C++ Library containing a lot of needful things: Stack Trace, Command Line Parser, Resource Handling, Configuration Files, Unix Command Execution, Directories, Regular Expressions, Tokenizer, Function Trace, Standard Extensions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

167 lines
5.2 KiB

20 years ago
/** @file
@copy © Marc Wäckerlin
@license LGPL, see file <a href="license.html">COPYING</a>
Revision 1.1 2005/02/18 15:53:56 marc
initial release
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#include <ltdl.h>
#include <mrw/string.hpp>
#include <mrw/stdext.hpp>
#include <mrw/exception.hpp>
namespace mrw {
class DynamicLibrary {
class failure: public mrw::runtime_error {
failure(const std::string& arg) throw(std::bad_exception):
mrw::runtime_error("DynamicLibrary failure "+arg
+"; ltdl reason: "+
+mrw::ifelse(lt_dlerror(), "<none>")) {
class Lib {
Lib() throw(): _lib(0) {}
Lib(const std::string& lib) throw(std::exception): _lib(0) {
~Lib() throw() {
try {close();} catch(...) {}
operator bool() throw() {
return _lib;
Lib& open(const std::string& lib) throw(std::exception) {
if (!(_lib = lt_dlopenext(lib.c_str())))
throw failure("cannot open dynamic library "+lib);
return *this;
Lib& close() throw(std::exception) {
if (_lib && lt_dlclose(_lib)!=0)
throw failure("cannot close dynamic library");
_lib = 0;
return *this;
friend class DynamicLibrary;
lt_dlhandle handle() throw(std::exception) {
if (!_lib)
throw failure("library not open");
return _lib;
lt_dlhandle _lib;
DynamicLibrary() throw(std::exception): _opened(false) {
if (lt_dlinit()>0)
throw failure("cannot initialize dynamic library loader");
_opened = true;
DynamicLibrary(const std::string& lib) throw(std::exception):
_opened(false) {
if (lt_dlinit()>0)
throw failure("cannot initialize dynamic library loader");
_opened = true;
~DynamicLibrary() throw() {
try {close();} catch (...) {}
if (_opened) lt_dlexit();
DynamicLibrary& open(const std::string& lib) throw(std::exception) {
return *this;
DynamicLibrary& close() throw(std::exception) {
return *this;
DynamicLibrary& resident() throw(std::exception) {
if (lt_dlmakeresident(_lib.handle())!=0)
throw failure("cannot make library resident");
return *this;
bool isResident() throw(std::exception) {
return lt_dlisresident(_lib.handle())==1;
lt_ptr symbol(const std::string& name) throw(std::exception) {
lt_ptr sym(lt_dlsym(_lib.handle(), name.c_str()));
if (!sym)
throw failure("cannot load dynamic library symbol: "+name);
return sym;
{{"name1", &name1}, {"name2", &name2}, 0}
DynamicLibrary& preload(const lt_dlsymlist* symbols)
throw(std::exception) {
if (lt_dlpreload(symbols)!=0)
throw failure("error in preloading libraries");
return *this;
{{"name1", &name1}, {"name2", &name2}, 0}
DynamicLibrary& preloadDefault(const lt_dlsymlist* symbols)
throw(std::exception) {
if (lt_dlpreload_default(symbols)!=0)
throw failure("error in preloading libraries");
return *this;
int foreachfile(const char* searchPath,
int(*function)(const char*, lt_ptr),
lt_ptr data) throw() {
return lt_dlforeachfile(searchPath, function, data);
/// @todo enable
// static void preloadedSymbols(const std::string& lib,
// const lt_dlsymlist symbols[])
// throw(std::exception) {
// Lib lib(lt_dlopenext(lib.c_str()));
// }
static void addSearchDir(const std::string& dir) throw(std::exception) {
if (lt_dladdsearchdir(dir.c_str())!=0)
throw failure("cannot add search dir: "+dir);
static void insertSearchDir(const std::string& before,
const std::string& dir)
throw(std::exception) {
if (lt_dlinsertsearchdir(before.c_str(), dir.c_str())!=0)
throw failure("cannot add search dir: "+dir);
/// @todo enable
// static std::string void setSearchPath(const std::string& dir) throw() {
// char const * const path(lt_dlgetsearchpath());
// if (!path)
// throw failure("cannot get search path");
// return path;
// }
bool _opened;
Lib _lib;