C++ class for reading and writing XML structures. No need for a C++ code parser or special pre compiler. Specify a schema entirly in native C++. The schema is verified when XML is read and exceptions are thrown when the XML to be parse is invalid.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1635 lines
67 KiB

16 years ago
/*! @file
@id $Id$
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
16 years ago
16 years ago
#include <istream>
#include <sstream>
16 years ago
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
16 years ago
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdexcept>
16 years ago
#include <xml-cxx/any.hxx>
16 years ago
//! @cond DEBUG
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
class MethodTrace {
MethodTrace(const void* addr, const std::string& name) throw():
_addr(addr), _name(name) {
std::clog<<std::hex<<std::setw(15)<<_addr<<": "
<<std::setfill(' ')<<"\\ "<<_name<<std::endl;
~MethodTrace() throw() {
std::clog<<std::hex<<std::setw(15)<<_addr<<": "<<std::dec
<<std::setw(2+_level)<<std::setfill(' ')
<<"/ "<<_name<<std::endl;
const void* _addr;
const std::string _name;
static unsigned int _level;
#define TRACE MethodTrace XXX_METHOD(this, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
#define LOG(X) std::clog<<__PRETTY_FUNCTION__<<"\t**** "<<X<<std::endl
#define ASSERT(X, Y) { \
if (!(Y)) { \
LOG(X); \
} \
assert(Y); \
//! @endcond
16 years ago
/*! @mainpage
16 years ago
16 years ago
@section maintitle C++ XML Class Library
- Specify your XML schema in C++ using common C++ syntax,
such as shift, dereference, etc.
- Verify the schema of XML files while they are read from a stream.
- Map and store your own C++ classes to XML and restore them back.
@section basics Basics
Include file:
#include <xml-cxx/xml.hxx>
Link option:
@section schemaFactory Factory with Schema Declaration
Small example on how to declare an XML schema (@ref freexml), you
may then use <code>template.read(is)</code> to read XML from a
// start with root element: <root id="">
xml::Factory template(xml::Node("root").attr("id", xml::optional)
// <root> contains any number of <child>
// must contain exactly one <other>
<<(xml::Node("other").limits(1, 1)
// <other> contains min 2 max 4 <text>
<<xml::String("text").limits(2, 4)));
@section introMacro Using Macros Instead od Literal Text
If you prefere using constants instead of literal texts, you can
declare the node names before you use them (@ref xmlConst):
xml::Factory template(xml::node::root.clone()->attr("id", xml::optional)
@section introSer Serialize Classes, Join Classes with XML
When inheriting from xml::Serialize, your class inherits the
methods xml::Serialize::loadXml and
xml::Serialize::saveXml. Simply overwrite
xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers to make your class serializable
(@ref serialization):
16 years ago
class MyClass: public xml::Serialize {
void initXmlMembers() {
persist(i, "i");
persist(s, "s");
persist(l, "l");
int i;
std::string s;
xml::List<std::string> l; // same behaviour as std::list
@section readme The README File
16 years ago
@include README
@page license License is LGPL 3
File COPYING from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt:
@include COPYING
@page limits Known Limitations
16 years ago
- XML-Comments are only ignored, not read, not stored.
16 years ago
- Mixed tags and text is not supported. Tags may either contain
other tags only (type xml::Node) or text only (type
16 years ago
xml::String). -> This is intended behaviour!
16 years ago
- Unlimited recursion is not possible
(e.g. &ltp&gt;&ltp&gt;&ltp&gt;&lt/p&gt;&lt/p&gt;&lt/p&gt;)
16 years ago
- Exceptions should be optional, best effort otherwise (option "strict")
@see serializationLimits
@page serializationLimits Limitations of Serialization
- Only the following types are intended to be serialized:\n
(It is possible to use other techniques, but that's not recommended)
- basic C++ types (except pointer)
- @c std::string
- classes derieved from xml::Serialize
- most standard containers, but in their xml-form,
e.g. xml::List instead of @c std::list
(xml::List inherits @c std::list)
- Optional values are supported through xml::Optional
- @c std::bitset, @c std::priority_queue, @c std::queue and
@c std::stack are not implemented
- Polymorfic serialisation is not yet implemented
16 years ago
@page rationale Rationale - Limitations of other libraries
The initial idea was to map C++ data structures to XML files
(e.g. for configuration files) that can easily be edited by
hand. This library does not need any kind of C++ code parser or
proprietary pre compiler. You can specify a schema entirly in
native C++. Access to the XML structures is through typical C++
operators which rresults in a simple and intuitive syntax. The
schema is verified when XML is read and exceptions are thrown when
the XML to be pares is invalid. Exceptions specify exactly the
location and reason of the problem, so that the editor of the XML
file can easily find and correct the problem. Due to the
verification, it is not necessary to check every access: Only
optional attributes and tags must be tested for their existence,
before they can be accessed.
There are a lot of different approaches for using XML in C++, all
of them have their specific limitations. This library should be
The design is based on my experiance with gsoap
(http://gsoap.sf.net), boost serialization (http://boost.org) and
Qt XML (http://qtsoftware.com).
@section qtxml Qt XML, a typical DOM approach
16 years ago
One is the XML part of the Qt library. These classes can read XML
into a DOM tree, but then the user has to check for every detail.
