/*! @file
@id $Id$
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/// Send a message to the server
/** Server checks if user exists and has
a valid public key. More test could be added later.
@param $user The name of the user that send the message.
@param $msg The armored signed and encrypted message. There is a
limit of 100000 bytes for the message.
- success() if the message has been stored successfully
- error() in case of any error
@api Send Message to Server
function send($user, $msg) {
try {
$user = $db->real_escape_string($user);
$msg = $db->real_escape_string($msg);
if (strlen($_REQUEST['msg'])>100000) error("message is too long");
$q = $db->query("select pubkey from user where name='$user';");
if (!$q || $q->num_rows!=1) error("user not found on server");
$pubkey = gnupg_import($pgp, $q->fetch_row()[0]);
if (!$pubkey) error("wrong identity");
$q = $db->query("insert into message (user, msg) values ('$user', '$msg');");
if (!$q) {
error_log("Error storing message: ".$db->error);
error("storing message failed");
success("message stored");
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log("Error storing message: ".$e->message);
error("storing message failed");
send($_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['msg']);