C++ Library containing a lot of needful things: Stack Trace, Command Line Parser, Resource Handling, Configuration Files, Unix Command Execution, Directories, Regular Expressions, Tokenizer, Function Trace, Standard Extensions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @mainpage
@section intro Introduction
21 years ago
@verbinclude README
For details, see the <a href="modules.html">"Modules"</a> page.
@section news News
New in this release (more information on changes in @ref changes):
@verbinclude NEWS
21 years ago
@section download Download
21 years ago
Download this version from here:
21 years ago
- Source TAR-Ball (<code>./configure && make all install</code>):
- http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@LEAST@.tar.gz
21 years ago
- RPM Packages (built on i586/SuSE):
- http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@LEAST@-1.i586.rpm
- http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-devel-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@LEAST@-1.i586.rpm
21 years ago
21 years ago
Download this documentation in PDF:
- http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@LEAST@.pdf
21 years ago
21 years ago
The homepage is on:
21 years ago
- http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/index.html
21 years ago
@section usage Usage of the Library
Include the headers you need with prefix @c mrw, e.g.:
#include <mrw/stacktrace.hpp>
Compile with debug information enabled, thats option @c -g and
link to the library with option @c -lmrw, e.g.;
21 years ago
g++ -g -o myprogram myprogram.cpp -lmrw
21 years ago
For the @ref AutoTools "unexpected handler" you need to link with
@c -lmrwexcstderr or @c -lmrwexclog4cxx.
@section threads Thread Safety
All classes are not thread safe, that means they should either
always be accessed from the same thread, or you are responsible
for locking. If you need thread safety as a feature, please send
me an email and ask me for it (you find the adress in the package
or on my personal homepage: http://marc.waeckerlin.org).
@section libversion Library Versioning
The library and the package have the same version number. This
means, if you for example install the package versioned
mrw-c++-2.6.4.tar.gz, then it builds a shared library of the same
version, named libmrw.so.2.6.4. The naming is
version=MAJOR.MINOR.LEAST. What do the numbers mean:
<dd>If the major number is increased, then the backwards
compatibility was broken. Either there was an incompatible
change in the implementation, or in the interface, e.g. a change
in method parameters, or even parts of the library have been
<dd>If the minor number changes, then it remains backward
compatible. Either there was a minor change in the
implementation or behavior of some features, a bigger bugfix, or
new feature were added. A program linked to a previous library
with smaller minor number still works, but a program linked to
newer library with a higher minor number may not work with a
library that has a lower minor number. This is a one way,
backwards only compatibility.</dd>
<dd>The least number is increased for small changes, bugfixes,
changes in the documentation and so on. Except the bugs, changes
in the least number are fully forward and backward
This means, programs linked to mrw-c++ version 2.6.4 will work
with library version 2.6.3, also with version 2.6.5, or with
version 2.7.1, but it won't work with version 2.5.4 nor with 1.1.3
nor with 3.1.4.
You can see the version of the library by issuing the command @c what.
@section moreinfo Additional Information
21 years ago
See the <a href="pages.html">"Related Pages"</a>.
- @ref license "License Information (LGPL)"
- @ref install "Compilation and Installation Information"
- @ref news "Breaking News"
- @ref changes "Change Log"
21 years ago
/** @page license License
@verbinclude COPYING */
/** @page readme Readme
@verbinclude README */
21 years ago
/** @page install Installation
@verbinclude INSTALL */
21 years ago
/** @page news News
@verbinclude NEWS */
/** @page changes Change Log
@verbinclude ChangeLog */
/** @brief the namespace for this library
All classes and all functions (except global operators) are placed
in this namespace.
For an overview, better see the <a
href="modules.html">"Modules"</a> page.
namespace mrw {