This looks like:
QDomDocument doc;
if (!doc.setContent(_http.readAll())); // error
QDomNodeList releases(doc.elementsByTagName("release"));
for(int i(0); i<releases.size(); ++i)
if (releases.at(i).attributes().contains("type") &&
releases.at(i).attributes().namedItem("type").nodeValue()==_name) {
_software = releases.at(i).firstChildElement("software");
_firmware = releases.at(i).firstChildElement("firmware");
if (_software.isNull() || _firmware.isNull() ||
releases.at(i).firstChildElement("notes").isNull()); // error
This is a typical example of a DOM parser. The main disadvantage
here is that we cannot declare a schema. After parsing an XML
file, we cannot know whether it is valid with respect to our
definition or not. This means that every single access tested.
xml::Factory lets you specify a schema template and guarantees
that the parsed file passed a lot of tests to make sure it fits
into the schema. If any test fails, the factory throws an
@section boostserialization Boost Serialization
Boost serialization is quite flexible and easy to use, but there
are several pitfalls, and worst, the generated XML cannot easily
be edited by hand. One of the main problems: If you store lists,
you cannot simply add an arbitrary number of list items, but you
must first serialize the list size as a number. If you edit the
file by hand, the number must exactly match the number of items,
or parsing will fail. Error messages (the exceptions) don't help
finding the problem within the parsed XML code. The XML format it
generates is definitely not made to be edited by hand.
In fact, in my project that resulted in this new class (CoMoL, see
http://comol.sourceforge.net), we first used Boost serialization
to read and write XML files. The configuration was then done on
the GUI. But this was not comfortable enough, so the configuration
was mostly edited by hand. It was a pain then to find any typos in
the XML and the storage was too unflexible. So we needed a new
apporach, and well here it is. CoMoL now uses the full flexibility
of @ref freexml including optional tags and attributes.
@section gsoap Using gSOAP for Serialization of C++ Structures
When I was working at Siemens, we often used gSOAP
(http://gsoap.sf.net) when we needed mor flexibility in XML
declaration than what's possible with @ref boostserialization. But
gSOAP has several problems:
- It is a C framework, not native C++, with all the problems
that result from this, i.e. memory management is absolutely
- It is a quite a complex problem to copy a gSOAP structure
without memory access problems.
- Moreover gSOAP is not real C++ code, but it requires a pre
processor that generates C++ from a pseudo C++ structure.
- It is not designed to Store C++ in XML, but to implement the
gSOAP protocol.
- And last but not least, the license is not free for all usage.
@example address.cxx Example
This is a simple example on how to declare a XML schema and how to
use a xml::Factory to restore it from a file. */
//! @addtogroup freexml
/*! @defgroup xmlConst XML Constant Declarations
There are macros to help you with declaring constants. Chose a C++
header file, where you want to declare constant names for your xml
Then for xml::Node you will use, call XML_NODE(name) and for every
xml::String call XML_STRING(othername). After the declaration, you
can use the xml::Node as constant @c xml::node::name, the
xml::String as constant @c xml::string::name and @c std::string
constants for the given node names as @c xml::name::name and @c
@note If you want to use the xml::Node, xml::String constants in a
non constant environment, i.e. to add children, attributes or
limits, you must call xml::Node::clone to get a non constant copy.
@note Node names must be unique. You can not even use the same
name for a XML_NODE and a XML_STRING declaration.
@see @ref node_macros.cxx
@example node_macros.cxx
The example code is equivalent to:
int main(int, char**) {
xml::Factory test(xml::Node("base")
std::stringstream ss("<base>\n"
" <child>\n"
" <element>Hello</element>\n"
" </child>\n"
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> file(test.read(ss));
std::cout<<"The element is: "
return 0;
The advantage is the fact that you have no more quoted strings to
cope with. So your potential runtime errors through typos become
compile time errors, which is more robust and easier to find. If
you want to write less code, you are free to use <code>using
namespace xml::name</code> in your C++ implementation files, since
names are more often used than nodes. (@em Never use @c using in a
C++ header file, you would pollute the scope of all the
includers.) */
//! @addtogroup xmlConst
//! Define a string for a node name
/*! It is called inside XML_NODE and XML_STRING, so if you work with
these two, you don't have to care about XML_NAME. But you can use
XML_NAME alone if you don't want the other two macros.
Declares a constant of type @c std::string with name @c xml::name::NAME.
@see XML_STRING */
#define XML_NAME(NAME) \
namespace xml {\
namespace name {\
static const std::string NAME(#NAME); \
//! Define a constant for a xml::Node and for a string containing its name
/*! Put this macro in the global part of your header files. After
declaration of e.g. <code>XML_NODE(tagname)</code> you can use
<code>xml::node::tagname</code> as constant xml::Node and
<code>xml::name::tagname</code> as a constant std::string with
contents @c "tagname" in your code.
@see XML_STRING same for xml::String
@see XML_NAME called by XML_NODE */
#define XML_NODE(NAME) \
namespace xml {\
namespace node {\
static const xml::Node NAME(#NAME);\
//! Define a constant for a xml::String and for a string containing its name
/*! Put this macro in the global part of your header files. After
declaration of e.g. <code>XML_STRING(tagname)</code> you can use
<code>xml::string::tagname</code> as constant xml::String and
<code>xml::name::tagname</code> as a constant std::string with
contents @c "tagname" in your code.
@see XML_NODE same for xml::Node
@see XML_NAME called by XML_STRING */
#define XML_STRING(NAME) \
namespace xml {\
namespace string {\
static const xml::String NAME(#NAME);\
//! @todo Define a constant for a xml::Node and for a string containing its name
/*! Put this macro in the global part of your header files. After
declaration of e.g. <code>XML_NODE(tagname)</code> you can use
<code>xml::node::tagname</code> as constant xml::Node and
<code>xml::name::tagname</code> as a constant std::string with
contents @c "tagname" in your code.
