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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1350 lines
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0.53.0 / 2015-12-14
* Feature: Numeric partial references.
* Feature: Relative references.
* Feature: New `selectors()` bif.
* Feature: Support for comma-separated lists as `selector()`'s arguments.
* Docs: Reworked contribution guidelines.
* Docs: Added Contributor Code of Conduct.
* Fix: Support for multiple consecutive parent references.
* Fix: Proper removal of parent references at the root when combinators are present.
* Fix: Don't add space before unknown units.
* Fix: Allow comma-separated lists in `@supports` value.
* Fix: No more error message for "assertType" without parameter name.
* Fix: Proper middleware overlap function on windows. Thanks to #2029 by @bcomnes.
* Fix: Better absolute path detection for Windows. Thanks to #2033 by @mlohbihler.
* Refactoring: Moved bifs to separate files.
0.52.4 / 2015-09-04
* Fix: Revert changes in "looksLikeSelector" method.
0.52.3 / 2015-09-04
* Fix: Another parsing regression.
0.52.2 / 2015-09-03
* Fix: A parsing regression.
0.52.1 / 2015-09-03
* Fix: Correct line numbers in error messages for files with CSS comments.
* Fix: Better absolute urls detection.
* Fix: Added type assertions to "substr", "split" and "replace" bifs.
* Fix: Atrules parsing with a block at a new line.
* Fix: Bug with commented indented lines at the end of a file.
* Fix: Stylus error messages for Node 0.12+.
* Fix: A bug with arguments cloning.
0.52.0 / 2015-07-19
* Feature: new url resolver without url checks (`--resolve-url-nocheck`).
* Feature: New option to json bif ("leave-strings").
* Feature: New option to json bif ("optional").
* Feature: Adding utf-8 charset to inline sourcemap.
* Feature: allow inline CSS comments inside value.
* Fix: shouldn't fail to compile in strict mode, #1923.
* Fix: Paths should be normalized for windows support, #1954.
* Fix: Proper parsing of selector groups with placeholder and color-like ID.
* Fix: Proper import loop detection.
* Fix: Correct output of namespaces and charsets inside imports.
* Fix: Indented comments shouldn't cause errors.
* Fix: Proper way of parsing lists in "convert" bif.
* Fix: Proper comma escaping in an object interpolation.
* Fix: Allow no whitespace between keyframes name and the following curly brace.
0.51.1 / 2015-04-28
* Fixed `;` at the end of blockless unknown at-rules.
* Fixed float units convertion by `convert` bif.
0.51.0 / 2015-04-23
* Added support for cascading extend.
* Added "transparent" as a named color.
* Added support for blockless unknown at-rules.
* Made math more strict.
* Fixed bug with extending nested placeholder selectors inside MQ.
* Fixed imports inside `@media` blocks.
* Fixed url resolver to consider `--out` options.
* Fixed parsing of multiple "else if" statements.
* Fixed an edge case with recursive extend.
* Fixed regression with nested media queries.
* Fixed parsing of nested comments.
* Fixed checking paths overlap if 'dest' is a function in middleware.
0.50.0 / 2015-02-05
* Added `!optional` directive for extending, #1757.
* Added `selector-exists` bif, #1758.
* Added `remove` bif for removing items from hashes.
* Added optional recursive hash merging, #1771.
* Added optional (`--hoist-atrules` flag) `@import` and `@charset` hoisting.
* Added a way to output to specific file path with CLI, #1800.
* Fixed regression with using `@media` inside `+cache`.
* Fixed `resolve-url` for hash urls, #1778.
* Fixed `mix` bif for differently transparent colors, #1792.
* Fixed bug with postfix `&` without comma.
* Fixed incorrectly imported functions defined in other files with nested @require.
* Fixed duplicated selectors when extending into placeholders with MQ.
* Fixed `filter: contrast()` error.
* Fixed the cloning of cached nodes.
* Fixed incorrect filenames included in source maps, #1812.
* Fixed stripping of unsuppressed comments from nested blocks.
* Fixed build error for multiple files, #1813.
* Fixed error handling slightly.
* Fixed (throwing error) edge case of watching and printing at the same time, #1798.
* Fixed watch to log to std.err, #1796.
* Fixed indent in complex rules at CSS to Stylus conversion, #1808.
0.49.3 / 2014-11-06
* Fixed regression with `block` keyword inside block mixin.
0.49.2 / 2014-10-14
* Fixed regression #1727 + small fixes for #1717.
* Fixed nested selectors when using nested and bubbled media queries.
* Fixed issue when mixin's block is used as part of a property value.
* Fixed hardcoded `.styl` extension from CLI (added `extname` arg).
0.49.1 / 2014-09-24
* Fixed an output order of nested media queries.
* Fixed regression with cached nodes.
* Fixed support for `Woff2` and `WebP` mime-tipes, #1699.
0.49.0 / 2014-09-22
* Added a way to use plugins in stylus.render options, #1697.
* Added LRU for memory caching.
* Now returning literal CSS on parser error when `--resolve-url` is set.
* Now not showing JS stack trace for stylus' `error()` calls.
* Fixed inconsistent source maps' field orders.
* Fixed bug with calling functions inside an inline loop.
* Fixed bug with nested media queries inside a mixin.
* Fixed bug with extending nested selector inside placeholder selector.
* Fixed bug with alpha variable for hsla/rgba.
* Fixed extending of rules inside unknown at-rules.
* Fixed incorrect merging of media queries using variables.
* Fixed bubbling for `@keyframes`.
