7 years ago | |
examples | 7 years ago | |
screenshots | 7 years ago | |
AUTHORS | 7 years ago | |
LICENSE | 7 years ago | |
README.md | 7 years ago | |
autogen.sh | 7 years ago | |
configure.ac | 7 years ago | |
inline-images.sty | 7 years ago | |
makefile.am | 7 years ago | |
release.sh | 7 years ago |
LaTeX-Template for Inline Images
If you want your document to be self contained, you might want to decare inline images in base64 encoding.
Just use:
\inlineimg{<filename>}{<base64 encoded raw image data>}
This creates a file <filename>.base64
containning a copy of the raw image data, then a sytsem shell is executed to convert the raw data to the binary image and a file <filename>
is created, which is then include in your document.
Note: The LaTeX compiler must be able to execute system commands, so option --shell-escape
is required.
Note: It is desiged for Unix systems and it requires the command line tool base64
installed. Compilation calls base64 -d <filename>.img.base64 > <filename>.img
If you need an other command to decode base64 encoding, redefine the command \imageencoder
\newcommand{\imageencoder}[1]{base64 -d #1.img.base64 > #1.img}
This example code:
\newcommand{\img}{iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADIC … BQ8f/JOcTkviE7+QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==}
© 2018 Marc Wäckerlin
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If you are missing a feature or a configuration option, consult the project page. Just open a ticket and the author will care about it. Er extend it, it's [lgpl].
[lgpl] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0 "Library GNU Public License"