@see XML_STRING same for xml::String
@see XML_NAME called by XML_NODE */
#define XML_PARENT(NAME, ...) \
namespace xml {\
namespace node {\
static const xml::Node NAME(#NAME);\
/*! @defgroup freexml Arbitrary XML Schema Definition and Storage
Class xml::Node declares an XML DOM node. Storing XML structures
has never been a problem, but to read them back again,
xml::Factory is needed, which must be given an XML schema
description. The XML schema is fully declared in C++, simply by
shifting the allowed nodes and attributes into the factory and by
setting limits.
A xml::Factory represents a factory that owns a template and can
instanciate XML trees that are valid for the given template from
streams. If anything is not valid, an exception is thrown. The @c
what() method of the exception gives additional information about
the problem.
In the following example, we want to represent XML data that are
contained in a &lt;persons&gt; tag, and may contain a list of @c
person. Each @c person has a mandatory attribute @c id and
optional @c member-of. @c person has a @c name and may contain a
list of @c friends, where each @c friend has an attribute @c
id. (The @c id attribute of course should reference to the @c id
of another @c name, but this relationship cannot be declared.)
All tags are by default specified as 0..n (optional and any number
there of).
16 years ago
#include <xml-cxx/xml.hxx>
#include <iostream>
xml::Factory test(xml::Node("persons") // root node
<<(xml::Node("person") // child of persons
.attr("id", xml::mandatory)
.attr("member-of", xml::optional))
<<xml::String("name") // the person's name
<<(xml::Node("friends") // friends of person
<<(xml::Node("friend") // a friend
.attr("id", xml::mandatory)))));
16 years ago
try {
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> persons(test.read(std::ifstream("file.xml)));
// Here we can be sure, that our structure is valid,
// but we must check optional elements before access, otherwise
// we get an exception.
16 years ago
for (xml::Node::size_type i(0); i<persons.children(); ++i) {
std::cout<<"Person: "<<*persons[i]["name"]; // exception if no "name"
if (persons[i]("friends")) // check if "friends" is set
std::cout<<" has "<<persons[i]["friends"].children()<<" friends"
std::cout<<" has no friend list";
16 years ago
} catch (const std::exception& x) {
std::cerr<<"**** Error in file \"file.xml\":"<<std::endl
16 years ago
@endcode */
//! Everything is in namespace xml
namespace xml {
14 years ago
std::string version();
//! @addtogroup freexml
//! @cond INTERNAL
16 years ago
16 years ago
//! Type of an xml node.
/*! Only start nodes and empty nodes may have attributes. */
enum NodeType {
START, //!< start node, such as <code>&lt;node&gt;</code>
END, //!< end node, such as <code>&lt;/node&gt;</code>
EMPTY, //!< empty node, such as <code>&lt;node/&gt;</code>
SPECIAL //!< special node, such as
//! a comment <code>&lt;!-- ... --&gt;</code>,
//! a xml start indication <code>&lt;?xml?&gt;</code>
//! or a document type declaration <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE ...&gt;</code>
//! @endcond
16 years ago
//! Declares an attribute to be mandatory.
const bool mandatory(true);
//! Declares an attribute to be optional.
const bool optional(false);
16 years ago
//================================================================= EXCEPTIONS
struct Tag;
class Attributes;
16 years ago
class Node;
class Factory;
//! @defgroup exceptions Exception classes
16 years ago
class exception: public std::exception {
exception(std::string reason) throw();
16 years ago
exception(std::string reason, const Node& t) throw();
~exception() throw();
16 years ago
void line(unsigned long line) throw();
16 years ago
const char* what() const throw();
std::string _what;
Node* _node;
class type_not_registered: public exception {
type_not_registered(std::string type, std::string name, const Node& t):
exception("serialized node type is not registered\ntype: "
+type+"\nname: "+name, t) {
type_not_registered(std::string type):
exception("serialized node type is not registered\ntype: "+type) {
class empty_attribute_list: public exception {
empty_attribute_list(const std::string& name) throw():
exception("list of attribute is empty access to first element failed"
"\nattribute: "+name) {
class factory_not_valid: public exception {
factory_not_valid() throw():
exception("a factory must be given a template node") {
16 years ago
class no_parent: public exception {
no_parent(const Node& t) throw(): exception("node has no parent", t) {}
class tag_expected: public exception {
tag_expected(const Node& t, const std::string& txt) throw():
exception("tag ('<') expected, text not allowed\ntext: "+txt, t) {}
class type_mismatch: public exception {
16 years ago
type_mismatch(const Node& t, const std::string& txt,
const std::string& comment) throw():
exception("wrong type, text contains mismatching character\n"+comment
+"\ntext: "+txt, t) {}
16 years ago
class access_error: public exception {
access_error(const Node& t, const std::string& name) throw();
~access_error() throw() {}
const char* what() const throw();
std::string _name;
class out_of_range: public exception {
out_of_range(const Node& t, size_t pos) throw();
~out_of_range() throw() {}
const char* what() const throw();
size_t _pos;
class cannot_have_children: public exception {
cannot_have_children(const Node& parent, const Node& child) throw();
~cannot_have_children() throw();
const char* what() const throw();
Node* _child;
class attribute_not_available: public exception {
attribute_not_available(const Node& t, const std::string& attr) throw():
