This is a C++ class for reading and writing XML structures.
All informaton can be found in the generated doxygen project documentation.
Rationale: The initial idea was to map C++ data structures to XML
files for configuration files that can easily be edited by hand. This
library does not need any kind of C++ code parser or special pre
compiler. You can specify a schema entirly in native C++. The schema
is verified when XML is read and exceptions are thrown when the XML to
be pares is invalid. Exceptions specify exactly the location and
reason of the problem, so that the editor of the XML file can easily
find and correct the problem.
(More rationale: See also "related Pages" in the doxygen project documentation)
Structure of the files:
src: The source code of the library
doc/html: Doxygen documentation oft the library usage
doc/examples: Example code (included in doxygen documentation)
test: CppUnit test files - can also be taken as examples
Project URL: