This library provides a simple and nice C++ wrapper around these libraries, so that programmers can concentrate on functionality. It offers general support for PCSC-lite, OpenSSL, PKCS#11, plus specific functionality for the SuisseID.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
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/*! @file
@id $Id$
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#ifndef __SUISSEID_HXX__
#define __SUISSEID_HXX__
#include <cardos.hxx>
#include <cryptoki.hxx>
#include <pcsc.hxx>
#include <mrw/vector.hxx>
#include <mrw/shared.hxx>
/*! @defgroup gsuisseid C+ Wrapper to access SuisseID smart cards
This library allows access to the Swiss digital identity cards
You need to include @ref suisseid.hxx, then start with class @ref
suisseid::Scanner to scan for a list of SuisseID cards on the system.
@see */
namespace suisseid {
//! Represents a SuisseID Card
/*! This is the parent class for special classes for the respecive
SuisseID providers. */
class Card: public cardos::Commands {
enum Status {
Card(mrw::Shared<pcsc::Connection::Reader> reader,
mrw::Shared<cryptoki::Slot> slot):
_slot(slot) {
virtual ~Card() {}
virtual unsigned int minimalPinLength() = 0;
virtual unsigned int maximalPinLength() = 0;
//! Name of the token/slot
const std::string& name() {
return _reader->name;
/// Version of the card
virtual std::string version() {
return "<unknown>";
mrw::Shared<cryptoki::Slot> _slot;
//! Instance of a Post SuisseID smartcard.
/*! A SuisseID card issued by Swiss Post.
@see */
class PostSuisseID: public Card {
PostSuisseID(mrw::Shared<pcsc::Connection::Reader> reader,
mrw::Shared<cryptoki::Slot> slot):
Card(reader, slot), _minPinLen(0), _maxPinLen(-1) {
virtual unsigned int minimalPinLength() {
if (_minPinLen==0) evaluatePinLengths();
return _minPinLen;
virtual unsigned int maximalPinLength() {
if (_maxPinLen==-1) evaluatePinLengths();
return _maxPinLen;
std::string version() {
if (_version.size()) return _version; // cache the version
pcsc::Connection::Reader::Transaction lock(_reader);
try {
return _version = cardos::BerValue(readBinary())[0].value();
} catch (...) {
return _version = "<unknown>";
void evaluatePinLengths() {
pcsc::Connection::Reader::Transaction lock(_reader);
cardos::BerValues res(readBerFile());
for (cardos::BerValues::iterator it(res.begin()); it!=res.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)[0][0].value()=="PIN" ||
(*it)[0][0].value()=="Digital Signature PIN") {
if ((*it)[2][0][2].toULong()>_minPinLen)
_minPinLen = (*it)[2][0][2].toULong();
if ((*it)[2][0][4].toULong()<_maxPinLen)
_maxPinLen = (*it)[2][0][4].toULong();
std::string _version; // version is cached
unsigned int _minPinLen; // minimal PIN length is cached
unsigned int _maxPinLen; // maximal PIN length is cached
//! List of cards, returned by @ref suisseid::Scanner::scan.
typedef std::vector<mrw::Shared<Card> > Cards;
//! Auxiliary SuisseID card manager.
/** Use this manager to scan your system for SuisseID cards.
Usage Example:
#include <suisseid.hxx>
#include <iostream>
try {
suisseid::Cards cards(suisseid::Scanner().scan());
for (auto card(cards.begin()); card!=cards.end(); ++card)
std::cout<<"Found SuisseID: "<<(*card)->name()<<std::endl;
return 0;
} catch (std::exception& x) {
std::cerr<<"**** ERROR in "<<*argv<<": "<<x.what()<<std::endl;
return 1;
@endcode */
class Scanner {
Scanner(const std::string& lib=""):
_cryptoki(lib) {
Scanner(const pcsc::Connection& pcsc,
const std::string& lib=""):
_cryptoki(lib) {
Scanner(const cryptoki::Library& cryptoki):
_cryptoki(cryptoki) {
Scanner(const pcsc::Connection& pcsc,
const cryptoki::Library& cryptoki):
_cryptoki(cryptoki) {
/// Scan for available known SuisseID cards on the system.
/** @return List of detected SuisseID smart cards. */
Cards scan() {
Cards res;
// By now, scan only for PostSuisseID; in future use factory pattern
pcsc::Connection::Strings readers
for (pcsc::Connection::Strings::iterator reader(readers.begin());
reader!=readers.end(); ++reader) {
cryptoki::SlotList slots(_cryptoki.slotList(true, *reader));
if (slots.size()==1)
(new PostSuisseID(_pcsc.reader(*reader), slots[0])));
return res;
pcsc::Connection _pcsc;
cryptoki::Library _cryptoki;