Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

461 lines
11 KiB

* Express - response
* Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var fs = require('fs')
, http = require('http')
, path = require('path')
, connect = require('connect')
, utils = connect.utils
, parseRange = require('./utils').parseRange
, res = http.ServerResponse.prototype
, send = connect.static.send
, mime = require('mime')
, basename = path.basename
, join = path.join;
* Send a response with the given `body` and optional `headers` and `status` code.
* Examples:
* res.send();
* res.send(new Buffer('wahoo'));
* res.send({ some: 'json' });
* res.send('<p>some html</p>');
* res.send('Sorry, cant find that', 404);
* res.send('text', { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, 201);
* res.send(404);
* @param {String|Object|Number|Buffer} body or status
* @param {Object|Number} headers or status
* @param {Number} status
* @return {ServerResponse}
* @api public
res.send = function(body, headers, status){
// allow status as second arg
if ('number' == typeof headers) {
status = headers,
headers = null;
// default status
status = status || this.statusCode;
// allow 0 args as 204
if (!arguments.length || undefined === body) status = 204;
// determine content type
switch (typeof body) {
case 'number':
if (!this.header('Content-Type')) {
body = http.STATUS_CODES[status = body];
case 'string':
if (!this.header('Content-Type')) {
this.charset = this.charset || 'utf-8';
case 'boolean':
case 'object':
if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
if (!this.header('Content-Type')) {
} else {
return this.json(body, headers, status);
// populate Content-Length
if (undefined !== body && !this.header('Content-Length')) {
this.header('Content-Length', Buffer.isBuffer(body)
? body.length
: Buffer.byteLength(body));
// merge headers passed
if (headers) {
var fields = Object.keys(headers);
for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; ++i) {
var field = fields[i];
this.header(field, headers[field]);
// strip irrelevant headers
if (204 == status || 304 == status) {
body = '';
// respond
this.statusCode = status;
this.end('HEAD' == this.req.method ? null : body);
return this;
* Send JSON response with `obj`, optional `headers`, and optional `status`.
* Examples:
* res.json(null);
* res.json({ user: 'tj' });
* res.json('oh noes!', 500);
* res.json('I dont have that', 404);
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @param {Object|Number} headers or status
* @param {Number} status
* @return {ServerResponse}
* @api public
res.json = function(obj, headers, status){
var body = JSON.stringify(obj)
, callback = this.req.query.callback
, jsonp = this.app.enabled('jsonp callback');
this.charset = this.charset || 'utf-8';
this.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
if (callback && jsonp) {
this.header('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
body = callback.replace(/[^\w$.]/g, '') + '(' + body + ');';
return this.send(body, headers, status);
* Set status `code`.
* @param {Number} code
* @return {ServerResponse}
* @api public
res.status = function(code){
this.statusCode = code;
return this;
* Transfer the file at the given `path`. Automatically sets
* the _Content-Type_ response header field. `next()` is called
* when `path` is a directory, or when an error occurs.
* Options:
* - `maxAge` defaulting to 0
* - `root` root directory for relative filenames
* @param {String} path
* @param {Object|Function} options or fn
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
res.sendfile = function(path, options, fn){
var next = this.req.next;
options = options || {};
// support function as second arg
if ('function' == typeof options) {
fn = options;
options = {};
options.path = encodeURIComponent(path);
options.callback = fn;
send(this.req, this, next, options);
* Set _Content-Type_ response header passed through `mime.lookup()`.
* Examples:
* var filename = 'path/to/image.png';
* res.contentType(filename);
* // res.headers['Content-Type'] is now "image/png"
* res.contentType('.html');
* res.contentType('html');
* res.contentType('json');
* res.contentType('png');
* @param {String} type
* @return {String} the resolved mime type
* @api public
res.contentType = function(type){
return this.header('Content-Type', mime.lookup(type));
* Set _Content-Disposition_ header to _attachment_ with optional `filename`.
* @param {String} filename
* @return {ServerResponse}
* @api public
res.attachment = function(filename){
if (filename) this.contentType(filename);
this.header('Content-Disposition', filename
? 'attachment; filename="' + basename(filename) + '"'
: 'attachment');
return this;
* Transfer the file at the given `path`, with optional
* `filename` as an attachment and optional callback `fn(err)`,
* and optional `fn2(err)` which is invoked when an error has
* occurred after header has been sent.
