new library for arguments; refs #6

Marc Wäckerlin 12 years ago
parent c27a11b2ce
commit 904740c518
  1. 14
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 438

@ -4,17 +4,19 @@
## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
exampledir = ${docdir}/examples
example_PROGRAMS = exceptionhandling smartpointer
example_DATA = ${smartpointer_SOURCES} ${exceptionhandling_SOURCES}
example_PROGRAMS = exceptionhandling smartpointer arguments
example_DATA = ${smartpointer_SOURCES} ${exceptionhandling_SOURCES} \
CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/src
LDFLAGS = -L${top_builddir}/src
exceptionhandling_SOURCES = exceptionhandling.cxx
exceptionhandling_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/src
exceptionhandling_LDFLAGS = -L${top_builddir}/src
exceptionhandling_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/src/.libs/
smartpointer_SOURCES = smartpointer.cxx
smartpointer_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/src
smartpointer_LDFLAGS = -L${top_builddir}/src
smartpointer_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/src/.libs/
arguments_SOURCES = arguments.cxx

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# rpmbuild -bb --clean @PACKAGENAME@.spec
BuildRequires: boost-devel subversion gcc-c++ doxygen graphviz texlive automake autoconf libtool make
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel_version} || 0%{?centos_version}
BuildRequires: cppunit-devel
BuildRequires: cppunit-devel libtool-ltdl-devel
%else%if 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?sles_version}
BuildRequires: libcppunit-devel

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ nobase_include_HEADERS = mrw/arg.hxx mrw/auto.hxx mrw/configfile.hxx \
mrw/smartpointer.hxx mrw/stacktrace.hxx \
mrw/stdext.hxx mrw/string.hxx \
mrw/tokenizer.hxx mrw/unistd.hxx \
mrw/vector.hxx mrw/args