exception("attribute \""+attr+"\" not set", t) {
16 years ago
class stream_error: public exception {
stream_error(const std::string& reason, const Node& t,
std::istream& is, const Tag& tag, char c=0) throw();
stream_error(const std::string& reason, const Node& t,
std::istream& is) throw();
~stream_error() throw();
16 years ago
const char* what() const throw();
std::istream::streampos _pos;
Tag* _tag;
16 years ago
char _char;
class wrong_end_tag: public stream_error {
wrong_end_tag(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag, char c=0)
16 years ago
stream_error("mismatching end tag", t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class missing_end_tag: public stream_error {
missing_end_tag(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag, char c=0)
16 years ago
stream_error("missing end tag, end of file reached", t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class wrong_start_tag: public stream_error {
wrong_start_tag(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag, char c=0)
16 years ago
stream_error("start tag does not match expected tag", t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class second_slash_in_tag: public stream_error {
second_slash_in_tag(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag,
char c=0)
16 years ago
stream_error("a tag may have no more than one slash", t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class character_after_slash: public stream_error {
character_after_slash(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag,
char c=0)
16 years ago
stream_error("unexpected character after empty-slash",
t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class attributes_in_end_tag: public stream_error {
attributes_in_end_tag(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag)
16 years ago
stream_error("attributes are not allowed in end tags",t, is, tag) {
16 years ago
class attribute_value_not_quoted: public stream_error {
attribute_value_not_quoted(const Node& t, std::istream& is,
const Tag& tag,
16 years ago
char c, std::string attr) throw():
stream_error("attribute values must be quoted (\")\nattribute: "+attr,
t, is, tag, c) {
16 years ago
class duplicate_attribute: public stream_error {
duplicate_attribute(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag,
16 years ago
std::string attr) throw():
stream_error("attribute duplicated\nattribute: "+attr,
t, is, tag, 0) {
class illegal_attribute: public stream_error {
illegal_attribute(const Node& t, std::istream& is, const Tag& tag,
std::string attr) throw():
stream_error("illegal attribute found\nattribute: "+attr,
t, is, tag, 0) {
class mandatory_attribute_missing: public stream_error {
mandatory_attribute_missing(const Node& t, std::istream& is,
const Tag& tag, std::string attr) throw():
stream_error("mandatory attribute missing\nattribute: "+attr,
t, is, tag, 0) {
class wrong_node_number: public stream_error {
wrong_node_number(const Node& t, std::istream& is,
const std::string& name,
unsigned long num,
unsigned long min, unsigned long max) throw():
stream_error("wrong number of child nodes\nname of child: "+name
+"\nnumber of nodes: "+conv(num)
+"\nminimuml number: "+conv(min)
+"\nmaximum number: "+conv(max), t, is) {
static std::string conv(unsigned long i) throw() {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss.str();
//! @}
16 years ago
//! @addtogroup freexml
//! Map for attribute values.
/*! Attributes can be set using method xml::Node::attr(). Check for
an attribute with xml::Node::hasAttr(). Attributes must be
unique, which means that every attribute must be set at maximum
once. This is corect: <code>&lt;node
attribute="value"&gt;</code>, this is not allowed:
<code>&lt;node attribute="value" attribute="value"&gt;</code> */
class Attributes: public std::map<std::string, std::string> {
//! Attributes may contain a list of space separated values.
typedef std::vector<std::string> List;
//! Attribute values ar mainly a std::pair.
/*! In addition to a normal std::pair, attributes offer an
assignment operator to set the value, and can be constructed
16 years ago
as empty attribute, given only a key.
@note Simply use xml::Attr instead of xml::Attributes::Value. */
class Value: public value_type {
16 years ago
Value(const value_type& o) throw();
Value(const std::string& name) throw();
Value(const std::string& name, const std::string& namevalue) throw();
16 years ago
Value& operator=(const std::string& value) throw();
const std::string& name() const throw();
const std::string& value() const throw();
std::string& value() throw();
operator bool() const throw();
15 years ago
bool toBool() const throw();
operator unsigned long() const throw();
15 years ago
unsigned long toNumber() const throw();
operator List() const throw();
List toList(const std::string& separators=" \t\n\r") const throw();
std::string front(const std::string& separators=" \t\n\r") const
Value(); // not implemented, key must always be given
Attributes() throw();
Attributes(const std::string& empty) throw();
16 years ago
Attributes(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) throw();
Attributes& operator<<(const Value& v) throw();
Attributes& operator<<(const std::string& key) throw();
16 years ago
//! Simplification: Use xml::Attr instead of xml::Attributes::Value.
typedef Attributes::Value Attr;
16 years ago
//! @internal structure for parsing tags
struct Tag {
std::string name;
NodeType type;
std::string text;
Attributes attributes;
std::string special;
bool found;
16 years ago
//! An xml Node that contains child nodes but no text.