* @param {String} path
* @param {String|Function} filename or fn
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Function} fn2
* @api public
res.download = function(path, filename, fn, fn2){
var self = this;
// support callback as second arg
if ('function' == typeof filename) {
fn2 = fn;
fn = filename;
filename = null;
// transfer the file
this.attachment(filename || path).sendfile(path, function(err){
var sentHeader = self._header;
if (err) {
if (!sentHeader) self.removeHeader('Content-Disposition');
if (sentHeader) {
fn2 && fn2(err);
} else if (fn) {
} else {
} else if (fn) {
* Set or get response header `name` with optional `val`.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} val
* @return {ServerResponse} for chaining
* @api public
res.header = function(name, val){
if (1 == arguments.length) return this.getHeader(name);
this.setHeader(name, val);
return this;
* Clear cookie `name`.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} options
* @api public
res.clearCookie = function(name, options){
var opts = { expires: new Date(1) };
this.cookie(name, '', options
? utils.merge(options, opts)
: opts);
* Set cookie `name` to `val`, with the given `options`.
* Options:
* - `maxAge` max-age in milliseconds, converted to `expires`
* - `path` defaults to the "basepath" setting which is typically "/"
* Examples:
* // "Remember Me" for 15 minutes
* res.cookie('rememberme', '1', { expires: new Date(Date.now() + 900000), httpOnly: true });
* // save as above
* res.cookie('rememberme', '1', { maxAge: 900000, httpOnly: true })
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} val
* @param {Options} options
* @api public
res.cookie = function(name, val, options){
options = options || {};
if ('maxAge' in options) options.expires = new Date(Date.now() + options.maxAge);
if (undefined === options.path) options.path = this.app.set('basepath');
var cookie = utils.serializeCookie(name, val, options);
this.header('Set-Cookie', cookie);
* Redirect to the given `url` with optional response `status`
* defauling to 302.
* The given `url` can also be the name of a mapped url, for
* example by default express supports "back" which redirects
* to the _Referrer_ or _Referer_ headers or the application's
* "basepath" setting. Express also supports "basepath" out of the box,
* which can be set via `app.set('basepath', '/blog');`, and defaults
* to '/'.
* Redirect Mapping:
* To extend the redirect mapping capabilities that Express provides,
* we may use the `app.redirect()` method:
* app.redirect('google', 'http://google.com');
* Now in a route we may call:
* res.redirect('google');
* We may also map dynamic redirects:
* app.redirect('comments', function(req, res){
* return '/post/' + req.params.id + '/comments';
* });
* So now we may do the following, and the redirect will dynamically adjust to
* the context of the request. If we called this route with _GET /post/12_ our
* redirect _Location_ would be _/post/12/comments_.
* app.get('/post/:id', function(req, res){
* res.redirect('comments');
* });
* Unless an absolute `url` is given, the app's mount-point
* will be respected. For example if we redirect to `/posts`,
* and our app is mounted at `/blog` we will redirect to `/blog/posts`.
* @param {String} url
* @param {Number} code
* @api public
res.redirect = function(url, status){
var app = this.app
, req = this.req
, base = app.set('basepath') || app.route
, status = status || 302
, head = 'HEAD' == req.method
, body;
// Setup redirect map
var map = {
back: req.header('Referrer', base)
, home: base
// Support custom redirect map
map.__proto__ = app.redirects;
// Attempt mapped redirect
var mapped = 'function' == typeof map[url]
? map[url](req, this)
: map[url];
// Perform redirect
url = mapped || url;
// Relative
if (!~url.indexOf('://')) {
// Respect mount-point
if ('/' != base && 0 != url.indexOf(base)) url = base + url;
// Absolute
var host = req.headers.host
, tls = req.connection.encrypted;
url = 'http' + (tls ? 's' : '') + '://' + host + url;
// Support text/{plain,html} by default
if (req.accepts('html')) {
body = '<p>' + http.STATUS_CODES[status] + '. Redirecting to <a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a></p>';
this.header('Content-Type', 'text/html');
} else {
body = http.STATUS_CODES[status] + '. Redirecting to ' + url;
this.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
// Respond
this.statusCode = status;
this.header('Location', url);
this.end(head ? null : body);
* Assign the view local variable `name` to `val` or return the
* local previously assigned to `name`.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Mixed} val
* @return {Mixed} val
* @api public
res.local = function(name, val){
this._locals = this._locals || {};
return undefined === val
? this._locals[name]
: this._locals[name] = val;
* Assign several locals with the given `obj`,
* or return the locals.
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object|Undefined}
* @api public
res.locals =
res.helpers = function(obj){
if (obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
this.local(key, obj[key]);
} else {
return this._locals;