* Fixed incorrect `@supports` parsing.
* Fixed `url()` support for `@namespace`.
* Fixed incorrect filename and column information for cached nodes.
* Fixed `--sourcemap-base` to be ignored when `--out` is present.
* Fixed outputting sourcemap log message when `--print` was present.
0.48.1 / 2014-08-21
* Fixed sourcemap paths when `--out` flag is present, #1668.
* Fixed the naming convention for maps: `.styl.map` => `.css.map`, #1668.
0.48.0 / 2014-08-20
* Added basic sourcemaps support, #1655.
* Added info on columns for sourcemaps and better error reporting.
* Added `globals` and `functions` keys to options object in JS API, #1653.
* Added `rebeccapurple` named color.
* Added `unicode-range` support (#1648).
* Changed the behaviour of adding percents together to the more sane one, #1664.
* Fixed bug with property lookup inside mixin block (#1645).
* Fixed a bug with nested media queries inside mixins (#1643).
* Fixed an `@extend` inside `@media` queries with multi-level selectors (#1658).
* Fixed bug with cloning of an interpolated selector with comma (#1660).
* Fixed bug with nested media queries in conditionals.
* Fixed a bug with cached imports (#1641).
* Fixed `@css` literal that generated `u+0085` characters instead of newlines (#1663).
* Fixed escaped comma (`\,`) inside hashes (#1666).
* Fixed a string representation of HSLA node to preserve `%` (#1439).
* Fixed incorrect position of inline comments (#1597).
* Fixed a bug with an apostrophe and a colon in a single-line comment (#1647).
0.47.3 / 2014-07-22
* Fixed support for schema-less urls inside `url()`.
0.47.2 / 2014-07-19
* Fixed comma-first multiline syntax, #1634.
* Fixed hsla arguments for different color functions, #1619.
* Fixed Bug with @media and placeholder selectors, #1625.
* Fixed bug with nested media queries, 1620.
* Fixed broken URL parsing for source and destination paths, #1613.
0.47.1 / 2014-07-02
* Fixed treatment of unknown pseudo-elements, #1608.
* Fixed unit expression precedence error, #1611.
0.47.0 / 2014-07-01
* Added support for anonymous functions, #1580.
* A lot of better color functions, #1526:
* Added support for two arguments for `hsla`.
* Added component setters (`red`, `hue`, `alpha` etc.).
* Added `luminosity` bif.
* Added `blend` bif.
* Added `contrast` bif.
* Added `transparentify` bif.
* Added `list-separator` bif, #1576.
* Added symlinks support to CLI, #1577.
* Added idents and units coercion, #1605.
* Fixed `@keyframes` parsing issue.
* Fixed parse error when `{` is on a new line in at-rules.
* Fixed an issue with multiline parsing.
* Fixed another issue with cached imports, #1587.
* Fixed illegal unary "%", missing left-hand operand, #1586.
* Reverted #1527.
0.46.3 / 2014-06-09
* Fixed parse error, #1582.
0.46.2 / 2014-06-04
* Fixed regression with double writing of transparent mixin value, #1574.
0.46.1 / 2014-06-04
* Fixed regression with a root reference in interpolated selectors, #1573.
0.46.0 / 2014-06-03
* Added support for nested media queries, #1540.
* Added `convert` built-in function, #1545.
* Added negative index values support for subscripts, #1564.
* Add short-circuit evaluation for logical operators, #1532.
* Fixed the dropped commas in splat arguments, #1525.
* Fixed double-writing the `@media` and other at-rules in mixins, #1535.
* Fixed unit expression precedence error, #1537.
* Fixed comments inside the property expressions, #1538.
* Fixed handling of the `@css` and `unquote` inside groups, #1527.
* Fixed incorrect line numbers on errors, #1543.
* Fixed import cloning with cache, #1548.
* Fixed cloning to preserve `property.literal`, #1558.
* Fixed bifs arguments cloning bug, #1560.
* Fixed bug with nested interpolated selectors with a comma, 1568.
* Fixed `current-property` ignored in property lookup, #1565.
* Fixed `current-property`'s value to be evaluated in the right context, #1562.
* Fixed spaces and comments inside a hash declaration, #1554.
* Fixed aliases for transparent mixins, #1557.
* Fixed compilation fail when 'dest' path doesn't end with '/', #1541.
* Fixed bug with CSS to Stylus `@keyframes` converting, #1549.
0.45.1 / 2014-05-16
* Fixed regression with `@require` and globbed paths inside functions, #1529.
0.45.0 / 2014-05-11
* Added support for more CSS-like syntax variants: indented code blocks, closing curly brace on the same line with props etc (as now ignoring meaningless tokens while parsing), #1506.
* Added support for block-level `@import` and `@require`, #1495.
* Added hash values support in `@media`, #1504.
* Added coercion for pt units, #1483.
* Added a way to escape `\` in a tag name, #1487.
* Fixed trailing spaces and comments in the selector groups, #1499.
* Fixed comments in the selector parts (now ignoring them), #1517.
* Fixed bug with url string having a protocol, #1510.
* Fixed bug with `@scope` and complex selectors, #1505.
* Fixed the recursion with the `display: block` inside block mixins, #1515.
* Fixed bug with current-property and block mixins, #1512.
* Fixed bug with complex selectors in conditionals, #1500.
* Fixed bug with `@media` bubbling and conditionals, #1518.
* Fixed bug with newlines and comments in conditionals, #1520.
* Fixed bug with the variable in the first line of mixin, #1502.
* Fixed but with the variable right after iterating over an empty list, #1503.
* Fixed bug with built-in function calls inside a hash assignment, #1488.
* Fixed bug with `*` selector first in the group, #1498.
* Fixed unnecessary bubbling for `@keyframes`, #1490.
* Fixed bug with undefined `filename` on keyframes, #1485.
0.44.0 / 2014-04-23
* Major performance tuning and basic caching support, almost ⨉2 build time boost, #1428.
* Added basic support for most at-rules, #1464.
* Added `+cache` built-in mixin for caching the result of functions and mixins into placeholders, #1466.
* Added `current-media()` bif that returns the string for the current media query, #1466.
* Added `called-from` property in functions that contains the names of the functions from the call stack till the current one, #1466.
* Added a way to escape commas and parent references inside selectors, #1413.
* Removed the never needed `-ms-` prefix for keyframes.
* Fixed rendering of multiple selectors inside interpolation, #1413.
0.43.1 / 2014-04-07
* Fixed regression with `only` keyword, #1460.
0.43.0 / 2014-04-05
* Added better support for media queries — interpolations, expressions in values and more, #1453.
* Added `define` bif, #1382.
* Add `--prefix` option for CLI and `+prefix-classes` mixin, #1420.
* Added `--deps` flag to list the dependencies of the compiled file and stylus.deps function, #1429.
* Added support for multiple selectors in `@extend`, #1419.
* Added the support of the hash objects to `define`, #1444.
* Fixed some floating point problems in maths, #1339.
* Fixed the lost decimal part of units can when coercing from a string, #1387.
* Fixed bug with hash lookup when a property name is the same as a name of local variable, #1433.
* Fixed bug with the `+=` operator with strings, #1423.
* Fixed a bug in recompiling of the files with `--watch`, #1435.
* Fixed `default` value for `cursor` property (Temporally remove `default` from the pseudo-classes list), #1438.
* Fixed the rendering of empty `@keyframes`, #1442.
* Fixed parseColor for single digit integers in rgb(a) strings, #1447.
* Fixed wrong named colors, #1450.
0.42.3 / 2014-03-03
* Fixed bug with pseudo-elements as part of the nested selector with a class, #1415.
* Ignoring comments in REPL, #1390.
* Fixed bug with print of the line numbers when node has empty `nodes` array, #1412.
* Fixed bug with first argument for defaulted arguments, #1407.
* Fixed compression of blocks with nested rules, #1396.
* Fixed bug with importing of files with `.css` in the dirname, #1385.
* Fixed eaten whitespace after selector with a keyword, #1383.
0.42.2 / 2014-01-30
* Added support for reverse ranges.
* Fixed bug with an expression as arguments of function call.
* Fixed bug with property lookup inside `@block`.
* Fixed bug with parsing an attribute selector.
* Fixed bug with `add-property` inside function call.
* Fixed compiling to a directory with `.styl` in the name.
* Fixed bug with missed `mtime` in middleware imports.
* Fixed an incorrect line number in multi-line group selectors.
* Fixed incorrect file path in win32 debug info, #1353.
0.42.1 / 2014-01-19
* Fixed color functions to fallback into literal CSS functions, #1340.
* Fixed `@import` globbing with `--watch`.
* Fixed Bug with units as part of the selector.
* Fixed compiling with UTF-8 BOM.
* Added Icons, and reorganization of graphics folder, #1346.
0.42.0 / 2014-01-06
* Added `@require`, #1287.
* Added more lookup patterns for the `@import` and `@require`. Support Node.js modules, #1316.
* Added file globbing, #1306 and #1013.
* Added root reference, part of #1240.
* Added basic support for `@block` entity, #1290.
* Added string support for `selector()` bif, #1279.
* Added options as an optional argument for `use()` bif, #1297.
* Added some new colors shortcuts: grayscale, complement, tint & shade, #1308.
* Fixed broken @media queries in logic blocks, #1289.
* Fixed function call inside block mixin is on the `block` variable pass, #1285.
* Fixed bug with `if` and color in array check, #1301.
* Fixed bug with list of color keywords as default argument, #1294.
* Fixed bug with property lookup in @media queries, #1315.
* Now using `css-parse` instead of `CSSOM` for converting CSS -> Stylus, #1307.
0.41.3 / 2013-12-12
* Fixed regression for `selector`, #1278.
0.41.2 / 2013-12-10
* Fixed property lookup in blocks, #1273.
* Fixed @extend in blocks, #1274.
* Fixed if-else-if-else, #1276.
0.41.1 / 2013-12-08
* Fixed inaccessible local variable inside conditional which is inside a selector, #1267.
* Fixed some minor issues with `selector()` interpolation, #1259.
* Fixed missing hashes in base64 converted urls, #1263.
* Fixed conditionals inside `@font-face`, #1268.
0.41.0 / 2013-11-30
* Added basic [block mixins](http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/docs/mixins.html#block-mixins) (`+foo`) with block interpolation (`block`), #1223.
* Added [`selector()` bif](http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/docs/selectors.html#selector-bif), #1249.
* Added [hash interpolation to blocks](http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/docs/hashes.html#interpolation), #1202.
* Fixed parent reference in root context from returning `&`.
* Fixed bug with double writing media blocks, 1ed44a81
* Fixed a lot of regressions after hashes, #1230, #1236, #1237, #1248.
0.40.3 / 2013-11-16
* Fixed current-property to be available in function evaluation context, #1211.
* Fixed another regression, #1215.
0.40.2 / 2013-11-12
* Fixed regression after the #1185, #1207.
0.40.1 / 2013-11-12
* Fixed assign to hashes using dot, #1201.
* Fixed regression from the #1185.
* Fixed precedence of the subscript operator, #1189.
* Fixed imports in functions, #1192.
* Fixed compressing of time units, #1204.
0.40.0 / 2013-11-05
* Allow multiple `end` event handlers + optional result css modification, #1180.
* Added Support for proper hashes in json config, #1186.
* Allow functions accept object literal as an argument, #1184.
* Fixed another infinite loop (`a[` etc.), #1187.
* Fixed bug in hashes subassigns with functions, #1181.
* Fixed "is" attribute selectors fail, #1185.
0.39.4 / 2013-11-03
* Fixed another regression after #1150, #1183.
0.39.3 / 2013-11-01
* Fixed parse error in conditional statement without `()`, #1178.
0.39.2 / 2013-10-31
* Fixed other regressions after #1150, #1175.
0.39.1 / 2013-10-30
* Fixed regression after #1150, #1172.
0.39.0 / 2013-10-30
* Added basic hashes support, #1150.
* Allow to inject Evaluator via Renderer's options, #1149.
* Fixed infinite loop case, #1147.
* Fixed Bug with `else if match`, #1154.
* Fixed schemaless absolute urls for `url`, #1148.
* Fixed urls in windows 7 for `--relative-url`, #1156.
* Fixed calculation inside `calc` CSS function, #1133.
* Fixed parsing shorthand colors from json config, #1158.
0.38.0 / 2013-09-24
* Fixed `push` not to modify the first element of another array, #1118.
* Fixed property lookup from mixins, #1127.
* Fixed support for `src` and `dest` in middleware, started tests for middleware #1143.
* Fixed `--resolve-url` that removed tails from urls, #1126.
* Fixed mime type for `.woff`, #1128.
* Fixed `.toString` for undefined functions, #1119.
* Fixed path overlap for non-string dest, #1115.
* Fixed `path.resolve` for nonœ-true resolveURL, #1116.
* Fixed sync return in `stylus.render()`, #1138.
* Fixed duplicate calls from `this.calling`, #1122.
0.37.0 / 2013-08-19
* Added optional params to the json bif, #1102.
* Added `--print` option to print CSS to stdout, #1108.
* Fixed json bif to return literals for colours, #875.
* Fixed include of the css files when `--resolve-url` is on, #1099.
* Fixed error in negating variables, #1101.
* Fixed bug in `p` function, #1111.
* Fixed tests under windows, #1105.
* Fixed regression after #1094, #1113.
* Fixed regression after #983, #1098.
0.36.1 / 2013-08-06
* Fixed regression after #1090, #1094.
0.36.0 / 2013-08-01
* Added `substr`, `replace` and `split` bifs, #1088.
* Added possibility to provide functions to src and dest, #930.
* Added explicit expose for events, #898.
* Added blocking and css manipulation possibility within 'end' event, #923.
* Fixed unneeded code for imports, #1090.
* Fixed mtime for literal imports, #983.
* Fixed empty string as possible quote value for string node, #956.
* Fixed non-symmetrical src and dest paths in middleware, #1037.
0.35.1 / 2013-07-29
* Fixed the support for progressive JPEGs in `image-size`, #1087.
0.35.0 / 2013-07-29
* Added jpeg and svg support to image-size, #1083.
* Added `tan` trigonometric function, also `sin` and `cos` now understand `deg` units.
* Added fonts to data URI `url()` mimes, also the list of mimes is now configurable, #841, #1046.
* Added base conversion for numbers, #714.
* Fixes extends from nested mixins, #1084.
* Fixes coercion error, #1082.
0.34.1 / 2013-07-12
* Fixed the regression after #865.
0.34.0 / 2013-07-12
* Added built-in `use()` function to extend Stylus from inside of `.styl` files, #788.
* Added optional resolver of relative urls, #1070.
* Fixes incorrect imports lookup inside function call, #1069.
* Fixes a lot of issues with trailing symbols in comments, #865.
* Fixes brace on a newline CSS code style.
* Some minor fixes to tmbundle: #975, #1033, #1034.
0.33.1 / 2013-06-30
* Fixed the `exports.version` to always show an actual one.
0.33.0 / 2013-06-30
* Added extendable placeholder selectors, #1014.
* Added optional argument to `image-size` function, #812.
* Fixed inline comments after selectors, #862.
* Fixed a bug with empty block in CSS syntax, #712.
0.32.1 / 2013-02-27
* fix issue on Windows where absolute path starts with two backslashes
* fix extends within a loop.
* fix: don't try to read absolute urls
0.32.0 / 2013-01-04
* add sync api for #230 #691 #151
* fix unsuppressed comments in nested imports
* fix #911 Percentage calculation value not copied
0.31.0 / 2012-11-24
* add support for rounding precision
* fix extends with parent reference. Closes #879
* fix importing of files with ".css" in the dirname
* fix #619 Support slash in media
* fix #819 Extends generate duplicate selectors
* fix #807 directory with `.styl` in the name and local install of stylus
* fix #814 Add property function with media query
* fix #828 Add 'x' unit for image-set (synonym to dppx).
* fix #834 Percentage calculation not used when value is expression
0.30.1 / 2012-10-17
* fix mozdocument nodes not getting visited during imports. Fixes #853
0.30.0 / 2012-10-15
* add @-moz-document to the lexer and parser. Fixes #436
* add --import for issue #485
* fix @property lookup when a sibling is null
* fix 'limit' file size option that was broken in 61a2cf
* fix pseudo-selector properties. Closes #808
0.29.0 / 2012-08-15
* add more features to the textmate bundle [paulmillr]
* add `json()` BIF for loading variables from JSON files [geddesign]
* fix for #790 allow trailing colon, comma etc in // comments [geddesign]
0.28.2 / 2012-07-15
* fix extend in mixin. Closes #747, #748 and #751
0.28.1 / 2012-07-07
* fix __@media__ cloning
0.28.0 / 2012-07-06
* add suffix to `basename()` BIF
* add `pathjoin()` BIF
* add `basename()` BIF
* add `dirname()` BIF
* add `extname()` BIF
* fix `@extend` in mixin. Closes #638
0.27.2 / 2012-06-19
* Adding list of all css3 units
* Fixed CSS to stylus conversion `!important` support
* Fix last rule being ignored if empty indents at the end of the file
* Fixes #425: Compiler hangs when the last property isn't followed by semicolon at the end of the document
* Fixes #435: Can't concat array inside url()
0.27.1 / 2012-05-28
* Fixes #698: incorrect function call within for with named argument [Tõnis Tiigi]
* Fixes #676. Stylus incorrectly imports the .css files that are not in the same folder as the processed .styl file
0.27.0 / 2012-05-10
* Added `add-property()` mixin support [jasonkuhrt]
* Added % support for `fade-in()` and `fade-out()` [jasonkuhrt]
* Added % support to `rgba()` [jasonkuhrt]
* Fixed `.import()` - previously failed to mixin
0.26.1 / 2012-05-07
* any node. Closes #657
0.26.0 / 2012-04-27
* Added BIF shift [gravof]
* Added BIF pop [gravof]
* Added support for __@media__ bubbling properties [Ian MacLeod]
* Changed: strip trailing zeros [gravof]
0.25.0 / 2012-04-03
* Added `make test-cov`
* Added temporary multiline support.
* Added: allow for '%' unit type in the 'alpha' of rgba and hsla [jasonkuhrt]
* Updated cssom dep
* Removed growl dep. Closes #583
* Fixed BIF retval coercion
* Fixed issue #390, nested @media
0.24.0 / 2012-02-16
* Added `mix()` BIF (docs needed)
* Added: cast return values from js functions
* Fixed binops in mixin selectors. Closes #566
* Fixed `opposite-position()` pass through "center"`
0.23.0 / 2012-02-02
* Added `Renderer` "end" event
* Added: cast return value from js-functions
* Cleaned up documentation grammar etc [Zearin]
0.22.6 / 2012-01-20
* Fixed postfix conditional cloning. Closes #535
* Fixed idents prefixed with several hyphens. Closes #536
* Fixed up the TextMate bundle syntax [ianstormtaylor]
0.22.5 / 2012-01-16
* Fixed underscore in function identifier. Closes #524
0.22.4 / 2012-01-11
* Fixed __@extends__ inheritance bug. Closes #499
* Fixed 'lineno' global leak due to missing `new` [teppeis]
0.22.3 / 2012-01-11
* Fixed `--watch` working on windows with a temporary hack [dciccale]
* Fixed __@extend__ with no properties. Closes #498
0.22.2 / 2012-01-08
* Added: allow newlines in place of commas for keyframes
* Fixed: skip comment newlines between keyframe positions. Closes #504
0.22.1 / 2012-01-08
* Fixed __@keyframes__ support for multiple values. Closes #503
0.22.0 / 2012-01-04
* Added `@extend`. Closes #149
* Added more syntax highlighting to TextMate bundle [paulmillr]
* Added `keys(pairs)` and `values(pairs)` BIFs
* Added JavaScript object coercion support
* Added JavaScript -> Stylus node coercion utilities
* Fixed `.define()`ing of functions
* Fixed `stylus(1)` repl for 0.6.x
0.21.2 / 2011-12-22
* Fixed literal / within function call. Closes #432
0.21.1 / 2011-12-20
* Fixed space after `)` in selectors. Closes #449
0.21.0 / 2011-12-17
* Added unit casting, ex: `(n * 5)%`. Closes #285
0.20.1 / 2011-12-16
* Added global leak detection to the test suite
* Fixed two globals
* Fixed operator ident regression. Closes #292
0.20.0 / 2011-12-11
* Added `--include-css` to literally include imported CSS. Closes #448
* Fixed coercion bug with expression. Closes #480
0.19.8 / 2011-12-01
* Fixed middleware `mkdir -p` support
0.19.7 / 2011-11-30
* Fixed `or` binop regression. Closes #475
0.19.6 / 2011-11-30
* Fixed current-property with commas. Closes #472
0.19.5 / 2011-11-28
* revert noop visitor methods, this breaks extensions
0.19.4 / 2011-11-28
* Fixed css-style __@page__ support
* Fixed __@page__ block evaluation
* Fixed __@font-face__ block evaluation [Suor]
0.19.3 / 2011-11-17
* Added "include css" setting (need docs) to literally include imported css. Closes #448
* Added EOL escape. Related to #195
* Fixed tab support in lexical analysis (trailing colors etc). Closes #460
0.19.2 / 2011-11-09
* Fixed "in" within selectors. Closes #458
0.19.1 / 2011-11-08
* Added `spin()` BIF (same as `color + 50deg` etc)
* Removed "sys" require()s for 0.6.x
* Fixed sibling property lookup bug. Closes #452
* Fixed: retain original quote for strings
0.19.0 / 2011-10-26
* Added property lookup bubbling support. Closes #446
0.18.1 / 2011-10-26
* Added "indent spaces" compiler setting. Closes #445
* Allow node > 0.4.x < 0.7.0
* Fixed: allow function execution within @imports
0.18.0 / 2011-10-21
* Added #n support (#e -> #eeeeee). Closes #430
* Added #nn support (#ef -> #efefef)
* Added support for rgb percentages.
