Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

527 lines
12 KiB

* Stylus - utils
* Copyright (c) Automattic <developer.wordpress.com>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var nodes = require('./nodes')
, basename = require('path').basename
, relative = require('path').relative
, join = require('path').join
, isAbsolute = require('path').isAbsolute
, glob = require('glob')
, fs = require('fs');
* Check if `path` looks absolute.
* @param {String} path
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
exports.absolute = isAbsolute || function(path){
// On Windows the path could start with a drive letter, i.e. a:\\ or two leading backslashes.
// Also on Windows, the path may have been normalized to forward slashes, so check for this too.
return path.substr(0, 2) == '\\\\' || '/' === path.charAt(0) || /^[a-z]:[\\\/]/i.test(path);
* Attempt to lookup `path` within `paths` from tail to head.
* Optionally a path to `ignore` may be passed.
* @param {String} path
* @param {String} paths
* @param {String} ignore
* @return {String}
* @api private
exports.lookup = function(path, paths, ignore){
var lookup
, i = paths.length;
// Absolute
if (exports.absolute(path)) {
try {
return path;
} catch (err) {
// Ignore, continue on
// to trying relative lookup.
// Needed for url(/images/foo.png)
// for example
// Relative
while (i--) {
try {
lookup = join(paths[i], path);
if (ignore == lookup) continue;
return lookup;
} catch (err) {
// Ignore
* Like `utils.lookup` but uses `glob` to find files.
* @param {String} path
* @param {String} paths
* @param {String} ignore
* @return {Array}
* @api private
exports.find = function(path, paths, ignore) {
var lookup
, found
, i = paths.length;
// Absolute
if (exports.absolute(path)) {
if ((found = glob.sync(path)).length) {
return found;
// Relative
while (i--) {
lookup = join(paths[i], path);
if (ignore == lookup) continue;
if ((found = glob.sync(lookup)).length) {
return found;
* Lookup index file inside dir with given `name`.
* @param {String} name
* @return {Array}
* @api private
exports.lookupIndex = function(name, paths, filename){
// foo/index.styl
var found = exports.find(join(name, 'index.styl'), paths, filename);
if (!found) {
// foo/foo.styl
found = exports.find(join(name, basename(name).replace(/\.styl/i, '') + '.styl'), paths, filename);
if (!found && !~name.indexOf('node_modules')) {
// node_modules/foo/.. or node_modules/foo.styl/..
found = lookupPackage(join('node_modules', name));
return found;
function lookupPackage(dir) {
var pkg = exports.lookup(join(dir, 'package.json'), paths, filename);
if (!pkg) {
return /\.styl$/i.test(dir) ? exports.lookupIndex(dir, paths, filename) : lookupPackage(dir + '.styl');
var main = require(relative(__dirname, pkg)).main;
if (main) {
found = exports.find(join(dir, main), paths, filename);
} else {
found = exports.lookupIndex(dir, paths, filename);
return found;
* Format the given `err` with the given `options`.
* Options:
* - `filename` context filename
* - `context` context line count [8]
* - `lineno` context line number
* - `column` context column number
* - `input` input string
* @param {Error} err
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Error}
* @api private
exports.formatException = function(err, options){
var lineno = options.lineno
, column = options.column
, filename = options.filename
, str = options.input
, context = options.context || 8
, context = context / 2
, lines = ('\n' + str).split('\n')
, start = Math.max(lineno - context, 1)
, end = Math.min(lines.length, lineno + context)
, pad = end.toString().length;
var context = lines.slice(start, end).map(function(line, i){
var curr = i + start;
return ' '
+ Array(pad - curr.toString().length + 1).join(' ')
+ curr
+ '| '
+ line
+ (curr == lineno
? '\n' + Array(curr.toString().length + 5 + column).join('-') + '^'
: '');
err.message = filename
+ ':' + lineno
+ ':' + column
+ '\n' + context
+ '\n\n' + err.message + '\n'
+ (err.stylusStack ? err.stylusStack + '\n' : '');
// Don't show JS stack trace for Stylus errors
if (err.fromStylus) err.stack = 'Error: ' + err.message;
return err;
* Assert that `node` is of the given `type`, or throw.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {Function} type
* @param {String} param
* @api public
exports.assertType = function(node, type, param){
exports.assertPresent(node, param);
if (node.nodeName == type) return;
var actual = node.nodeName
, msg = 'expected '
+ (param ? '"' + param + '" to be a ' : '')
+ type + ', but got '
+ actual + ':' + node;
throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg);
* Assert that `node` is a `String` or `Ident`.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {String} param
* @api public
exports.assertString = function(node, param){
exports.assertPresent(node, param);
switch (node.nodeName) {
case 'string':
case 'ident':
case 'literal':
var actual = node.nodeName
, msg = 'expected string, ident or literal, but got ' + actual + ':' + node;
throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg);
* Assert that `node` is a `RGBA` or `HSLA`.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {String} param
* @api public
exports.assertColor = function(node, param){
exports.assertPresent(node, param);
switch (node.nodeName) {
case 'rgba':
case 'hsla':
var actual = node.nodeName
, msg = 'expected rgba or hsla, but got ' + actual + ':' + node;
throw new Error('TypeError: ' + msg);
* Assert that param `name` is given, aka the `node` is passed.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {String} name
* @api public
exports.assertPresent = function(node, name){
if (node) return;
if (name) throw new Error('"' + name + '" argument required');
throw new Error('argument missing');
* Unwrap `expr`.
