Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
3.1 KiB

* EJS Embedded JavaScript templates
* Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (mde@fleegix.org)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Private utility functions
* @module utils
* @private
'use strict';
var regExpChars = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g;
* Escape characters reserved in regular expressions.
* If `string` is `undefined` or `null`, the empty string is returned.
* @param {String} string Input string
* @return {String} Escaped string
* @static
* @private
exports.escapeRegExpChars = function (string) {
// istanbul ignore if
if (!string) {
return '';
return String(string).replace(regExpChars, '\\$&');
'&': '&'
, '<': '&lt;'
, '>': '&gt;'
, '"': '&#34;'
, "'": '&#39;'
, _MATCH_HTML = /[&<>\'"]/g;
function encode_char(c) {
return _ENCODE_HTML_RULES[c] || c;
* Stringified version of constants used by {@link module:utils.escapeXML}.
* It is used in the process of generating {@link ClientFunction}s.
* @readonly
* @type {String}
var escapeFuncStr =
'var _ENCODE_HTML_RULES = {\n'
+ ' "&": "&amp;"\n'
+ ' , "<": "&lt;"\n'
+ ' , ">": "&gt;"\n'
+ ' , \'"\': "&#34;"\n'
+ ' , "\'": "&#39;"\n'
+ ' }\n'
+ ' , _MATCH_HTML = /[&<>\'"]/g;\n'
+ 'function encode_char(c) {\n'
+ ' return _ENCODE_HTML_RULES[c] || c;\n'
+ '};\n';
* Escape characters reserved in XML.
* If `markup` is `undefined` or `null`, the empty string is returned.
* @implements {EscapeCallback}
* @param {String} markup Input string
* @return {String} Escaped string
* @static
* @private
exports.escapeXML = function (markup) {
return markup == undefined
? ''
: String(markup)
.replace(_MATCH_HTML, encode_char);
exports.escapeXML.toString = function () {
return Function.prototype.toString.call(this) + ';\n' + escapeFuncStr
* Copy all properties from one object to another, in a shallow fashion.
* @param {Object} to Destination object
* @param {Object} from Source object
* @return {Object} Destination object
* @static
* @private
exports.shallowCopy = function (to, from) {
from = from || {};
for (var p in from) {
to[p] = from[p];
return to;
* Simple in-process cache implementation. Does not implement limits of any
* sort.
* @implements Cache
* @static
* @private
exports.cache = {
_data: {},
set: function (key, val) {
this._data[key] = val;
get: function (key) {
return this._data[key];
reset: function () {
this._data = {};