string: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^("[^"]*"|'[^']*')[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var str = captures[1]
, quote = captures[0][0];
str = str.slice(1,-1).replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
return new Token('string', new nodes.String(str, quote));
* #rrggbbaa | #rrggbb | #rgba | #rgb | #nn | #n
color: function() {
return this.rrggbbaa()
|| this.rrggbb()
|| this.rgba()
|| this.rgb()
|| this.nn()
|| this.n()
* #n
n: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{1})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseInt(captures[1] + captures[1], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #nn
nn: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var n = parseInt(captures[1], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rgb
rgb: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rgba
rgba: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{4})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16)
, a = parseInt(rgb[3] + rgb[3], 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rrggbb
rrggbb: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* #rrggbbaa
rrggbbaa: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{8})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) {
var rgb = captures[1]
, r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16)
, g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16)
, b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16)
, a = parseInt(rgb.substr(6, 2), 16)
, color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255);
color.raw = captures[0];
return new Token('color', color);
* ^|[^\n,;]+
selector: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\^|.*?(?=\/\/(?![^\[]*\])|[,\n{])/.exec(this.str)) {
var selector = captures[0];
return new Token('selector', selector);