16 years ago
/*! XML Nodes may contain either text or other nodes, but not both
at the same time. This node can hold other nodes. For a Node for
text contents, see xml::String. */
16 years ago
class Node {
typedef std::vector<Node*> Contents;
typedef Contents::size_type size_type;
typedef std::vector<Node*> List;
Node(std::string name, size_type min=0, size_type max=0) throw();
16 years ago
Node(const Node& o) throw();
virtual ~Node() throw();
virtual Node& operator=(const Node& o) throw();
virtual std::unique_ptr<Node> clone() const throw();
16 years ago
virtual std::ostream& out(std::ostream& o, unsigned int level=0) const
virtual std::string text() const throw();
virtual Node& text(const std::string& txt) throw(tag_expected,
16 years ago
virtual Node& append(const Node& o) throw(cannot_have_children);
16 years ago
virtual Node& remove(Node& n) throw(access_error);
virtual Node& remove(const std::string& n) throw(access_error);
virtual Node& remove(size_type n) throw(out_of_range);
16 years ago
virtual Node& set(const Attributes& o) throw();
Node& clear() throw ();
std::string name() const throw();
Node& name(const std::string& n) throw();
Node& min(size_type m) throw();
size_type min() const throw();
Node& max(size_type m) throw();
size_type max() const throw();
16 years ago
bool isChild() const throw();
Node& parent() const throw(no_parent);
bool hasAttr(const std::string& name) const throw();
Node& attr(const std::string& name, bool mandatory) throw();
Node& attr(const std::string& name, const std::string& deflt) throw();
16 years ago
std::string attr(const std::string& name) const throw();
std::string& attr(const std::string& name) throw();
const Attributes::Value attribute(const std::string& name)
const throw(attribute_not_available);
const Attributes& attributes() const throw();
Attributes& attributes() throw();
const Node& first() const throw(out_of_range);
Node& first() throw(out_of_range);
const Node& last() const throw(out_of_range);
Node& last() throw(out_of_range);
Node& limits(size_type min=0, size_type max=0) throw();
List list(const std::string& name) const throw();
16 years ago
bool operator()(const std::string& child) const throw();
Node& operator<<(const Node& o) throw(cannot_have_children);
Node& operator<<(const Attributes& o) throw();
size_type children() const throw();
const Node& operator[](size_type child) const throw(out_of_range);
Node& operator[](size_type child) throw(out_of_range);
16 years ago
const Node& operator[](const std::string& child) const
Node& operator[](const std::string& child) throw(access_error);
std::string operator*() const throw();
Node& operator=(const std::string& contents) throw(tag_expected,
16 years ago
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Node& t) throw();
Attributes _attributes;
Node* find(const std::string& child) const throw();
virtual std::unique_ptr<Node> clone(Node* p) const throw();
16 years ago
Node(); // not implemented
Contents _contents;
std::string _name;
Node* _parent;
size_type _min;
size_type _max;
16 years ago
//! A leaf node that contains text but no child nodes.
16 years ago
class String: public Node {
String(std::string name,
Node::size_type min=0, Node::size_type max=0) throw();
String(std::string name, const std::string& text,
Node::size_type min=0, Node::size_type max=0) throw();
16 years ago
virtual ~String() throw() {}
virtual std::unique_ptr<Node> clone() const throw();
16 years ago
virtual std::string text() const throw();
virtual String& text(const std::string& txt) throw(tag_expected,
virtual std::ostream& out(std::ostream& o, unsigned int level=0) const
virtual String& append(const Node& o) throw(cannot_have_children);
Node& operator=(const std::string& contents) throw();
operator std::string() const throw();
operator bool() const throw();
operator char() const throw();
operator signed char() const throw();
operator unsigned char() const throw();
operator signed short() const throw();
operator unsigned short() const throw();
operator signed int() const throw();
operator unsigned int() const throw();
operator signed long() const throw();
operator unsigned long() const throw();
operator float() const throw();
operator double() const throw();
16 years ago
std::string _text;
//! A leaf node that contains only numbers and no child nodes.
16 years ago
class UnsignedInteger: public String {
UnsignedInteger(std::string name, unsigned long i=0,
size_type min=0, size_type max=0) throw();
virtual std::unique_ptr<Node> clone() const throw();
16 years ago
virtual ~UnsignedInteger() throw() {}
virtual UnsignedInteger& text(const std::string& txt)
throw(tag_expected, type_mismatch);
unsigned long number() const throw();
static unsigned long number(const Node& node) throw();
16 years ago
//! Factory to restore XML structures from a stream.
/*! A xml::Factory must be given a template that declares the
structure, before the factory can be used. This can be done
either at instanciation or later by assignment.
The template is a xml::Node that specifies the schema of the data
that can be loaded from streams through a xml::Factory
The root element has automatically set the limits 1..1
(<code>xml::Node::limits(1, 1)</code>, see xml::Node::limits),
which means that the root element must exist exactly once. If
you pass another limit, your limit is overwritten and ignored.
E.g. to load an address, that contains a tag &lt;address&gt;
with at least a name and optional an address in it's body, you
may write:
xml::Factory addrTpl(xml::Node("address")
(<<xml::Node("name").limit(1, 1)
(<<xml::String("first").limit(1, 1)
<<xml::String("middle") // 0..n -> .limit(0, 0)
<<xml::String("last").limit(1, 1))
According to this example, a valid XML file could be:
<line>SwissSign AG</line>
<line>Pfingstweidstrasse 60b</line>
<line>8005 Zürich</line>
@endverbatim */
16 years ago
class Factory {
Factory(const Node& t) throw();
Factory() throw();
Factory& operator=(const Node& t) throw();
Factory& append(const Node& node) throw();
const Node& operator*() const throw(factory_not_valid);
const Node*const operator->() const throw(factory_not_valid);
operator bool() const throw();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const Factory& factory)
static std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os, const Node& node,
unsigned int level=0) throw();
std::unique_ptr<Node> read(std::istream& is)
throw(wrong_end_tag, wrong_start_tag, tag_expected, type_mismatch,
16 years ago
second_slash_in_tag, character_after_slash,
missing_end_tag, attribute_value_not_quoted, access_error,
duplicate_attribute, attributes_in_end_tag,
illegal_attribute, mandatory_attribute_missing,
wrong_node_number, factory_not_valid);
void reset() throw();
16 years ago
friend class stream_error;
friend class Serialize;
16 years ago
template<class T> friend class Optional;
template<class T> friend class Container;
template<class T> friend class AssociativeContainer;
template<class T> friend class AssociativeMap;
Node& operator*() throw(factory_not_valid);
Node*const operator->() throw(factory_not_valid);
16 years ago
bool ws(char c) throw();
std::unique_ptr<Node> read(std::istream& is, const Node& position)
throw(wrong_end_tag, wrong_start_tag, tag_expected, type_mismatch,
16 years ago
second_slash_in_tag, character_after_slash,
attribute_value_not_quoted, access_error, duplicate_attribute,
illegal_attribute, mandatory_attribute_missing,
std::unique_ptr<Node> checkChildren(const xml::Node& tpl,
std::unique_ptr<Node> node,
std::istream& is) const
16 years ago
Tag tag(std::istream& is, const Node& position)
throw(second_slash_in_tag, wrong_start_tag, character_after_slash,
missing_end_tag, attributes_in_end_tag, tag_expected,
attribute_value_not_quoted, access_error, duplicate_attribute,
illegal_attribute, mandatory_attribute_missing);
Node _template;
16 years ago
unsigned long _line;
long _open;
16 years ago
16 years ago
/*! @defgroup serialization Class Serialization
@section serIntro Introduction
Boost library (http://boost.org) offers a serialization framework,
which is able to serialize even complex class structures, you only
need to overwrite one or two serialization macros. The
disadvantages are that a lot of macros are needed and it becomes
quite complex as soon as you need inheritance. Also the generated
XML is not very enhanced, especially for Lists and
optional. Editing the boost serialization code by hand is a pain.