* Fixed property rendering in blocks. Closes #440
0.17.0 / 2011-09-30
* Added `@scope <selector>` feature to scope all subsequent selectors
* Added list equality to the `!=` operator
* Added list equality to the `==` operator
* Added mkdir -p support to the middleware
* Changed: `!` coerces expression not the first value
* Fixed Ternary boolean coercion. Closes #420
* Fixed __@font-face__ __@import__ regression. Closes #418
0.16.0 / 2011-09-26
* Added `mkdir -p` support to the middleware
* Added `@import url(string)` support. Closes #352
* Added `fade-in()` and `fade-out()` BIFs
* Adding prefixes for Opera and IE
* Fixed comments trailing __@media__. Closes #415 [guillermo]
* Fixed: Output from --help in stylus executable cut-off half way through
* Changed: treat -/+ operations with percentages as lighten()/darken().
Closes #401
0.15.4 / 2011-09-14
* Fixed `String#coerce()` for Expressions
0.15.3 / 2011-09-14
* Added `-U, --inline` to stylus(1)
* Added `rem` support. Closes #395
* Fixed __@charset__ semi-colon. Closes #400
* Fixed infinite loop in `Parser#function()`. Closes #393
0.15.2 / 2011-09-06
* Added alias `:=` of `?=`. Closes #389
* Removed auto-prefixing of pseudo element selectors. Closes #385
* Changed: when left-hand operand has no unit assign the right
* Fixed __@keyframes__ with __@import__ regression. Closes #372
* Fixed css __@import__ within blocks regression. Closes #388
* Fixed unwrapping of property args expression. Closes #379
* Fixed __@prop__ access scope issue, use closet block, not current
* Fixed __@font-face__. Closes #375
0.15.1 / 2011-08-18
* Added pseudo-element vendor expansion support
* Added `@keyframe` expansion support. Closes #293
* Added support for arbitrary `@-VENDOR-keyframes` support
* Added support for `@property` mixin property access Closes #363
* Added `/*!` support to comments to disable suppression
* Changed: allow uses to append `.styl` when importing. Closes #366
* Fixed paren matching issue. Closes #368
* Fixed windows absolute path checking Added `utils.absolute(path)`
* Fixed `Ident#clone()` with `.property` flag
* Fixed evaluation of expression when using @name. Closes #361
* Fixed `path.join()` usage in `utils.lookup()`. Closes #356
* Fixed space after comment regression. Closes #360
0.15.0 / 2011-08-15
* Adding `Renderer#get(option)`
* Added the ability to reference property values with `@<name>`. Closes #344
* Changed comment output. css-style multi-line comments are preserved
* Fixed issue with bools in selectors. Closes #280
0.14.0 / 2011-08-10
* Added firebug original file / line number mapping [parallel]
* Added support for `#rgba` and `#rrggbbaa` color formats
* Changed: fix alpha to a scale of 2
* Fixing function param check to allow for empty function arguments
0.13.9 / 2011-08-04
* Fixed `lighten()` BIF 'lighten by %' function push color closer to white [cwolves]
* Fixed cli plugin usage absolute paths, don't prepend the CWD [cpojer]
* Renaming 'import' to '_import' because import is a reserved word in node v0.5
0.13.8 / 2011-08-01
* Added `PI` and `-math-prop(name)`
* Added `cos()` and `sin()`
* Added support for __SVG__ data URIs [mhemesath]
* Rename variable "import" to "imported" [eegg]
0.13.7 / 2011-07-15
* Added `js(str)` BIF
* Fixed reserved keyword `import` with `imported`
0.13.6 / 2011-07-12
* Added `@-webkit-keyframes` support. Closes #307
* Added gedit language-spec
* Changed: optional `growl` dep for stylus(1)
* Changed: `require("stylus")` instead of `../` for the mac app integration
0.13.5 / 2011-06-27
* Fixed middleware handling of new and removed `@import` s [brandonbloom]
0.13.4 / 2011-06-22
* Added __Compile and Display CSS__ TextMate command (⌘B) [Daniel Gasienica]
* Fixed caching behavior for recompilation of files with changed imports [Brandon Bloom]
0.13.3 / 2011-06-01
* Added padding for error linenos so they line up
* Improved unary op error messages
* Improved invalid `@keyframes` ident error msg
* Fixed HSLA regression for operations resulting in a bool. Closes #274
* Fixed `arguments` issue with excluding defaults. Closes #272
0.13.2 / 2011-05-31
* Fixed colors after `url()` call regression. Closes #270
0.13.1 / 2011-05-30
* Fixed colors in `url()`. Closes #267
* Fixed selector without trailing comma containing selector token. Closes #260
0.13.0 / 2011-05-17
* Added `-u, --use PATH` flag for utilizing plugins
* Fixed `hsla.clampDegrees()` with negative values [Bruno Héridet]
0.12.4 / 2011-05-12
* Added support for underscore in identifiers. Closes #247
* Fixed `@keyframe` block evaluation. Closes #252
