Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

867 lines
25 KiB

/* jshint mocha: true */
* Module dependencies.
var ejs = require('..')
, fs = require('fs')
, read = fs.readFileSync
, assert = require('assert')
, path = require('path')
, LRU = require('lru-cache');
try {
fs.mkdirSync(__dirname + '/tmp');
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.code !== 'EEXIST') {
throw ex;
// From https://gist.github.com/pguillory/729616
function hook_stdio(stream, callback) {
var old_write = stream.write;
stream.write = (function() {
return function(string, encoding, fd) {
callback(string, encoding, fd);
return function() {
stream.write = old_write;
* Load fixture `name`.
function fixture(name) {
return read('test/fixtures/' + name, 'utf8');
* User fixtures.
var users = [];
users.push({name: 'geddy'});
users.push({name: 'neil'});
users.push({name: 'alex'});
suite('ejs.compile(str, options)', function () {
test('compile to a function', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('<p>yay</p>');
assert.equal(fn(), '<p>yay</p>');
test('empty input works', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('');
assert.equal(fn(), '');
test('throw if there are syntax errors', function () {
try {
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('compiling ejs') > -1);
try {
ejs.compile(fixture('fail.ejs'), {filename: 'fail.ejs'});
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('fail.ejs') > -1);
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('allow customizing delimiter local var', function () {
var fn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><?= name ?></p>', {delimiter: '?'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><:= name :></p>', {delimiter: ':'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><$= name $></p>', {delimiter: '$'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
test('default to using ejs.delimiter', function () {
var fn;
ejs.delimiter = '&';
fn = ejs.compile('<p><&= name &></p>');
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
fn = ejs.compile('<p><|= name |></p>', {delimiter: '|'});
assert.equal(fn({name: 'geddy'}), '<p>geddy</p>');
delete ejs.delimiter;
test('have a working client option', function () {
var fn
, str
, preFn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= foo %></p>', {client: true});
str = fn.toString();
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
eval('var preFn = ' + str);
assert.equal(preFn({foo: 'bar'}), '<p>bar</p>');
test('support client mode without locals', function () {
var fn
, str
, preFn;
fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= "foo" %></p>', {client: true});
str = fn.toString();
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
eval('var preFn = ' + str);
assert.equal(preFn(), '<p>foo</p>');
test('not include rethrow() in client mode if compileDebug is false', function () {
var fn = ejs.compile('<p><%= "foo" %></p>', {
client: true
, compileDebug: false
// There could be a `rethrow` in the function declaration
assert((fn.toString().match(/rethrow/g) || []).length <= 1);
suite('ejs.render(str, data, opts)', function () {
test('render the template', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p>yay</p>'), '<p>yay</p>');
test('empty input works', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(''), '');
test('undefined renders nothing escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= undefined %>'), '');
test('undefined renders nothing raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- undefined %>'), '');
test('null renders nothing escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= null %>'), '');
test('null renders nothing raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- null %>'), '');
test('zero-value data item renders something escaped', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= 0 %>'), '0');
test('zero-value data object renders something raw', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- 0 %>'), '0');
test('accept locals', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'}),
test('accept locals without using with() {}', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= locals.name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false}),
assert.throws(function() {
ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false});
}, /name is not defined/);
test('accept custom name for locals', function () {
ejs.localsName = 'it';
assert.equal(ejs.render('<p><%= it.name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false}),
assert.throws(function() {
ejs.render('<p><%= name %></p>', {name: 'geddy'},
{_with: false});
}, /name is not defined/);
ejs.localsName = 'locals';
test('support caching', function () {
var file = __dirname + '/tmp/render.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options)
, expected = '<p>Old</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Assert no change, still in cache
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('support LRU caching', function () {
var oldCache = ejs.cache
, file = __dirname + '/tmp/render.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out
, expected = '<p>Old</p>';
// Switch to LRU
ejs.cache = LRU();
out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Assert no change, still in cache
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Restore system cache
ejs.cache = oldCache;
test('opts.context', function () {
var ctxt = {foo: 'FOO'}
, out = ejs.render('<%= this.foo %>', {}, {context: ctxt});
assert.equal(out, ctxt.foo);
suite('ejs.renderFile(path, [data], [options], fn)', function () {
test('render a file', function(done) {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/para.ejs', function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<p>hey</p>\n');
test('accept locals', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'}
, options = {delimiter: '$'};
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options, function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<h1>fonebone</h1>\n');
test('accept locals without using with() {}', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'}
, options = {delimiter: '$', _with: false}
, doneCount = 0;
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user-no-with.ejs', data, options,
function(err, html) {
if (err) {
if (doneCount === 2) {
doneCount = 2;
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, '<h1>fonebone</h1>\n');
if (doneCount === 2) {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options, function(err) {
if (!err) {
if (doneCount === 2) {
doneCount = 2;
return done(new Error('error not thrown'));
if (doneCount === 2) {
test('not catch err thrown by callback', function(done) {
var data = {name: 'fonebone'}
, options = {delimiter: '$'}
, counter = 0;
var d = require('domain').create();
d.on('error', function (err) {
assert.equal(counter, 1);
assert.equal(err.message, 'Exception in callback');
d.run(function () {
// process.nextTick() needed to work around mochajs/mocha#513
// tl;dr: mocha doesn't support synchronous exception throwing in
// domains. Have to make it async. Ticket closed because: "domains are
// deprecated :D"
process.nextTick(function () {
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/user.ejs', data, options,
function(err) {
if (err) {
assert.notEqual(err.message, 'Exception in callback');
return done(err);
throw new Error('Exception in callback');
test('support caching', function (done) {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>'
, file = __dirname + '/tmp/renderFile.ejs'
, options = {cache: true};
fs.writeFileSync(file, '<p>Old</p>');
ejs.renderFile(file, {}, options, function (err, out) {
if (err) {
fs.writeFileSync(file, '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.renderFile(file, {}, options, function (err, out) {
if (err) {
// Assert no change, still in cache
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('opts.context', function (done) {
var ctxt = {foo: 'FOO'};
ejs.renderFile('test/fixtures/with-context.ejs', {},
{context: ctxt}, function(err, html) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert.equal(html, ctxt.foo + '\n');
suite('cache specific', function () {
test('`clearCache` work properly', function () {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>'
, file = __dirname + '/tmp/clearCache.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
expected = '<p>New</p>';
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
test('`clearCache` work properly, LRU', function () {
var expected = '<p>Old</p>'
, oldCache = ejs.cache
, file = __dirname + '/tmp/clearCache.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out;
ejs.cache = LRU();
out = ejs.render('<p>Old</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
expected = '<p>New</p>';
out = ejs.render('<p>New</p>', {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.cache = oldCache;
test('LRU with cache-size 1', function () {
var oldCache = ejs.cache
, options
, out
, expected
, file;
ejs.cache = LRU(1);
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>File1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Same filename, different template, but output
// should be the same because cache
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>ChangedFile1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Different filiename -- output should be different,
// and previous cache-entry should be evicted
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render2.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>File2</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>File2</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
// Entry with first filename should now be out of cache,
// results should be different
file = __dirname + '/tmp/render1.ejs';
options = {cache: true, filename: file};
out = ejs.render('<p>ChangedFile1</p>', {}, options);
expected = '<p>ChangedFile1</p>';
assert.equal(out, expected);
ejs.cache = oldCache;
suite('<%', function () {
test('without semicolons', function () {
suite('<%=', function () {
test('escape &amp;<script>', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: '&nbsp;<script>'}),
test('should escape \'', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: 'The Jones\'s'}),
'The Jones&#39;s');
test('should escape &foo_bar;', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%= name %>', {name: '&foo_bar;'}),
suite('<%-', function () {
test('not escape', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%- name %>', {name: '<script>'}),
test('terminate gracefully if no close tag is found', function () {
try {
ejs.compile('<h1>oops</h1><%- name ->');
throw new Error('Expected parse failure');
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('Could not find matching close tag for') > -1);
suite('%>', function () {
test('produce newlines', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('newlines.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('works with `-%>` interspersed', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('newlines.mixed.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('consecutive tags work', function () {
suite('-%>', function () {
test('not produce newlines', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('no.newlines.ejs'), {users: users}),
test('stack traces work', function () {
try {
catch (e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('>> 4| <%= qdata %>') > -1) {
throw e;
throw new Error('Expected ReferenceError');
suite('<%%', function () {
test('produce literals', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%%- "foo" %>'),
'<%- "foo" %>');
test('work without an end tag', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<%%'), '<%');
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('literal.ejs'), {}, {delimiter: ' '}),
suite('<%_ and _%>', function () {
test('slurps spaces and tabs', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('space-and-tab-slurp.ejs'), {users: users}),
suite('single quotes', function () {
test('not mess up the constructed function', function () {
suite('double quotes', function () {
test('not mess up the constructed function', function () {
suite('backslashes', function () {
test('escape', function () {
suite('messed up whitespace', function () {
test('work', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('messed.ejs'), {users: users}),
suite('exceptions', function () {
test('produce useful stack traces', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('error.ejs'), {}, {filename: 'error.ejs'});
catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.path, 'error.ejs');
assert.equal(err.stack.split('\n').slice(0, 8).join('\n'), fixture('error.out'));
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('not include fancy stack info if compileDebug is false', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('error.ejs'), {}, {
filename: 'error.ejs',
compileDebug: false
catch (err) {