* Takes an expressions with length of 1
* such as `((1 2 3))` and unwraps it to `(1 2 3)`.
* @param {Expression} expr
* @return {Node}
* @api public
exports.unwrap = function(expr){
// explicitly preserve the expression
if (expr.preserve) return expr;
if ('arguments' != expr.nodeName && 'expression' != expr.nodeName) return expr;
if (1 != expr.nodes.length) return expr;
if ('arguments' != expr.nodes[0].nodeName && 'expression' != expr.nodes[0].nodeName) return expr;
return exports.unwrap(expr.nodes[0]);
* Coerce JavaScript values to their Stylus equivalents.
* @param {Mixed} val
* @param {Boolean} [raw]
* @return {Node}
* @api public
exports.coerce = function(val, raw){
switch (typeof val) {
case 'function':
return val;
case 'string':
return new nodes.String(val);
case 'boolean':
return new nodes.Boolean(val);
case 'number':
return new nodes.Unit(val);
if (null == val) return nodes.null;
if (Array.isArray(val)) return exports.coerceArray(val, raw);
if (val.nodeName) return val;
return exports.coerceObject(val, raw);
* Coerce a javascript `Array` to a Stylus `Expression`.
* @param {Array} val
* @param {Boolean} [raw]
* @return {Expression}
* @api private
exports.coerceArray = function(val, raw){
var expr = new nodes.Expression;
expr.push(exports.coerce(val, raw));
return expr;
* Coerce a javascript object to a Stylus `Expression` or `Object`.
* For example `{ foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }` would become
* the expression `(foo 'bar') (bar 'baz')`. If `raw` is true
* given `obj` would become a Stylus hash object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Boolean} [raw]
* @return {Expression|Object}
* @api public
exports.coerceObject = function(obj, raw){
var node = raw ? new nodes.Object : new nodes.Expression
, val;
for (var key in obj) {
val = exports.coerce(obj[key], raw);
key = new nodes.Ident(key);
if (raw) {
node.set(key, val);
} else {
node.push(exports.coerceArray([key, val]));
return node;
* Return param names for `fn`.
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Array}
* @api private
exports.params = function(fn){
return fn
.match(/\(([^)]*)\)/)[1].split(/ *, */);
* Merge object `b` with `a`.
* @param {Object} a
* @param {Object} b
* @param {Boolean} [deep]
* @return {Object} a
* @api private
exports.merge = function(a, b, deep) {
for (var k in b) {
if (deep && a[k]) {
var nodeA = exports.unwrap(a[k]).first
, nodeB = exports.unwrap(b[k]).first;
if ('object' == nodeA.nodeName && 'object' == nodeB.nodeName) {
a[k].first.vals = exports.merge(nodeA.vals, nodeB.vals, deep);
} else {
a[k] = b[k];
} else {
a[k] = b[k];
return a;
* Returns an array with unique values.
* @param {Array} arr
* @return {Array}
* @api private
exports.uniq = function(arr){
var obj = {}
, ret = [];
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (arr[i] in obj) continue;
obj[arr[i]] = true;
return ret;
* Compile selector strings in `arr` from the bottom-up
* to produce the selector combinations. For example
* the following Stylus:
* ul
* li
* p
* a
* color: red
* Would return:
* [ 'ul li a', 'ul p a' ]
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Boolean} leaveHidden
* @return {Array}
* @api private
exports.compileSelectors = function(arr, leaveHidden){
var selectors = []
, Parser = require('./selector-parser')
, indent = (this.indent || '')
, buf = [];
function parse(selector, buf) {
var parts = [selector.val]
, str = new Parser(parts[0], parents, parts).parse().val
, parents = [];
if (buf.length) {
for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; ++i) {
child = new Parser(buf[i], parents, parts).parse();
if (child.nested) {
str += ' ' + child.val;
} else {
str = child.val;
return str.trim();
function compile(arr, i) {
if (i) {
if (!leaveHidden && selector.isPlaceholder) return;
if (selector.inherits) {
compile(arr, i - 1);
} else {
selectors.push(indent + parse(selector, buf));
} else {
if (!leaveHidden && selector.isPlaceholder) return;
var str = parse(selector, buf);
if (str) selectors.push(indent + str);
compile(arr, arr.length - 1);
// Return the list with unique selectors only
return exports.uniq(selectors);
* Attempt to parse string.
* @param {String} str
* @return {Node}
* @api private
exports.parseString = function(str){
var Parser = require('./parser')
, parser
, ret;
try {
parser = new Parser(str);
ret = new nodes.Expression();
ret.nodes = parser.parse().nodes;
} catch (e) {
ret = new nodes.Literal(str);
return ret;