Fully end to end encrypted anonymous chat program. Server only stores public key lookup for users and the encrypted messages. No credentials are transfered to the server, but kept in local browser storage. This allows 100% safe chatting. https://safechat.ch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

569 lines
12 KiB

* Stylus - Compiler
* Copyright (c) Automattic <developer.wordpress.com>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var Visitor = require('./')
, utils = require('../utils')
, fs = require('fs');
* Initialize a new `Compiler` with the given `root` Node
* and the following `options`.
* Options:
* - `compress` Compress the CSS output (default: false)
* @param {Node} root
* @api public
var Compiler = module.exports = function Compiler(root, options) {
options = options || {};
this.compress = options.compress;
this.firebug = options.firebug;
this.linenos = options.linenos;
this.spaces = options['indent spaces'] || 2;
this.includeCSS = options['include css'];
this.indents = 1;
Visitor.call(this, root);
this.stack = [];
* Inherit from `Visitor.prototype`.
Compiler.prototype.__proto__ = Visitor.prototype;
* Compile to css, and return a string of CSS.
* @return {String}
* @api private
Compiler.prototype.compile = function(){
return this.visit(this.root);
* Output `str`
* @param {String} str
* @param {Node} node
* @return {String}
* @api private
Compiler.prototype.out = function(str, node){
return str;
* Return indentation string.
* @return {String}
* @api private
Compiler.prototype.__defineGetter__('indent', function(){
if (this.compress) return '';
return new Array(this.indents).join(Array(this.spaces + 1).join(' '));
* Check if given `node` needs brackets.
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
Compiler.prototype.needBrackets = function(node){
return 1 == this.indents
|| 'atrule' != node.nodeName
|| node.hasOnlyProperties;
* Visit Root.
Compiler.prototype.visitRoot = function(block){
this.buf = '';
for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
var node = block.nodes[i];
if (this.linenos || this.firebug) this.debugInfo(node);
var ret = this.visit(node);
if (ret) this.buf += this.out(ret + '\n', node);
return this.buf;
* Visit Block.
Compiler.prototype.visitBlock = function(block){
var node
, separator = this.compress ? '' : '\n'
, needBrackets;
if (block.hasProperties && !block.lacksRenderedSelectors) {
needBrackets = this.needBrackets(block.node);
if (needBrackets) {
this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n');
for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
this.last = len - 1 == i;
node = block.nodes[i];
switch (node.nodeName) {
case 'null':
case 'expression':
case 'function':
case 'group':
case 'block':
case 'unit':
case 'media':
case 'keyframes':
case 'atrule':
case 'supports':
// inline comments
case !this.compress && node.inline && 'comment':
this.buf = this.buf.slice(0, -1);
this.buf += this.out(' ' + this.visit(node) + '\n', node);
case 'property':
var ret = this.visit(node) + separator;
this.buf += this.compress ? ret : this.out(ret, node);
this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node) + separator, node);
if (needBrackets) {
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + separator);
// Nesting
for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
node = block.nodes[i];
switch (node.nodeName) {
case 'group':
case 'block':
case 'keyframes':
if (this.linenos || this.firebug) this.debugInfo(node);
case 'media':
case 'import':
case 'atrule':
case 'supports':
case 'comment':
// only show unsuppressed comments
if (!node.suppress) {
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + this.visit(node) + '\n', node);
case 'charset':
case 'literal':
case 'namespace':
this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node) + '\n', node);
* Visit Keyframes.
Compiler.prototype.visitKeyframes = function(node){
if (!node.frames) return;
var prefix = 'official' == node.prefix
? ''
: '-' + node.prefix + '-';
this.buf += this.out('@' + prefix + 'keyframes '
+ this.visit(node.val)
+ (this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'), node);
this.keyframe = true;
this.keyframe = false;
this.buf += this.out('}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n'));
* Visit Media.
Compiler.prototype.visitMedia = function(media){
var val = media.val;
if (!media.hasOutput || !val.nodes.length) return;
this.buf += this.out('@media ', media);
this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n');
this.buf += this.out('}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n'));
* Visit QueryList.
Compiler.prototype.visitQueryList = function(queries){
for (var i = 0, len = queries.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (len - 1 != i) this.buf += this.out(',' + (this.compress ? '' : ' '));
* Visit Query.
Compiler.prototype.visitQuery = function(node){
var len = node.nodes.length;
if (node.predicate) this.buf += this.out(node.predicate + ' ');
if (node.type) this.buf += this.out(node.type + (len ? ' and ' : ''));
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node.nodes[i]));
if (len - 1 != i) this.buf += this.out(' and ');
* Visit Feature.
Compiler.prototype.visitFeature = function(node){
if (!node.expr) {
return node.name;
} else if (node.expr.isEmpty) {
return '(' + node.name + ')';
} else {
return '(' + node.name + ':' + (this.compress ? '' : ' ') + this.visit(node.expr) + ')';
* Visit Import.
Compiler.prototype.visitImport = function(imported){
this.buf += this.out('@import ' + this.visit(imported.path) + ';\n', imported);
* Visit Atrule.