assert.notEqual(err.stack.split('\n').slice(0, 8).join('\n'), fixture('error.out'));
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
var unhook = null;
test('log JS source when debug is set', function (done) {
var out = ''
, needToExit = false;
unhook = hook_stdio(process.stdout, function (str) {
out += str;
if (needToExit) {
if (out.indexOf('__output')) {
needToExit = true;
unhook = null;
return done();
ejs.render(fixture('hello-world.ejs'), {}, {debug: true});
teardown(function() {
if (!unhook) {
unhook = null;
suite('rmWhitespace', function () {
test('works', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('rmWhitespace.ejs'), {}, {rmWhitespace: true}),
suite('include()', function () {
test('include ejs', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include-simple.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include-simple.ejs'), {}, {filename: file}),
test('include ejs fails without `filename`', function () {
try {
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('requires the \'filename\' option') > -1);
throw new Error('expected inclusion error');
test('strips BOM', function () {
ejs.render('<%- include("fixtures/includes/bom.ejs") %>',
{}, {filename: path.join(__dirname, 'f.ejs')}),
'<p>This is a file with BOM.</p>\n');
test('include ejs with locals', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('include ejs with absolute path and locals', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include-abspath.ejs';
{dir: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'), pets: users, path: path},
{filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('work when nested', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('work with a variable path', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_var.ejs',
includePath = 'includes/menu-item';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu.ejs'), {pets: users, varPath: includePath}, {filename: file}),
test('include arbitrary files as-is', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.css.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include.css.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('pass compileDebug to include', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include.ejs'
, fn;
fn = ejs.compile(fixture('include.ejs'), {
filename: file
, delimiter: '@'
, compileDebug: false
try {
// Render without a required variable reference
fn({foo: 'asdf'});
catch(e) {
assert.equal(e.message, 'pets is not defined');
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('is dynamic', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_cache.ejs'
, options = {filename: file}
, out = ejs.compile(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), options);
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out(), '<p>New</p>\n');
test('support caching', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_cache.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options)
, expected = fixture('include_cache.html');
assert.equal(out, expected);
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
// No change, still in cache
assert.equal(out, expected);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
suite('preprocessor include', function () {
test('work', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file, delimiter: '@'}),
test('no false positives', function () {
assert.equal(ejs.render('<% %> include foo <% %>'), ' include foo ');
test('fails without `filename`', function () {
try {
ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {delimiter: '@'});
catch (err) {
assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('requires the \'filename\' option') > -1);
throw new Error('expected inclusion error');
test('strips BOM', function () {
ejs.render('<% include fixtures/includes/bom.ejs %>',
{}, {filename: path.join(__dirname, 'f.ejs')}),
'<p>This is a file with BOM.</p>\n');
test('work when nested', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('menu_preprocessor.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('tracks dependency correctly', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs'
, fn = ejs.compile(fixture('menu_preprocessor.ejs'), {filename: file});
test('include arbitrary files as-is', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.css.ejs';
assert.equal(ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor.css.ejs'), {pets: users}, {filename: file}),
test('pass compileDebug to include', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs'
, fn;
fn = ejs.compile(fixture('include_preprocessor.ejs'), {
filename: file
, delimiter: '@'
, compileDebug: false
try {
// Render without a required variable reference
fn({foo: 'asdf'});
catch(e) {
assert.equal(e.message, 'pets is not defined');
throw new Error('no error reported when there should be');
test('is static', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'
, options = {filename: file}
, out = ejs.compile(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), options);
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
assert.equal(out(), '<p>Old</p>\n');
test('support caching', function () {
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>Old</p>');
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'
, options = {cache: true, filename: file}
, out = ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), {}, options)
, expected = fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.html');
assert.equal(out, expected);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/include_preprocessor.ejs', '<p>New</p>');
out = ejs.render(fixture('include_preprocessor_cache.ejs'), {}, options);
assert.equal(out, expected);
suite('comments', function () {
test('fully render with comments removed', function () {
suite('require', function () {
// Only works with inline/preprocessor includes
test('allow ejs templates to be required as node modules', function () {
var file = 'test/fixtures/include_preprocessor.ejs'
, template = require(__dirname + '/fixtures/menu_preprocessor.ejs');
if (!process.env.running_under_istanbul) {
assert.equal(template({filename: file, pets: users}),
suite('examples', function () {
function noop () {}
fs.readdirSync('examples').forEach(function (f) {
if (!/\.js$/.test(f)) {
suite(f, function () {
test('doesn\'t throw any errors', function () {
var stderr = hook_stdio(process.stderr, noop)
, stdout = hook_stdio(process.stdout, noop);
try {
require('../examples/' + f);
catch (ex) {
throw ex;