C++ Library for Neural Networks — Use libneuron to design neural networks with back propagation and evolution.
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#include <matrix.hxx>
/** @mainpage Neural Network with Hidden Layers
@section neuro-intro Overview
A complex neural network can be imitiated as a vector @c I of @c i
input values, a vector @c O of @c o output values and any number
@c l of hidden layers, where each of them contains @c h
A neural network with double precision is inistialized as:
NeuroNet<double, i, o, l+1, h> net;
digraph g {
subgraph clusterInput {
label="Input Layer";
I1 [label=<I<SUB>1</SUB>>];
I2 [label=<I<SUB>2</SUB>>];
Ix [label=<I<SUB>…</SUB>>];
Ii [label=<I<SUB>i</SUB>>];
subgraph clusterHidden1 {
label="First Hidden Layer";
H11 [label=<H<SUB>11</SUB>>];
H12 [label=<H<SUB>12</SUB>>];
H1x [label=<H<SUB>1…</SUB>>];
H1h [label=<H<SUB>1h</SUB>>];
subgraph clusterHidden2 {
label="Second Hidden Layer";
H21 [label=<H<SUB>21</SUB>>];
H22 [label=<H<SUB>22</SUB>>];
H2x [label=<H<SUB>2…</SUB>>];
H2h [label=<H<SUB>2h</SUB>>];
subgraph clusterHiddenx {
label="More Hidden Layers";
Hx1 [label=<H<SUB>…1</SUB>>];
Hx2 [label=<H<SUB>…2</SUB>>];
Hxx [label=<H<SUB>……</SUB>>];
Hxh [label=<H<SUB>…h</SUB>>];
subgraph clusterHiddenl {
label="Last Hidden Layer";
Hl1 [label=<H<SUB>l1</SUB>>];
Hl2 [label=<H<SUB>l2</SUB>>];
Hlx [label=<H<SUB>l…</SUB>>];
Hlh [label=<H<SUB>lh</SUB>>];
subgraph clusterOutput {
label="Output Layer";
O1 [label=<O<SUB>1</SUB>>];
O2 [label=<O<SUB>2</SUB>>];
Ox [label=<O<SUB>…</SUB>>];
Oo [label=<O<SUB>o</SUB>>];
I1 -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
I2 -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
Ix -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
Ii -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
H11 -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
H12 -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
H1x -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
H1h -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
H21 -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
H22 -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
H2x -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
H2h -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
Hx1 -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
Hx2 -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
Hxx -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
Hxh -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
Hl1 -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
Hl2 -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
Hlx -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
Hlh -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
@section neuro-forward Forward Propagation
The connections between two layers can be modelled as a
Matrix. Then Matrix H<sub>1</sub> contains the weights from @c I
to the first hidden layer, @c H<sub>2</sub> from the first to the
second, and so on, until @c H<sub>l+1</sub> contains the weights
from layer @c l to the output @c O.
The output vector is then calculatd as:
O = I × H<sub>1</sub> × H<sub>2</sub> × H<sub>…</sub> × H<sub>l+1</sub>
const size_type i(4);
const size_type o(2);
NeuroNet<double, i, o> net;
Matrix<1, i> input(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -1.0);
Matrix<1, o> output = net.propagate(input);
@section beuro-backward Back Propagation
<typename TYPE,
class NeuroNet {