Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

460 lines
11 KiB

* Express - view
* Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var path = require('path')
, extname = path.extname
, dirname = path.dirname
, basename = path.basename
, utils = require('connect').utils
, View = require('./view/view')
, partial = require('./view/partial')
, union = require('./utils').union
, merge = utils.merge
, http = require('http')
, res = http.ServerResponse.prototype;
* Expose constructors.
exports = module.exports = View;
* Export template engine registrar.
exports.register = View.register;
* Lookup and compile `view` with cache support by supplying
* both the `cache` object and `cid` string,
* followed by `options` passed to `exports.lookup()`.
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object} cache
* @param {Object} cid
* @param {Object} options
* @return {View}
* @api private
exports.compile = function(view, cache, cid, options){
if (cache && cid && cache[cid]){
options.filename = cache[cid].path;
return cache[cid];
// lookup
view = exports.lookup(view, options);
// hints
if (!view.exists) {
if (options.hint) hintAtViewPaths(view.original, options);
var err = new Error('failed to locate view "' + view.original.view + '"');
err.view = view.original;
throw err;
// compile
options.filename = view.path;
view.fn = view.templateEngine.compile(view.contents, options);
cache[cid] = view;
return view;
* Lookup `view`, returning an instanceof `View`.
* Options:
* - `root` root directory path
* - `defaultEngine` default template engine
* - `parentView` parent `View` object
* - `cache` cache object
* - `cacheid` optional cache id
* Lookup:
* - partial `_<name>`
* - any `<name>/index`
* - non-layout `../<name>/index`
* - any `<root>/<name>`
* - partial `<root>/_<name>`
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object} options
* @return {View}
* @api private
exports.lookup = function(view, options){
var orig = view = new View(view, options)
, partial = options.isPartial
, layout = options.isLayout;
// Try _ prefix ex: ./views/_<name>.jade
// taking precedence over the direct path
if (partial) {
view = new View(orig.prefixPath, options);
if (!view.exists) view = orig;
// Try index ex: ./views/user/index.jade
if (!layout && !view.exists) view = new View(orig.indexPath, options);
// Try ../<name>/index ex: ../user/index.jade
// when calling partial('user') within the same dir
if (!layout && !view.exists) view = new View(orig.upIndexPath, options);
// Try root ex: <root>/user.jade
if (!view.exists) view = new View(orig.rootPath, options);
// Try root _ prefix ex: <root>/_user.jade
if (!view.exists && partial) view = new View(view.prefixPath, options);
view.original = orig;
return view;
* Partial render helper.
* @api private
function renderPartial(res, view, options, parentLocals, parent){
var collection, object, locals;
if (options) {
// collection
if (options.collection) {
collection = options.collection;
delete options.collection;
} else if ('length' in options) {
collection = options;
options = {};
// locals
if (options.locals) {
locals = options.locals;
delete options.locals;
// object
if ('Object' != options.constructor.name) {
object = options;
options = {};
} else if (undefined != options.object) {
object = options.object;
delete options.object;
} else {
options = {};
// Inherit locals from parent
union(options, parentLocals);
// Merge locals
if (locals) merge(options, locals);
// Partials dont need layouts
options.isPartial = true;
options.layout = false;
// Deduce name from view path
var name = options.as || partial.resolveObjectName(view);
// Render partial
function render(){
if (object) {
if ('string' == typeof name) {
options[name] = object;
} else if (name === global) {
merge(options, object);
return res.render(view, options, null, parent, true);
// Collection support
if (collection) {
var len = collection.length
, buf = ''
, keys
, key
, val;
options.collectionLength = len;
if ('number' == typeof len || Array.isArray(collection)) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
val = collection[i];
options.firstInCollection = i == 0;
options.indexInCollection = i;
options.lastInCollection = i == len - 1;
object = val;
buf += render();
} else {
keys = Object.keys(collection);
len = keys.length;
options.collectionLength = len;
options.collectionKeys = keys;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
val = collection[key];
options.keyInCollection = key;
options.firstInCollection = i == 0;
options.indexInCollection = i;
options.lastInCollection = i == len - 1;
object = val;
buf += render();
return buf;
} else {
return render();
* Render `view` partial with the given `options`. Optionally a
* callback `fn(err, str)` may be passed instead of writing to
* the socket.