Classes could also be serialized using gSOAP (http://gsoap.sf.net)
which is designed for the SOA-Protocol. This serialization is much
more flexible, but it requires a pseudo C++ declaration and a C++
parser/generator. Also it has very bad memory management, since it
is plain C internally.
Our requirements are:
- No precompiler, plain C++.
- Automatic memory management.
- Nice looking XML code that is easy to edit manually.
- Good error messages (exception) in case of bad XML files.
- As few ugly overflow as possible.
@section serActual Actual Status
The following member types are supported
- All built-in C++ types are supported, except enum
- @c std::string is supported
- Contained classes are supported
- Inheritance
- @ref serContainer
@todo The following will be supported soon (ideas):
- choices (one of)
- choices (polymorfism)
- optional members (pointer)
- enum (class xml::Enum)
Pointers cannot be stored.
@section serBestPract Best Practice and Inheritance
There are many ways of implemenation (see example @ref
serialization.cxx). best practice is to inherit xml::Serialize
and to overwrite xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers, as shown in the
example @ref serialization.cxx.
@warning If you do not follow the best practice, you must know
what you are doing to prevent crashing: You must know that
xml::Serialize stores pointers to the variables given in
xml::Serialize::persist. So be careful and don't access
xml::Serialize after the referenced variables have been removed
from memory.
@subsection inheritance Inheritance
If you follow the best practice and inherit from another class,
you must first call method xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers of the
parent class, then call xml::Serialize::className to set the new
name of the child class.
@section examples Examples
@see @ref serialization.cxx for the different approaches
@see @ref contain_serialization.cxx for containment
@see @ref inherit_serialization.cxx for inheritance
@example serialization.cxx
In this example you see several apporoaches on how to connect
variables to XML data structures to serialize them in
XML. Please note, that <b>only class @c B</b> shows the
recommended way of doing it.
@warning Please note that xml::Serialize stores pointers to the
variables that are serialized. If you access xml::Serialize
outside of the life-cycle of any of the persistent variables,
then your program may crash (in the best case) or even behave in
an unexpected way.
@example contain_serialization.cxx
Handle containment in the recommended way. It's very simple: If
all classes inherit from xml::Serialize, then containment
behaves as expected.
@example inherit_serialization.cxx
This is an example for inheritance according the recommended way:
- There's nothing special for the parent.
- The child must do the following in xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers
(the order is important!):
-# call xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers of the parent
-# call xml::Serialize::className to set the new class name
-# call xml::Serialize::persist for all child members
- The only difference is, that ...
- ... the child does not inherit xml::Serialize, but a child of it
- ... the child must first call xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers of
the parent in it's own xml::Serialize::initXmlMembers */
//! @addtogroup serialization
class Serialize {
16 years ago
typedef bool(*FromNodeFunc)(Any, const xml::Node&);
typedef bool(*ToNodeFunc)(const Any, xml::Node&);
typedef bool(*ClearFunc)(Any);
//! You must call Serialize::className() if you use this constructor!