0.12.3 / 2011-05-08
* Fixed `0%` in `@keyframes` from becoming `0` when compressed. Closes #248
0.12.2 / 2011-05-03
* Fixed issue with `^=` attr selector causing infinite loop. Closes #244
* Fixed multiple occurrences of `&` in selectors. Closes #243
0.12.1 / 2011-04-29
* Fixed spaces around line-height shorthand. Closes #228
* Fixed `-{foo}` interpolation support. Closes #235
0.12.0 / 2011-04-29
* Added `*prop: val` hack support (blueprint / html boilerplate etc parse fine now)
* Added selector interpolation support
* Fixed "-" within interpolation. Closes #220
0.11.12 / 2011-04-27
* Added `SyntaxError` and `ParseError`
* Removed `stylus.parse()`
* Fixed error reporting. Closes #44
0.11.11 / 2011-04-24
* Fixed mutation of units when using unary ops. Closes #233
0.11.10 / 2011-04-17
* Fixed regression. Closes #229
0.11.9 / 2011-04-15
* Fixed issue with large selectors spanning several lines
0.11.8 / 2011-04-15
* Added support for `Renderer#define(name, node)` to define a global
0.11.7 / 2011-04-12
* Added `Renderer#use(fn)`. Closes #224
* Improved `utils.assertType()` error message; include param name
0.11.6 / 2011-04-12
* Fixed: node.source and node.filename are writable
0.11.5 / 2011-04-12
* Added / employed `Null#isNull`
* Added / employed `Boolean#is{True,False}`
* Removed all uses of `instanceof`
* Removed all equality checks between singleton nodes
0.11.4 / 2011-04-10
* Added `Arguments#clone()`
* Added `push()` / `append()`
* Added `unshift()` / `prepend()` BIFs
0.11.3 / 2011-04-08
* Fixed: keyword args previously not evaluated
* Fixed: subpixel support
* Fixed bug preventing combinators (and other ops) in `@media` blocks. Closes #216 [reported by jsteenkamp]
0.11.2 / 2011-04-06
* Added `Renderer#include(path)`. Closes #214
* Fixed `@import` path resolution bug. Closes #215
* Fixed optional keyword arg bug. Closes #212
0.11.1 / 2011-04-01
* Fixed regression preventing commas from outputting
0.11.0 / 2011-04-01
* Added `HSLA#add(h,s,l,a)`
* Added `HSLA#sub(h,s,l,a)`
* Added `RGBA#add(r,g,b,a)`
* Added `RGBA#sub(r,g,b,a)`
* Added `RGBA#multiply(n)`
* Added `RGBA#divide(n)`
* Added `HSLA#adjustHue(deg)`
* Added `HSLA#adjustLightness(percent)`
* Added `HSLA#adjustSaturation(percent)`
* Added `linear-gradient()` example
* Added `s(fmt, ...)` built-in; sprintf-like
* Added `%` sprintf-like string operator, ex: `'%s %s' % (1 2)`
* Added `current-property` local variable
* Added `add-property(name, val)`
* Added the ability for functions to duplicate the property they are invoked within
* Added `[]=` operator support. Ex: `fonts[1] = arial`, `nums[1..3] = 2`
* Added `-I, --include <path>` to stylus(1). Closes #206
* Added support for `50 + 25% == 75`
* Added support for `rgba + 25%` to lighten
* Added support for `rgba - 25%` to darken
* Added support for `rgba - 25` to adjust rgb values
* Changed: null now outputs "null" instead of "[Null]"
* Fixed hsl operation support, all operations are equivalent on rgba/hsla nodes
* Fixed degree rotation
0.10.0 / 2011-03-29
* Added keyword argument support
* Added `Arguments` node, acts like `Expression`
* Added `utils.params()`
* Added `debug` option to stylus middleware
* Added support for `hsl + 15deg` etc to adjust hue
* Added special-case for percentage based `RGBA` operations (`#eee - 20%`)
* Changed: right-hand colors in operations are not clamped (`#eee * 0.2`)
* Added support for `unit * color` (swaps operands)
* Fixed color component requests on the opposite node type (ex red on hsla node)
* Fixed `Expression#clone()` to support `Arguments`
* Fixed issue with middleware where imports are improperly mapped
* Fixed mutation of color when adjusting values
* Fixed: coerce string to literal
* Removed {`darken`,`lighten`}`-by()` BIFs
0.9.2 / 2011-03-21
* Removed a `console.log()` call
0.9.1 / 2011-03-18
* Fixed connect middleware `@import` support. Closes #168
The middleware is now smart enough to know when imports
change, and will re-compile the target file.
* Changed middleware `compile` function to return the `Renderer` (API change)
0.9.0 / 2011-03-18
* Added `-i, --interactive` for the Stylus REPL (eval stylus expressions, tab-completion etc)
* Added link to vim syntax
* Changed `p()` built-in to display parens
* Changed `--compress -C` to `-c`, and `-css -c` is now `-C`
* Fixed: preserve rest-arg expressions. Closes #194
* Fixed `*=` in selector, ex `[class*="foo"]`
* Fixed `--watch` issue with growl, updated to 1.1.0. Closes #188
* Fixed negative floats when compressed. Closes #193 [reported by ludicco]
0.8.0 / 2011-03-14
* Added postfix `for`-loop support.