Compiler.prototype.visitAtrule = function(atrule){
var newline = this.compress ? '' : '\n';
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '@' + atrule.type, atrule);
if (atrule.val) this.buf += this.out(' ' + atrule.val.trim());
if (atrule.block) {
if (atrule.hasOnlyProperties) {
} else {
this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n');
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + newline);
} else {
this.buf += this.out(';' + newline);
* Visit Supports.
Compiler.prototype.visitSupports = function(node){
if (!node.hasOutput) return;
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '@supports ', node);
this.isCondition = true;
this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node.condition));
this.isCondition = false;
this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n');
this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n'));
* Visit Comment.
Compiler.prototype.visitComment = function(comment){
return this.compress
? comment.suppress
? ''
: comment.str
: comment.str;
* Visit Function.
Compiler.prototype.visitFunction = function(fn){
return fn.name;
* Visit Charset.
Compiler.prototype.visitCharset = function(charset){
return '@charset ' + this.visit(charset.val) + ';';
* Visit Namespace.
Compiler.prototype.visitNamespace = function(namespace){
return '@namespace '
+ (namespace.prefix ? this.visit(namespace.prefix) + ' ' : '')
+ this.visit(namespace.val) + ';';
* Visit Literal.
Compiler.prototype.visitLiteral = function(lit){
var val = lit.val;
if (lit.css) val = val.replace(/^ /gm, '');
return val;
* Visit Boolean.
Compiler.prototype.visitBoolean = function(bool){
return bool.toString();
* Visit RGBA.
Compiler.prototype.visitRGBA = function(rgba){
return rgba.toString();
* Visit HSLA.
Compiler.prototype.visitHSLA = function(hsla){
return hsla.rgba.toString();
* Visit Unit.
Compiler.prototype.visitUnit = function(unit){
var type = unit.type || ''
, n = unit.val
, float = n != (n | 0);
// Compress
if (this.compress) {
// Always return '0' unless the unit is a percentage or time
if ('%' != type && 's' != type && 'ms' != type && 0 == n) return '0';
// Omit leading '0' on floats
if (float && n < 1 && n > -1) {
return n.toString().replace('0.', '.') + type;
return (float ? parseFloat(n.toFixed(15)) : n).toString() + type;
* Visit Group.
Compiler.prototype.visitGroup = function(group){
var stack = this.keyframe ? [] : this.stack
, comma = this.compress ? ',' : ',\n';
// selectors
if (group.block.hasProperties) {
var selectors = utils.compileSelectors.call(this, stack)
, len = selectors.length;
if (len) {
if (this.keyframe) comma = this.compress ? ',' : ', ';
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var selector = selectors[i]
, last = (i == len - 1);
// keyframe blocks (10%, 20% { ... })
if (this.keyframe) selector = i ? selector.trim() : selector;
this.buf += this.out(selector + (last ? '' : comma), group.nodes[i]);
} else {
group.block.lacksRenderedSelectors = true;
// output block
* Visit Ident.
Compiler.prototype.visitIdent = function(ident){
return ident.name;
* Visit String.
Compiler.prototype.visitString = function(string){
return this.isURL
? string.val
: string.toString();
* Visit Null.
Compiler.prototype.visitNull = function(node){
return '';
* Visit Call.
Compiler.prototype.visitCall = function(call){
this.isURL = 'url' == call.name;
var args = call.args.nodes.map(function(arg){
return this.visit(arg);
}, this).join(this.compress ? ',' : ', ');
if (this.isURL) args = '"' + args + '"';
this.isURL = false;
return call.name + '(' + args + ')';
* Visit Expression.
Compiler.prototype.visitExpression = function(expr){
var buf = []
, self = this
, len = expr.nodes.length
, nodes = expr.nodes.map(function(node){ return self.visit(node); });
nodes.forEach(function(node, i){
var last = i == len - 1;
if ('/' == nodes[i + 1] || '/' == node) return;
if (last) return;
var space = self.isURL || (self.isCondition
&& (')' == nodes[i + 1] || '(' == node))
? '' : ' ';
? (self.compress ? ',' : ', ')
: space);
return buf.join('');
* Visit Arguments.
Compiler.prototype.visitArguments = Compiler.prototype.visitExpression;
* Visit Property.
Compiler.prototype.visitProperty = function(prop){
var val = this.visit(prop.expr).trim()
, name = (prop.name || prop.segments.join(''))
, arr = [];
this.out(name + (this.compress ? ':' : ': '), prop),
this.out(val, prop.expr),
this.out(this.compress ? (this.last ? '' : ';') : ';')
return arr.join('');
* Debug info.
Compiler.prototype.debugInfo = function(node){
var path = node.filename == 'stdin' ? 'stdin' : fs.realpathSync(node.filename)
, line = (node.nodes && node.nodes.length ? node.nodes[0].lineno : node.lineno) || 1;
if (this.linenos){
this.buf += '\n/* ' + 'line ' + line + ' : ' + path + ' */\n';
if (this.firebug){
// debug info for firebug, the crazy formatting is needed
path = 'file\\\:\\\/\\\/' + path.replace(/([.:/\\])/g, function(m) {
return '\\' + (m === '\\' ? '\/' : m)
line = '\\00003' + line;
this.buf += '\n@media -stylus-debug-info'
+ '{filename{font-family:' + path
+ '}line{font-family:' + line + '}}\n';