This library provides a simple and nice C++ wrapper around these libraries, so that programmers can concentrate on functionality. It offers general support for PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11, plus specific functionality for the SuisseID.
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/*! @file
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/*! @page mainoverview Overview of the Components
digraph g {
subgraph clustercard {
subgraph clustersystempcsc {
label="System Library PCSC-Lite";
libpcsclite [shape=component];
subgraph clusteropenssl {
label="OpenSSL Library";
OpenSSL [shape=component];
subgraph clustermiddleware {
="Middleware for Hardware Access\ndynamically loaded shared object";
pkcs11 [label="\\\n..."]
subgraph clusterlibpcscxx {
label="C++ libpcscxx-Library";
node [shape=component];
pcsc [URL="\ref gpcsc"];
cryptoki [URL="\ref gcryptoki"];
cardos [URL="\ref gcardos"];
suisseid [URL="\ref gsuisseid"];
openssl [URL="\ref gopenssl"];
crypto [URL="\ref gcrypto"];
{rank=same pcsc; cryptoki; openssl; crypto;}
{rank=same OpenSSL; pkcs11;}
{pkcs11; OpenSSL; pcsc;} -> libpcsclite [lhead=clustersystempcsc];
libpcsclite -> pcscd;
pcscd -> token [lhead=clustercard];
cryptoki -> pkcs11 [lhead=clustermiddleware];
cardos -> pcsc;
suisseid -> cardos;
suisseid -> cryptoki;
openssl -> OpenSSL [lhead=clusteropenssl];