Serialize() throw();
Serialize(const std::string& className) throw();
Serialize(const Serialize& other) throw();
virtual ~Serialize();
Serialize& operator=(const Serialize& other) throw();
16 years ago
virtual Serialize& className(const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(Serialize& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(bool& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(char& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(unsigned char& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(signed char& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(unsigned short& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(signed short& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(unsigned int& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(signed int& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(unsigned long& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(signed long& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(float& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(double& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
Serialize& persist(std::string& member,
const std::string& name) throw();
virtual std::ostream& saveXml(std::ostream& os,
const std::string& name = std::string())
const throw();
virtual std::istream& loadXml(std::istream& is,
const std::string& name = std::string());
std::string schema() const throw();
static void registerFromNode(FromNodeFunc fromNodeFunc);
static void registerToNode(ToNodeFunc toNodeFunc);
static void registerClear(ClearFunc clearFunc);
16 years ago
virtual void clear() throw();
virtual void initXmlMembers();
void checkInit(const Serialize* const ser=0) const {
if (ser) {
if (!ser->_xmlFactory) const_cast<Serialize*>(ser)->initXmlMembers();
} else {
if (!_xmlFactory) const_cast<Serialize*>(this)->initXmlMembers();
/*! @todo Why does @c protected: not work here?!? Children can't
access the members if they are protected! */
//! @cond INTERNAL
16 years ago
template<typename TYPE> friend bool assignFromNode(Any member,
const xml::Node& node);
template<typename TYPE> friend bool assigntoNode(Any member,
const xml::Node& node);
virtual bool optional() const throw();
void clear(Any member) throw();
void reset() throw();
void copy(const Serialize& o) throw();
template<typename TYPE>
Serialize& persistSimpleType(TYPE& member,
const std::string& name) throw() {
_xmlNames[name] = &member;
xml::Node schema(*_xmlFactory);
_xmlFactory = schema;
return *this;
16 years ago
virtual void fromNode(Any member, const xml::Node& node);
virtual void toNode(const Any member, xml::Node& node) const;
16 years ago
std::map<std::string, Any> _xmlNames;
xml::Factory _xmlFactory;
static std::set<FromNodeFunc> _fromNode;
static std::set<ToNodeFunc> _toNode;
static std::set<ClearFunc> _clear;
//! @endcond
template <class TYPE> class Optional: public Serialize {
16 years ago
Optional() throw(): _valid(false) {}
Optional(const Optional& o) throw():
_member(o._member), _valid(o.valid) {
Optional(const TYPE& mem) throw():
_member(mem), _valid(true) {
virtual ~Optional() throw() {}
Optional& operator=(const Optional& o) throw() {
16 years ago
_member = o._member;
_valid = o._valid;
return *this;
Optional& operator=(const TYPE& mem) throw() {
16 years ago
_member = mem;
_valid = true;
return *this;
operator bool() const throw() {
16 years ago
return _valid;
const TYPE& operator*() const throw() {
16 years ago
return _member;
TYPE& operator*() throw() {
16 years ago
return _member;
const TYPE*const operator->() const throw() {
16 years ago
return &_member;
TYPE*const operator->() throw() {
16 years ago
return &_member;
16 years ago
virtual void clear() throw() {
_valid = false;
virtual Optional& className(const std::string& name) throw() {
if (!_xmlFactory) {
persist(_member, name);
// make the child the root, and it's optional
_xmlFactory = (*_xmlFactory)[0];
_xmlFactory->limits(0, 1);
return *this;
16 years ago
virtual bool optional() const throw() {
return true;
16 years ago
16 years ago
virtual void fromNode(Any member, const xml::Node& node) {
_valid = true;
Serialize::fromNode(Any(&_member), node);
virtual void toNode(const Any member, xml::Node& node) const {
if (!_valid) {
const Any mem(&const_cast<Optional*>(this)->_member);
Serialize::toNode(mem, node);
16 years ago
TYPE _member;
bool _valid;
16 years ago
//! @addtogroup serialization
/*! @defgroup serContainer Serialization of Container
libxml-cpp can serialize container, such as Lists, Vectors or
Maps. Classes that serialize cannot contain standard C++
container directly, but they must contain container defined
here. For every standard container except @c std::bitset there
is a XML representation available.
The following containers are defined:
- xml::DeQue (inherits @c std::deque and xml::Serialize)
- xml::List (inherits @c std::list and xml::Serialize)
- xml::Map (inherits @c std::map and xml::Serialize)
- xml::MultiMap (inherits @c std::multimap and xml::Serialize)
- xml::MultiSet (inherits @c std::multiset and xml::Serialize)
- xml::Set (inherits @c std::set and xml::Serialize)
- xml::Vector (inherits @c std::vector and xml::Serialize)
E.g. use @c xml::List instead of @c std::list.
I don't see any necessity to implement @c std::priority_queue,
@c std::queue and @c std::stack, they are only restricted
interfaces to another container and don't allow random access
(which is needed to store them).
@example list_serialization.cxx
@example optional_serialization.cxx */
//! @cond INTERNAL
template<class CONTAINER_TYPE> class Container:
public Serialize {
Container() {}
Container(const Container& o): CONTAINER_TYPE(o), Serialize(o) {}
Container(const std::string& className) throw(): Serialize(className) {}
virtual ~Container() {}
virtual std::istream& loadXml(std::istream& is,
const std::string& name = std::string()) {
xml::Factory factory(_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) factory->name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> node(factory.read(is));
for (xml::Node::size_type i(0); i<node->children(); ++i) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
Serialize::fromNode(&tmp, (*node)[i]); // reads into tmp
12 years ago
return is;
virtual std::ostream& saveXml(std::ostream& os,
const std::string& name = std::string())
const throw() {
xml::Node node(*_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) node.name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> tpl(node[0].clone());
for (typename Container::const_iterator it = this->begin();
it!=this->end(); ++it) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
tmp = *it;
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> item(tpl->clone());
Serialize::toNode(&tmp, *item);
return os;
virtual void initXmlMembers() {
std::string itemName("item");
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
if (isSerialize<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type>()) {
Serialize* ser(Mapper<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type>