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
/*! @file
@id $Id$
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#ifndef __ARGS__
#define __ARGS__
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <numeric>
#include <cstdlib>
// check if code is compiled with a new C++11 compiler
// otherwise there is a fallback wich makes everything much more compliacted
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
/// Code is compiled with an old non C++11 standard compliant compiler
/** There are workarounds for old non C++11 compatible
compilers. These workarounds are deprecated, but will remain until
most compilers fully support C++11. So this workaround will be
removed in future releases, when support for C++11 is more
common. Only rely on this workaround, if you really have to.
@see oldcompiler for details on usage */
#warning You need a C++11 compliant compiler, on gcc use option -std=c++11
#warning emulating C++11 - this changes the way you use the library
#warning this is deprecated and will be removed in future releases
#warning refere to the library documentation for more details
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
namespace std {
// there is no std::shared_ptr in pre C++11 compilers, so we use the
// one from the boost library as a 1:1 replacement
template <typename T> class shared_ptr: public boost::shared_ptr<T> {
explicit shared_ptr(T* p): boost::shared_ptr<T>(p) {}
/** @page oldcompiler Workaround for old non C++11 compilers
... to be documented
@note Old compilers are automatically detected and the flag
@refs ARGS__OLD_PRE11_COMPILER is set.
/// Cool and easy evaluation of commandline arguments in C++11.
/** Evaluating command line arguments is extremely easy with this library:
void test_func(); // bound to option --test
int main(int argc, char** argv) try {
// option variables
bool flag; // bound to option --flag
int r(5); // bound to option --repeat
std::string txt("Hello World"); // bound to option --text
int x(0), y(0); // bound to option --coord
// bind and evaluate options
args::init(argc, argv, "This is an example for argument processing.", {
{"h", "help", "show this help", {args::help(), args::exit()}},
{"r", "repeat", "number of repetitions", {args::param(r, "number")}},
{"f", "flag", "check a flag", {args::param(flag)}},
{"t", "text", "pass a text", {args::param(txt, "text")}},
{"c", "coord", "add some 2D coordinates", {args::param(x, "x"),
args::param(y, "y")}},
{"", "test", "call test_func, no shortcut", {args::func(test_func)}},
// [...] now the variables are setup according to the user's choice
return 0;
} catch (const std::exception& x) { // error in commandline options
std::cerr<<"**** ERROR: "<<x.what()<<std::endl;
args::show_help(); // display help
return 1;
@note This library requires C++11, but there is also a fallback
for old compilers. But the calling syntax is much worse on
non C++11 compliant compilers, so the use of a modern
compiler is strongly recommended. On GNU GCC, you may have
to add the commandline option @c -std=c++11
@note I suggest to take this library into the next C++ standard.
namespace args {
/// Parent for holding a reference to a parameter variable.
/** This class ist used only as parent for instances of template
parameters. It represents one parameter that is evaluated when
a commandline option is given. The derived classes hold a
reference to a variable that is set in method @ref evaluate when
the specific commandline parameter is given. */
class abstract_parameter {
/// Called when the user specifies the related commandline option.
/** Method must be implemented according to the specific type in
the child classes. */
virtual void evaluate(char**& a, char** max) = 0;
/// Convert the actual value to a string.
/** Defaults to empty string, can be overwritten in child
classes. Used by the help function to show the default
value. */
virtual operator std::string() {
return std::string();
virtual std::string type() {
return std::string();
// default implementation for all types
template<typename T> class parameter: public abstract_parameter {
parameter(T& ref, const std::string& s = std::string()):
_ref(ref), _type(s) {}
virtual void evaluate(char**& a, char** max) {
if (max<a+1)
throw std::runtime_error("missing parameter for: "+std::string(*a));
std::stringstream ss;
virtual operator std::string() {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss.str();
virtual std::string type() {
return _type.size()?" <"+_type+">":"";
T& _ref;
std::string _type;
// special case: boolean has no parameter
template<> class parameter<bool>: public abstract_parameter {
parameter(bool& ref, const std::string& = std::string()): _ref(ref=false) {}
virtual void evaluate(char**&, char**) {
_ref = true;
bool& _ref;
// special case: string cannot easily be shifted
template<typename T> class parameter<std::basic_string<T> >: public abstract_parameter {
parameter(std::basic_string<T>& ref, const std::string& s = std::string()):
_ref(ref), _type(s) {}
virtual void evaluate(char**& a, char** max) {
if (max<a+1)
throw std::runtime_error("missing parameter for: "+std::string(*a));
std::stringstream ss;
_ref = std::basic_string<T>(std::istreambuf_iterator<T>(ss),
virtual operator std::string() {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss.str();
virtual std::string type() {
return _type.size()?" <"+_type+">":"";
std::basic_string<T>& _ref;
std::string _type;
// special case: if a function is called
template<> class parameter<void(*)()>: public abstract_parameter {
parameter(void(*ref)(), const std::string& = std::string()): _ref(ref) {}
virtual void evaluate(char**&, char**) {
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> param
(T& t, const std::string& s = std::string()) {
return std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter>(new args::parameter<T>(t, s));
struct declaration {
declaration(std::string p1, std::string p2, std::string p3,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> > p4):
short_arg(p1), long_arg(p2), desc(p3), params(p4) {
std::string short_arg;
std::string long_arg;
std::string desc;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> > params;
typedef std::map<std::string,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> > >
