C++ Library containing a lot of needful things: Stack Trace, Command Line Parser, Resource Handling, Configuration Files, Unix Command Execution, Directories, Regular Expressions, Tokenizer, Function Trace, Standard Extensions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

223 lines
10 KiB

20 years ago
/** @file
@copy © Marc Wäckerlin
@license LGPL, see file <a href="license.html">COPYING</a>
Revision 1.3 2005/11/29 12:39:42 marc
make it compilable with gcc 4.0.2 and newer doxygen
Revision 1.2 2005/04/14 19:06:37 marc
no more duplicated traces, better filtering for Qt
20 years ago
Revision 1.1 2005/04/07 20:57:36 marc
initial version
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#include <log4cxx/propertyconfigurator.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/properties.h>
#include <fstream>
#if (__GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__<4 || __GNUC__<3) && _REENTRANT && !_MT
#define _MT
20 years ago
namespace mrw {
/** @addtogroup debug
/** @defgroup AutoInitLog4cxx Automatically initialize log4cxx
If you want to enable log4cxx
(http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx), you have to configure it in
your application, normally in the main. If you want to configure
it automatically, without changing a single line in your code
(e.g. for temporary debugging), simply link to @c
libmrwlog4cxxconfiguration, either with option @c
-lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration for single threaded, or with @c
-lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration-mt for multi threaded applications.
With @ref trclog4cxx and @ref
AutoFunctionTrace, you can add tracing based on @c log4cxx,
without even change a single line in your code. But your code
still has to initialize @c log4cxx. If you even want to
automatically initialize @c log4cxx, use this library!
Configures @c log4cxx in the following way:
-# if available, read @c log4cxx property file
(read first file found, in this order)
-# file specified in environment variable
-# <code>.mrwlog4cxx</code> (local file)
-# <code>~/.mrwlog4cxx</code> (file in user's home)
-# <code>/etc/mrwlog4cxx</code> (global configuration)
-# if no configuration file is found, use default configuration:
log4j.rootLogger = WARN, A1
log4j.logger.mrw.fntrace = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.log4cxx = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.boost = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.Thread = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QString = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QShared = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QWidget = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QRect = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.qstrcmp = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.*.qt_cast = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.mrw = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.std = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.CppUnit = OFF
log4j.logger.mrw.fn.__gnu_cxx = OFF
20 years ago
log4j.appender.A1 = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
log4j.appender.A1.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
and for multi threaded programs in addition:
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = \%t-\%-40l - \%m\%n
20 years ago
on the other hand, single threaded programs are formatted as:
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = \%-40l - \%m\%n
20 years ago
This results in the following behaviour:
- trace to console
- format as...
- @c "\%t-\%-40l - \%m\%n" if threaded
- @c "\%-40l - \%m\%n" if not threaded
20 years ago
- enable all tracing to @c DEBUG
- enable tracing of @ref AutoFunctionTrace
- disable function trace for @c log4cxx
- disable function trace for @c boost
- disable function trace for @c Qt base classes
- disable function trace for @c libmrw
- disable function trace for @c std
20 years ago
- disable function trace for @c CppUnit
- disable function trace for @c gcc internals
class InitLog4cxx {
InitLog4cxx() {
std::string logconfigfile;
char* c(getenv("MRW_LOG4CXX_CONFIGFILE"));
if (c && std::ifstream(c))
logconfigfile = c;
else if (std::ifstream(".mrwlog4cxx"))
logconfigfile = ".mrwlog4cxx";
else if ((c=getenv("HOME")) &&
logconfigfile = std::string(c)+"/.mrwlog4cxx";
else if (std::ifstream("/etc/mrwlog4cxx"))
logconfigfile = "/etc/mrwlog4cxx";
if (logconfigfile.size()) {
(log4cxx::String(logconfigfile.begin(), logconfigfile.end()));
20 years ago
log4cxx::helpers::Properties properties;
std::string name, cont;
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
(cont="WARN, A1",
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
#ifdef _MT
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
(cont="%t-%-40l - %m%n",
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
20 years ago
log4cxx::String(name.begin(), name.end())),
(cont="%-40l - %m%n",
log4cxx::String(cont.begin(), cont.end())));
20 years ago
static InitLog4cxx INIT_LOG4CXX;