This library provides a simple and nice C++ wrapper around these libraries, so that programmers can concentrate on functionality. It offers general support for PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11, plus specific functionality for the SuisseID.
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/*! @file
@id $Id$
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#include <suisseid.hxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
// implements a status cycle for text user interface
class TextualCycle: public suisseid::StatusCycle {
// just pass the card to parent
TextualCycle(mrw::Shared<suisseid::Card> card):
StatusCycle(card) {
// callback: ask user for transport pin
virtual PinPukChange pinChangeTransportPin() {
PinPukChange pinpuk;
std::cout<<"Enter Transport PIN: ";
std::cout<<"Enter New PIN: ";
return pinpuk;
// callback: ask user for puk
virtual PinPukChange pinChangePuk() {
PinPukChange pinpuk;
std::cout<<"Enter PUK to unlock PKCS#15 PIN: ";
std::cout<<"Enter New PKCS#15 PIN: ";
return pinpuk;
// callback: tell user that transport pin is locked
virtual void transportPinLocked() {
std::cout<<"Transport PIN is Locked!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that pkcs15 pin is locked
virtual void pkcs15PinLocked() {
std::cout<<"PKCS#15 PIN is Locked!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that digital signature pin is locked
virtual void sigGPinLocked() {
std::cout<<"SigG PIN is Locked!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that puk is locked
virtual void pukLocked() {
std::cout<<"PUK is Locked!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that certificates will expire soon
virtual void certsExpireSoon() {
std::cout<<"Certificates Expire Soon!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that certificates have expired
virtual void certsExpired() {
std::cout<<"Certificates Expired!"<<std::endl;
// callback: tell user that certificates have been revoked
virtual void certsRevoked() {
std::cout<<"Certificates Revoked!"<<std::endl;
// install certificates on the card
virtual bool installCerts(bool force = true) {
std::cout<<"Installing Certificates ..."<<std::endl;
std::string pin;
std::cout<<"Enter PIN (x to abort): ";
if (pin=="x") {
std::cout<<std::endl<<"User aborted"<<std::endl;
return false; // user aborts
cryptoki::Session session(card()->slot());
try {
// log into the card using the user's pin
} catch (const cryptoki::wrong_pin& x) {
std::cout<<"**** Wrong PIN!"<<std::endl;
return false;
// now store certificates on the card
std::cout<<"**** Not implemented"<<std::endl;
return true;