* Options:
* - `object` Single object with name derived from the view (unless `as` is present)
* - `as` Variable name for each `collection` value, defaults to the view name.
* * as: 'something' will add the `something` local variable
* * as: this will use the collection value as the template context
* * as: global will merge the collection value's properties with `locals`
* - `collection` Array of objects, the name is derived from the view name itself.
* For example _video.html_ will have a object _video_ available to it.
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object|Array|Function} options, collection, callback, or object
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {String}
* @api public
res.partial = function(view, options, fn){
var app = this.app
, options = options || {}
, viewEngine = app.set('view engine')
, parent = {};
// accept callback as second argument
if ('function' == typeof options) {
fn = options;
options = {};
// root "views" option
parent.dirname = app.set('views') || process.cwd() + '/views';
// utilize "view engine" option
if (viewEngine) parent.engine = viewEngine;
// render the partial
try {
var str = renderPartial(this, view, options, null, parent);
} catch (err) {
if (fn) {
} else {
// callback or transfer
if (fn) {
fn(null, str);
} else {
* Render `view` with the given `options` and optional callback `fn`.
* When a callback function is given a response will _not_ be made
* automatically, however otherwise a response of _200_ and _text/html_ is given.
* Options:
* - `scope` Template evaluation context (the value of `this`)
* - `debug` Output debugging information
* - `status` Response status code
* @param {String} view
* @param {Object|Function} options or callback function
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
res.render = function(view, opts, fn, parent, sub){
// support callback function as second arg
if ('function' == typeof opts) {
fn = opts, opts = null;
try {
return this._render(view, opts, fn, parent, sub);
} catch (err) {
// callback given
if (fn) {
// unwind to root call to prevent multiple callbacks
} else if (sub) {
throw err;
// root template, next(err)
} else {
// private render()
res._render = function(view, opts, fn, parent, sub){
var options = {}
, self = this
, app = this.app
, helpers = app._locals
, dynamicHelpers = app.dynamicViewHelpers
, viewOptions = app.set('view options')
, root = app.set('views') || process.cwd() + '/views';
// cache id
var cid = app.enabled('view cache')
? view + (parent ? ':' + parent.path : '')
: false;
// merge "view options"
if (viewOptions) merge(options, viewOptions);
// merge res._locals
if (this._locals) merge(options, this._locals);
// merge render() options
if (opts) merge(options, opts);
// merge render() .locals
if (opts && opts.locals) merge(options, opts.locals);
// status support
if (options.status) this.statusCode = options.status;
// capture attempts
options.attempts = [];
var partial = options.isPartial
, layout = options.layout;
// Layout support
if (true === layout || undefined === layout) {
layout = 'layout';
// Default execution scope to a plain object
options.scope = options.scope || {};
// Populate view
options.parentView = parent;
// "views" setting
options.root = root;
// "view engine" setting
options.defaultEngine = app.set('view engine');
// charset option
if (options.charset) this.charset = options.charset;
// Dynamic helper support
if (false !== options.dynamicHelpers) {
// cache
if (!this.__dynamicHelpers) {
this.__dynamicHelpers = {};
for (var key in dynamicHelpers) {
this.__dynamicHelpers[key] = dynamicHelpers[key].call(
, this.req
, this);
// apply
merge(options, this.__dynamicHelpers);
// Merge view helpers
union(options, helpers);
// Always expose partial() as a local
options.partial = function(path, opts){
return renderPartial(self, path, opts, options, view);
// View lookup
options.hint = app.enabled('hints');
view = exports.compile(view, app.cache, cid, options);
// layout helper
options.layout = function(path){
layout = path;
// render
var str = view.fn.call(options.scope, options);
// layout expected
if (layout) {
options.isLayout = true;
options.layout = false;
options.body = str;
this.render(layout, options, fn, view, true);
// partial return
} else if (partial) {
return str;
// render complete, and
// callback given
} else if (fn) {
fn(null, str);
// respond
} else {
* Hint at view path resolution, outputting the
* paths that Express has tried.
* @api private
function hintAtViewPaths(view, options) {
console.error('failed to locate view "' + view.view + '", tried:');
console.error(' - %s', path);