static arg_map& args() {
static arg_map a;
return a;
typedef std::vector<declaration> list;
static list& arg_list() {
static list a;
return a;
void match(const std::string& arg, char**& a, char** max) {
arg_map::iterator it(args().find(arg));
auto it(args().find(arg));
if (it==args().end())
throw std::runtime_error("unknown argument: "+std::string(*a));
for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> >::iterator
it2(it->second.begin()); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
for (auto it2(it->second.begin()); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
(*it2)->evaluate(a, max);
/// Filename as passed in argv[0].
/** Used in the help display.
@note This function emulates a global variable using parts of a
singleton pattern. */
static std::string filename(const std::string& arg0 = std::string()) {
static std::string file(arg0);
return file;
/// Description of the program.
/** Used in the help display.
@note This function emulates a global variable using parts of a
singleton pattern. */
static std::string description(const std::string& desc = std::string()) {
static std::string d(desc);
return d;
/// Return values of the program.
/** Used in the help display.
@note This function emulates a global variable using parts of a
singleton pattern. */
static std::string returns(const std::string& ret = std::string()) {
static std::string r(ret);
return r;
/// Initialize all parameters according to the commandline options.
/** Sets up the parser from the @ref list of parameters
@param argc the argument count as given in C++ @c main function
@param argv the array of arguments as given in C++ @c main function
@param descr a string describing what the program does,
used in @ref show_help
@param l list of options and parameters to be parsed
@raram ret documentation of the return values of the program */
static void init(int argc, char** argv, const std::string& desc, list l,
const std::string& ret = std::string()) {
filename(argv[0]); // store filename for later use in help
description(desc); // store program description for later use in help
returns(ret); // store return values description for later use in help
arg_list() = l; // store options and parameters for later use in help
// setup the argument mapping table
for (list::iterator it(l.begin()); it!=l.end(); ++it) {
for (auto it(l.begin()); it!=l.end(); ++it) {
if (it->short_arg.size()==1) args()[it->short_arg] = it->params;
if (it->long_arg.size()) args()["--"+it->long_arg] = it->params;
// parse commandline and evaluate the arguments
for (char** a(argv+1); a<argv+argc; ++a) {
for (auto a(argv+1); a<argv+argc; ++a) {
std::string arg(*a);
if (arg.size()>1&&arg[0]=='-'&&arg[1]!='-') { // short argument
for (std::string::iterator it(arg.begin()+1); it!=arg.end(); ++it)
for (auto it(arg.begin()+1); it!=arg.end(); ++it)
match(std::string(1, *it), a, argv+argc);
} else { // long argument or wrong argument
match(arg, a, argv+argc);
//! IO-Manipulator to split long lines into several shorter lines.
template <class _CharT = char, class _Traits = std::char_traits<_CharT> >
class basic_split /*: public std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>*/ {
basic_split(int width=80, int indent=0, char fill=' '):
_width(width), _indent(indent), _fill(fill), _os(0) {
if (_width<_indent)
throw std::runtime_error(((std::stringstream&)
<<"wrong use of split: width is "<<_width
<<" but should be larger than indent,"
<<" which is "<<_indent)).str());
throw std::runtime_error("wrong use of split: width is "+
" but should be larger than indent,"
" which is "+std::to_string(_indent));
virtual ~basic_split() {
friend basic_split& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& os,
const basic_split& s) {
if (s._os!=&os) {
const_cast<basic_split&>(s)._os = &os;
return const_cast<basic_split&>(s);
template <typename T> basic_split& operator<<(T t) {
if (!_os)
throw std::runtime_error("wrong use of split, it is an io manipulator"
" and must be used within a stream");
while (_buffer.str().size()>=_width-_indent) {
if (_indent) *_os<<std::setw(_indent)<<std::setfill(_fill)<<_fill;
std::string::size_type pos
(_buffer.str().find_last_of(' ', _width-_indent));
std::string::size_type next(pos+1);
if (pos==std::string::npos) {
*_os<<_buffer.str().substr(0, pos)<<std::endl;
return *this;
void flush() {
if (_os) {
if (_indent) *_os<<std::setw(_indent)<<std::setfill(_fill)<<_fill;
int _width;
int _indent;
char _fill;
std::stringstream _buffer;
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>* _os;
typedef basic_split<char> split;
void show_help(const std::string& synopsis_txt="SYNOPSIS",
const std::string& description_txt="DESCRIPTION",
const std::string& options_txt="OPTIONS",
const std::string& returns_txt="RETURNS",
int max_line=80, int indent=2, int long_indent=4,
int option_len=16, int param_len=21) {
<<" "<<filename()<<" ["<<options_txt<<"]"<<std::endl<<std::endl
<<split(max_line, indent)<<description(); //! @bug
for (list::iterator arg(arg_list().begin()); arg!=arg_list().end(); ++arg) {
for (auto arg(arg_list().begin()); arg!=arg_list().end(); ++arg) {
std::string o((arg->short_arg.size()?"-"+arg->short_arg:"")+
(arg->short_arg.size()&&arg->long_arg.size()?", ":"")+
std::string a;
for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> >::iterator
p!=arg->params.end(); ++p) {
std::string def(**p);
std::string a(std::accumulate(arg->params.begin(), arg->params.end(),
[](const std::string& s,
std::shared_ptr<abstract_parameter> p)
-> std::string {
std::string def(**p);
return s+p->type()+(def.size()?"="+def:"");
std::cout<<std::endl<<" "
<<o<<std::setw(option_len-o.size())<<' '
if (arg->desc.size()>max_line-indent-option_len-param_len)
std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl<<split(max_line, long_indent)
std::cout<<std::setw(param_len-a.size())<<' '<<arg->desc;
if (returns().size()) {
<<split(max_line, indent)<<returns();
void help_no_arg() {
void do_exit() {
std::shared_ptr<args::abstract_parameter> func(void(*fn)()) {
(new args::parameter<void(*)()>(fn));
std::shared_ptr<args::abstract_parameter> help() {
return func(args::help_no_arg);
std::shared_ptr<args::abstract_parameter> exit() {
return func(args::do_exit);