Ex: `return n if n % 2 == 0 for n in nums`
* Added support for several postfix operators
Ex: `border-radius: 5px if true unless false;`
* Added `last(expr)` built-in function
* Added `sum(nums)` built-in function
* Added `avg(nums)` built-in function
* Added `join(delim, vals)` built-in function
* Added `Evaluator#{currentScope,currentBlock}`
* Added multi-line function parameter definition support
* Changed: `0` is falsey, `0%`, `0em`, `0px` etc truthy. Closes #160
* Fixed `for` implicit __return__ value
* Fixed `for` explicit __return__ value
* Fixed mixin property ordering
0.7.4 / 2011-03-10
* Added `RGBA` node
* Added `is a "color"` special-case, true for `HSLA` and `RGBA` nodes.
Closes #180
* Performance; 2.5× faster compiles due to removing use of getters in `Parser` and `Lexer` (yes, they are really slow).
* Removed `Color` node
* Fixed stylus(1) `--watch` support due to dynamic `@import` support. Closes #176
0.7.3 / 2011-03-09
* Fixed: allow semi-colons for non-css syntax for one-liners
0.7.2 / 2011-03-08
* Added `isnt` operator (same as `is not` and `!=`)
* Added support for dynamic `@import` expressions
* Added `@import` index resolution support
* Added `light()` / `dark()` BIFs
* Added `compress` option for Connect middleware [disfated]
* Changed: most built-in functions defined in stylus (`./lib/functions/index.styl`)
* Fixed dynamic expressions in `url()`. Closes #105
0.7.1 / 2011-03-07
* Fixed connect middleware for 0.4.x
0.7.0 / 2011-03-02
* Added `is` and `is not` aliases for `==` and `!=`
* Added `@keyframes` dynamic name support
* Fixed units in interpolation
* Fixed clamping of HSLA degrees / percentages
0.6.7 / 2011-03-01
* Fixed __RGBA__ -> __HSLA__ conversion due to typo
0.6.6 / 2011-03-01
* Added string -> unit type coercion support aka `5px + "10"` will give `15px`
* Added `warn` option Closes #152
Currently this only reports on re-definition of functions
* Added `$` as a valid identifier character
* Added `mixin` local variable for function introspection capabilities. Closes #162
* Fixed typo: `Unit#toBoolean()` is now correct
* Fixed interpolation function calls. Closes #156
* Fixed mixins within Media node. Closes #153
* Fixed function call in ret val. Closes #154
0.6.5 / 2011-02-24
* Fixed parent ref `&` mid-selector bug. Closes #148 [reported by visnu]
0.6.4 / 2011-02-24
* Fixed `for` within brackets. Closes #146
0.6.3 / 2011-02-22
* Fixed single-ident selectors. Closes #142
* Fixed cyclic `@import` with file of the same name. Closes #143
0.6.2 / 2011-02-21
* Added stylus(1) growl support when using `--watch`
* Added `@import` watching support to stylus(1). Closes #134
* Changed: stylus(1) only throws when `--watch` is not used
* Fixed `darken-by()` BIF
* Fixed `@import` literal semi-colon. Closes #140
0.6.1 / 2011-02-18
* Fixed evaluation of nodes after a return. Closes #139
0.6.0 / 2011-02-18
* Added `stylus(1)` direct css to stylus file conversion [Mario]
For example instead of `$ stylus --css < foo.css > foo.styl`
you may now either `$ stylus --css foo.css` or provide
a destination path `$ stylus --css foo.css /tmp/out.styl`.
* Added postfix conditionals. Closes #74
Expressive ruby-ish syntax, ex: `padding 5px if allow-padding`.
0.5.3 / 2011-02-17
* Added `in` operator. `3 in nums`, `padding in props` etc
* Added `Expression#hash`, hashing all of the nodes in order
* Added tests for conditionals with braces. Closes #136
* Fixed ids that are also valid colors. Closes #137
0.5.2 / 2011-02-15
* Fixed spaces after `}` with css-style. Closes #131
* Fixed single-line css-style support. Closes #130
0.5.1 / 2011-02-11
* Fixed mixin property ordering. Closes #125
0.5.0 / 2011-02-09
* Added `lighten-by()` BIF
* Added `darken-by()` BIF
0.4.1 / 2011-02-09
* Added support for function definition braces
* Fixed issue with invalid color output. Closes #127
0.4.0 / 2011-02-07
* Added css-style syntax support
* Fixed support for `*` selector within `@media` blocks
0.3.1 / 2011-02-04
* Fixed property disambiguation logic. Closes #117
You no longer need to add a trailing comma when
chaining selectors such as `td:nth-child(2)\ntd:nth-child(3)`
0.3.0 / 2011-02-04
* Added more assignment operators. Closes #77
`+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, and `%=`
0.2.1 / 2011-02-02
* Fixed `--compress` when passing files for stylus(1). Closes #115
* Fixed bug preventing absolute paths from being passed to `@import`
* Fixed `opposite-position()` with nested expressions, unwrapping
* Fixed a couple global var leaks [aheckmann]
0.2.0 / 2011-02-01
* Added: `url()` utilizing general lookup paths.
This means that `{ paths: [] }` is optional now, as lookups
will be relative to the file being rendered by default.
* Added `-w, --watch` support to stylus(1). Closes #113
0.1.0 / 2011-02-01
* Added `opposite-position(positions)` built-in function
* Added `image-lookup(path)` built-in function
* Added `-o, --out <dir>` support to stylus(1)
* Added `stylus [file|dir ...]` support
* Added: defaulting paths to `[CWD]` for stylus(1)
* Changed: `unquote()` using `Literal` node
* Changed: utilizing `Literal` in place of some `Ident`s
0.0.2 / 2011-01-31
* Added optional property colon support. Closes #110
* Added `--version` to stylus(1)
0.0.1 / 2011-01-31
* Initial release