Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
8.7 KiB

* Module dependencies.
var http = require('http');
var read = require('fs').readFileSync;
var parse = require('url').parse;
var engine = require('engine.io');
var client = require('socket.io-client');
var clientVersion = require('socket.io-client/package').version;
var Client = require('./client');
var Namespace = require('./namespace');
var Adapter = require('socket.io-adapter');
var debug = require('debug')('socket.io:server');
var url = require('url');
* Module exports.
module.exports = Server;
* Socket.IO client source.
var clientSource = read(require.resolve('socket.io-client/socket.io.js'), 'utf-8');
* Server constructor.
* @param {http.Server|Number|Object} http server, port or options
* @param {Object} options
* @api public
function Server(srv, opts){
if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(srv, opts);
if ('object' == typeof srv && !srv.listen) {
opts = srv;
srv = null;
opts = opts || {};
this.nsps = {};
this.path(opts.path || '/socket.io');
this.serveClient(false !== opts.serveClient);
this.adapter(opts.adapter || Adapter);
this.origins(opts.origins || '*:*');
this.sockets = this.of('/');
if (srv) this.attach(srv, opts);
* Server request verification function, that checks for allowed origins
* @param {http.IncomingMessage} request
* @param {Function} callback to be called with the result: `fn(err, success)`
Server.prototype.checkRequest = function(req, fn) {
var origin = req.headers.origin || req.headers.referer;
// file:// URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized via echo-back
if ('null' == origin || null == origin) origin = '*';
if (!!origin && typeof(this._origins) == 'function') return this._origins(origin, fn);
if (this._origins.indexOf('*:*') !== -1) return fn(null, true);
if (origin) {
try {
var parts = url.parse(origin);
var defaultPort = 'https:' == parts.protocol ? 443 : 80;
parts.port = parts.port != null
? parts.port
: defaultPort;
var ok =
~this._origins.indexOf(parts.hostname + ':' + parts.port) ||
~this._origins.indexOf(parts.hostname + ':*') ||
~this._origins.indexOf('*:' + parts.port);
return fn(null, !!ok);
} catch (ex) {
fn(null, false);
* Sets/gets whether client code is being served.
* @param {Boolean} whether to serve client code
* @return {Server|Boolean} self when setting or value when getting
* @api public
Server.prototype.serveClient = function(v){
if (!arguments.length) return this._serveClient;
this._serveClient = v;
return this;
* Old settings for backwards compatibility
var oldSettings = {
"transports": "transports",
"heartbeat timeout": "pingTimeout",
"heartbeat interval": "pingInterval",
"destroy buffer size": "maxHttpBufferSize"
* Backwards compatiblity.
* @api public
Server.prototype.set = function(key, val){
if ('authorization' == key && val) {
this.use(function(socket, next) {
val(socket.request, function(err, authorized) {
if (err) return next(new Error(err));
if (!authorized) return next(new Error('Not authorized'));
} else if ('origins' == key && val) {
} else if ('resource' == key) {
} else if (oldSettings[key] && this.eio[oldSettings[key]]) {
this.eio[oldSettings[key]] = val;
} else {
console.error('Option %s is not valid. Please refer to the README.', key);
return this;
* Sets the client serving path.
* @param {String} pathname
* @return {Server|String} self when setting or value when getting
* @api public
Server.prototype.path = function(v){
if (!arguments.length) return this._path;
this._path = v.replace(/\/$/, '');
return this;
* Sets the adapter for rooms.
* @param {Adapter} pathname
* @return {Server|Adapter} self when setting or value when getting
* @api public
Server.prototype.adapter = function(v){
if (!arguments.length) return this._adapter;
this._adapter = v;
for (var i in this.nsps) {
if (this.nsps.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return this;
* Sets the allowed origins for requests.
* @param {String} origins
* @return {Server|Adapter} self when setting or value when getting
* @api public
Server.prototype.origins = function(v){
if (!arguments.length) return this._origins;
this._origins = v;
return this;
* Attaches socket.io to a server or port.
* @param {http.Server|Number} server or port
* @param {Object} options passed to engine.io
* @return {Server} self
* @api public
Server.prototype.listen =
Server.prototype.attach = function(srv, opts){
if ('function' == typeof srv) {
var msg = 'You are trying to attach socket.io to an express ' +
'request handler function. Please pass a http.Server instance.';
throw new Error(msg);
// handle a port as a string
if (Number(srv) == srv) {
srv = Number(srv);
if ('number' == typeof srv) {
debug('creating http server and binding to %d', srv);
var port = srv;
srv = http.Server(function(req, res){
// set engine.io path to `/socket.io`
opts = opts || {};
opts.path = opts.path || this.path();
// set origins verification
opts.allowRequest = opts.allowRequest || this.checkRequest.bind(this);
// initialize engine
debug('creating engine.io instance with opts %j', opts);
this.eio = engine.attach(srv, opts);
// attach static file serving
if (this._serveClient) this.attachServe(srv);
// Export http server
this.httpServer = srv;
// bind to engine events
return this;
* Attaches the static file serving.
* @param {Function|http.Server} http server
* @api private
Server.prototype.attachServe = function(srv){
debug('attaching client serving req handler');
var url = this._path + '/socket.io.js';
var evs = srv.listeners('request').slice(0);
var self = this;
srv.on('request', function(req, res) {
if (0 === req.url.indexOf(url)) {
self.serve(req, res);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < evs.length; i++) {
evs[i].call(srv, req, res);
* Handles a request serving `/socket.io.js`
* @param {http.Request} req
* @param {http.Response} res
* @api private
Server.prototype.serve = function(req, res){
var etag = req.headers['if-none-match'];
if (etag) {
if (clientVersion == etag) {
debug('serve client 304');
debug('serve client source');
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
res.setHeader('ETag', clientVersion);
* Binds socket.io to an engine.io instance.
* @param {engine.Server} engine.io (or compatible) server
* @return {Server} self
* @api public
Server.prototype.bind = function(engine){
this.engine = engine;
this.engine.on('connection', this.onconnection.bind(this));
return this;
* Called with each incoming transport connection.
* @param {engine.Socket} socket
* @return {Server} self
* @api public
Server.prototype.onconnection = function(conn){
debug('incoming connection with id %s', conn.id);
var client = new Client(this, conn);
return this;
* Looks up a namespace.
* @param {String} nsp name
* @param {Function} optional, nsp `connection` ev handler
* @api public
Server.prototype.of = function(name, fn){
if (String(name)[0] !== '/') name = '/' + name;
var nsp = this.nsps[name];
if (!nsp) {
debug('initializing namespace %s', name);
nsp = new Namespace(this, name);
this.nsps[name] = nsp;
if (fn) nsp.on('connect', fn);
return nsp;
* Closes server connection
* @api public
Server.prototype.close = function(){
for (var id in this.nsps['/'].sockets) {
if (this.nsps['/'].sockets.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
* Expose main namespace (/).
['on', 'to', 'in', 'use', 'emit', 'send', 'write', 'clients', 'compress'].forEach(function(fn){
Server.prototype[fn] = function(){
var nsp = this.sockets[fn];
return nsp.apply(this.sockets, arguments);
Server.prototype.__defineGetter__(flag, function(){
this.sockets.flags = this.sockets.flags || {};
this.sockets.flags[flag] = true;
return this;
* BC with `io.listen`
Server.listen = Server;