itemName = ser->_xmlFactory->name();
_xmlFactory = xml::Node("dummyroot"); // dummy root, (uninitialized exc)
persist(tmp, itemName); // add as child of dummyroot
(*_xmlFactory)[0].limits(0, 0); // any number of children possible
virtual void clear() throw() {
16 years ago
template<class CONTAINER_TYPE> class AssociativeContainer:
public Serialize {
AssociativeContainer() {}
AssociativeContainer(const AssociativeContainer& o):
CONTAINER_TYPE(o), Serialize(o) {
AssociativeContainer(const std::string& className) throw():
Serialize(className) {
virtual ~AssociativeContainer() {}
virtual std::istream& loadXml(std::istream& is,
const std::string& name = std::string()) {
xml::Factory factory(_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) factory->name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> node(factory.read(is));
for (xml::Node::size_type i(0); i<node->children(); ++i) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
Serialize::fromNode(&tmp, (*node)[i]); // reads into tmp
return is;
virtual std::ostream& saveXml(std::ostream& os,
const std::string& name = std::string())
const throw() {
xml::Node node(*_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) node.name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> tpl(node[0].clone());
for (typename CONTAINER_TYPE::const_iterator it = this->begin();
it!=this->end(); ++it) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
tmp = *it;
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> item(tpl->clone());
Serialize::toNode(&tmp, *item);
return os;
virtual void initXmlMembers() {
std::string itemName("item");
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type tmp;
if (isSerialize<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type>()) {
Serialize* ser(Mapper<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type>
16 years ago
16 years ago
itemName = ser->_xmlFactory->name();
_xmlFactory = xml::Node("dummyroot"); // dummy root, (uninitialized exc)
persist(tmp, itemName); // add as child of dummyroot
(*_xmlFactory)[0].limits(0, 0); // any number of children possible
virtual void clear() throw() {
template<class CONTAINER_TYPE> class AssociativeMap:
public Serialize {
AssociativeMap() {}
AssociativeMap(const AssociativeMap& o):
CONTAINER_TYPE(o), Serialize(o) {
AssociativeMap(const std::string& className) throw():
Serialize(className) {
virtual ~AssociativeMap() {}
virtual std::istream& loadXml(std::istream& is,
const std::string& name = std::string()) {
xml::Factory factory(_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) factory->name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> node(factory.read(is));
for (xml::Node::size_type i(0); i<node->children(); ++i) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::key_type key;
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::mapped_type data;
Serialize::fromNode(&key, (*node)[i]); // reads into tmp
Serialize::fromNode(&data, (*node)[++i]); // key&value
this->insert(typename CONTAINER_TYPE::value_type(key, data));
return is;
virtual std::ostream& saveXml(std::ostream& os,
const std::string& name = std::string())
const throw() {
xml::Node node(*_xmlFactory);
if (name.size()) node.name(name);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> tpl1(node[0].clone());
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> tpl2(node[1].clone());
node.clear(); // "node" is now invalid
for (typename AssociativeMap::const_iterator it = this->begin();
it!=this->end(); ++it) {
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::key_type key;
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::mapped_type data;
key = it->first;
data = it->second;
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> item1(tpl1->clone());
Serialize::toNode(&key, *item1);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> item2(tpl2->clone());
Serialize::toNode(&data, *item2);
return os;
virtual void initXmlMembers() {
std::string keyName("key");
std::string valueName("value");
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::key_type key;
typename CONTAINER_TYPE::mapped_type data;
if (isSerialize<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::key_type>()) {
const Serialize* ser(Mapper<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::key_type>
keyName = ser->_xmlFactory->name();
if (isSerialize<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::mapped_type>()) {
Serialize* ser(Mapper<typename CONTAINER_TYPE::mapped_type>
valueName = ser->_xmlFactory->name();
_xmlFactory = xml::Node("dummyroot"); // dummy root, (uninitialized exc)
persist(key, keyName); // add as child of dummyroot
persist(data, valueName); // add as child of dummyroot
(*_xmlFactory)[0].limits(0, 0); // any number of children possible
(*_xmlFactory)[1].limits(0, 0); // any number of children possible
virtual void clear() throw() {
//! @endcond
16 years ago
//! @cond INTERNAL
//! @addtogroup serContainer
# error Macro __XML_CXX_DECLARE_CONTAINER_CLASS__ has been used elsewhere
# endif
namespace xml { \
template<class TYPE, class ALLOC=std::allocator<TYPE> > \
class CONTAINER: \
public Container<STD_CONTAINER<TYPE, ALLOC> > { \
public: \
Container<STD_CONTAINER<TYPE, ALLOC> >(o) { \
} \
CONTAINER(const std::string& className) throw(): \
Container<STD_CONTAINER<TYPE, ALLOC> >(className) { \
} \
virtual ~CONTAINER() {} \
}; \
# include <list>
# include <vector>
__XML_CXX_DECLARE_CONTAINER_CLASS__(Vector, std::vector);
# include <deque>
namespace xml { \
template<class TYPE, class CONT=std::deque<TYPE> > \
class CONTAINER: \
public AssociativeContainer \
public: \
AssociativeContainer \
} \
CONTAINER(const std::string& className) throw(): \
AssociativeContainer \
(className) { \
} \
virtual ~CONTAINER() {} \
}; \
# include <stack>
# include <queue>
namespace xml { \
template \
<class TYPE, class CONT=std::vector<TYPE>, \
class COMPARE=std::less<TYPE>, \
class ALLOC=std::allocator<TYPE> > \
class CONTAINER: \
public AssociativeContainer \
public: \
AssociativeContainer \
} \
CONTAINER(const std::string& className) throw(): \
AssociativeContainer \
(className) { \
} \
virtual ~CONTAINER() {} \
}; \
__XML_CXX_DECLARE_CONTAINER_CLASS__(PriorityQueue, std::priority_queue);
namespace xml { \
template<class TYPE, class COMPARE=std::less<TYPE>, \
class ALLOC=std::allocator<TYPE> > \
class CONTAINER: \
public AssociativeContainer \
public: \
AssociativeContainer \
} \
CONTAINER(const std::string& className) throw(): \
AssociativeContainer \
(className) { \
} \
virtual ~CONTAINER() {} \
}; \
# include <set>
__XML_CXX_DECLARE_CONTAINER_CLASS__(MultiSet, std::multiset);
namespace xml { \
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class COMPARE=std::less<KEY>, \
class ALLOC=std::allocator<std::pair<const KEY, VALUE> > > \
class CONTAINER: public AssociativeMap \
public: \
AssociativeMap \
} \
CONTAINER(const std::string& className) throw(): \
AssociativeMap \
(className) { \
} \
virtual ~CONTAINER() {} \
}; \
# include <map>
__XML_CXX_DECLARE_CONTAINER_CLASS__(MultiMap, std::multimap);
//! @endcond
16 years ago