/*! * Stylus - Compiler * Copyright (c) Automattic * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Visitor = require('./') , utils = require('../utils') , fs = require('fs'); /** * Initialize a new `Compiler` with the given `root` Node * and the following `options`. * * Options: * * - `compress` Compress the CSS output (default: false) * * @param {Node} root * @api public */ var Compiler = module.exports = function Compiler(root, options) { options = options || {}; this.compress = options.compress; this.firebug = options.firebug; this.linenos = options.linenos; this.spaces = options['indent spaces'] || 2; this.includeCSS = options['include css']; this.indents = 1; Visitor.call(this, root); this.stack = []; }; /** * Inherit from `Visitor.prototype`. */ Compiler.prototype.__proto__ = Visitor.prototype; /** * Compile to css, and return a string of CSS. * * @return {String} * @api private */ Compiler.prototype.compile = function(){ return this.visit(this.root); }; /** * Output `str` * * @param {String} str * @param {Node} node * @return {String} * @api private */ Compiler.prototype.out = function(str, node){ return str; }; /** * Return indentation string. * * @return {String} * @api private */ Compiler.prototype.__defineGetter__('indent', function(){ if (this.compress) return ''; return new Array(this.indents).join(Array(this.spaces + 1).join(' ')); }); /** * Check if given `node` needs brackets. * * @param {Node} node * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ Compiler.prototype.needBrackets = function(node){ return 1 == this.indents || 'atrule' != node.nodeName || node.hasOnlyProperties; }; /** * Visit Root. */ Compiler.prototype.visitRoot = function(block){ this.buf = ''; for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { var node = block.nodes[i]; if (this.linenos || this.firebug) this.debugInfo(node); var ret = this.visit(node); if (ret) this.buf += this.out(ret + '\n', node); } return this.buf; }; /** * Visit Block. */ Compiler.prototype.visitBlock = function(block){ var node , separator = this.compress ? '' : '\n' , needBrackets; if (block.hasProperties && !block.lacksRenderedSelectors) { needBrackets = this.needBrackets(block.node); if (needBrackets) { this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'); ++this.indents; } for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { this.last = len - 1 == i; node = block.nodes[i]; switch (node.nodeName) { case 'null': case 'expression': case 'function': case 'group': case 'block': case 'unit': case 'media': case 'keyframes': case 'atrule': case 'supports': continue; // inline comments case !this.compress && node.inline && 'comment': this.buf = this.buf.slice(0, -1); this.buf += this.out(' ' + this.visit(node) + '\n', node); break; case 'property': var ret = this.visit(node) + separator; this.buf += this.compress ? ret : this.out(ret, node); break; default: this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node) + separator, node); } } if (needBrackets) { --this.indents; this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + separator); } } // Nesting for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { node = block.nodes[i]; switch (node.nodeName) { case 'group': case 'block': case 'keyframes': if (this.linenos || this.firebug) this.debugInfo(node); this.visit(node); break; case 'media': case 'import': case 'atrule': case 'supports': this.visit(node); break; case 'comment': // only show unsuppressed comments if (!node.suppress) { this.buf += this.out(this.indent + this.visit(node) + '\n', node); } break; case 'charset': case 'literal': case 'namespace': this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node) + '\n', node); break; } } }; /** * Visit Keyframes. */ Compiler.prototype.visitKeyframes = function(node){ if (!node.frames) return; var prefix = 'official' == node.prefix ? '' : '-' + node.prefix + '-'; this.buf += this.out('@' + prefix + 'keyframes ' + this.visit(node.val) + (this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'), node); this.keyframe = true; ++this.indents; this.visit(node.block); --this.indents; this.keyframe = false; this.buf += this.out('}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n')); }; /** * Visit Media. */ Compiler.prototype.visitMedia = function(media){ var val = media.val; if (!media.hasOutput || !val.nodes.length) return; this.buf += this.out('@media ', media); this.visit(val); this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'); ++this.indents; this.visit(media.block); --this.indents; this.buf += this.out('}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n')); }; /** * Visit QueryList. */ Compiler.prototype.visitQueryList = function(queries){ for (var i = 0, len = queries.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { this.visit(queries.nodes[i]); if (len - 1 != i) this.buf += this.out(',' + (this.compress ? '' : ' ')); } }; /** * Visit Query. */ Compiler.prototype.visitQuery = function(node){ var len = node.nodes.length; if (node.predicate) this.buf += this.out(node.predicate + ' '); if (node.type) this.buf += this.out(node.type + (len ? ' and ' : '')); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node.nodes[i])); if (len - 1 != i) this.buf += this.out(' and '); } }; /** * Visit Feature. */ Compiler.prototype.visitFeature = function(node){ if (!node.expr) { return node.name; } else if (node.expr.isEmpty) { return '(' + node.name + ')'; } else { return '(' + node.name + ':' + (this.compress ? '' : ' ') + this.visit(node.expr) + ')'; } }; /** * Visit Import. */ Compiler.prototype.visitImport = function(imported){ this.buf += this.out('@import ' + this.visit(imported.path) + ';\n', imported); }; /** * Visit Atrule. */ Compiler.prototype.visitAtrule = function(atrule){ var newline = this.compress ? '' : '\n'; this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '@' + atrule.type, atrule); if (atrule.val) this.buf += this.out(' ' + atrule.val.trim()); if (atrule.block) { if (atrule.hasOnlyProperties) { this.visit(atrule.block); } else { this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'); ++this.indents; this.visit(atrule.block); --this.indents; this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + newline); } } else { this.buf += this.out(';' + newline); } }; /** * Visit Supports. */ Compiler.prototype.visitSupports = function(node){ if (!node.hasOutput) return; this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '@supports ', node); this.isCondition = true; this.buf += this.out(this.visit(node.condition)); this.isCondition = false; this.buf += this.out(this.compress ? '{' : ' {\n'); ++this.indents; this.visit(node.block); --this.indents; this.buf += this.out(this.indent + '}' + (this.compress ? '' : '\n')); }, /** * Visit Comment. */ Compiler.prototype.visitComment = function(comment){ return this.compress ? comment.suppress ? '' : comment.str : comment.str; }; /** * Visit Function. */ Compiler.prototype.visitFunction = function(fn){ return fn.name; }; /** * Visit Charset. */ Compiler.prototype.visitCharset = function(charset){ return '@charset ' + this.visit(charset.val) + ';'; }; /** * Visit Namespace. */ Compiler.prototype.visitNamespace = function(namespace){ return '@namespace ' + (namespace.prefix ? this.visit(namespace.prefix) + ' ' : '') + this.visit(namespace.val) + ';'; }; /** * Visit Literal. */ Compiler.prototype.visitLiteral = function(lit){ var val = lit.val; if (lit.css) val = val.replace(/^ /gm, ''); return val; }; /** * Visit Boolean. */ Compiler.prototype.visitBoolean = function(bool){ return bool.toString(); }; /** * Visit RGBA. */ Compiler.prototype.visitRGBA = function(rgba){ return rgba.toString(); }; /** * Visit HSLA. */ Compiler.prototype.visitHSLA = function(hsla){ return hsla.rgba.toString(); }; /** * Visit Unit. */ Compiler.prototype.visitUnit = function(unit){ var type = unit.type || '' , n = unit.val , float = n != (n | 0); // Compress if (this.compress) { // Always return '0' unless the unit is a percentage or time if ('%' != type && 's' != type && 'ms' != type && 0 == n) return '0'; // Omit leading '0' on floats if (float && n < 1 && n > -1) { return n.toString().replace('0.', '.') + type; } } return (float ? parseFloat(n.toFixed(15)) : n).toString() + type; }; /** * Visit Group. */ Compiler.prototype.visitGroup = function(group){ var stack = this.keyframe ? [] : this.stack , comma = this.compress ? ',' : ',\n'; stack.push(group.nodes); // selectors if (group.block.hasProperties) { var selectors = utils.compileSelectors.call(this, stack) , len = selectors.length; if (len) { if (this.keyframe) comma = this.compress ? ',' : ', '; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var selector = selectors[i] , last = (i == len - 1); // keyframe blocks (10%, 20% { ... }) if (this.keyframe) selector = i ? selector.trim() : selector; this.buf += this.out(selector + (last ? '' : comma), group.nodes[i]); } } else { group.block.lacksRenderedSelectors = true; } } // output block this.visit(group.block); stack.pop(); }; /** * Visit Ident. */ Compiler.prototype.visitIdent = function(ident){ return ident.name; }; /** * Visit String. */ Compiler.prototype.visitString = function(string){ return this.isURL ? string.val : string.toString(); }; /** * Visit Null. */ Compiler.prototype.visitNull = function(node){ return ''; }; /** * Visit Call. */ Compiler.prototype.visitCall = function(call){ this.isURL = 'url' == call.name; var args = call.args.nodes.map(function(arg){ return this.visit(arg); }, this).join(this.compress ? ',' : ', '); if (this.isURL) args = '"' + args + '"'; this.isURL = false; return call.name + '(' + args + ')'; }; /** * Visit Expression. */ Compiler.prototype.visitExpression = function(expr){ var buf = [] , self = this , len = expr.nodes.length , nodes = expr.nodes.map(function(node){ return self.visit(node); }); nodes.forEach(function(node, i){ var last = i == len - 1; buf.push(node); if ('/' == nodes[i + 1] || '/' == node) return; if (last) return; var space = self.isURL || (self.isCondition && (')' == nodes[i + 1] || '(' == node)) ? '' : ' '; buf.push(expr.isList ? (self.compress ? ',' : ', ') : space); }); return buf.join(''); }; /** * Visit Arguments. */ Compiler.prototype.visitArguments = Compiler.prototype.visitExpression; /** * Visit Property. */ Compiler.prototype.visitProperty = function(prop){ var val = this.visit(prop.expr).trim() , name = (prop.name || prop.segments.join('')) , arr = []; arr.push( this.out(this.indent), this.out(name + (this.compress ? ':' : ': '), prop), this.out(val, prop.expr), this.out(this.compress ? (this.last ? '' : ';') : ';') ); return arr.join(''); }; /** * Debug info. */ Compiler.prototype.debugInfo = function(node){ var path = node.filename == 'stdin' ? 'stdin' : fs.realpathSync(node.filename) , line = (node.nodes && node.nodes.length ? node.nodes[0].lineno : node.lineno) || 1; if (this.linenos){ this.buf += '\n/* ' + 'line ' + line + ' : ' + path + ' */\n'; } if (this.firebug){ // debug info for firebug, the crazy formatting is needed path = 'file\\\:\\\/\\\/' + path.replace(/([.:/\\])/g, function(m) { return '\\' + (m === '\\' ? '\/' : m) }); line = '\\00003' + line; this.buf += '\n@media -stylus-debug-info' + '{filename{font-family:' + path + '}line{font-family:' + line + '}}\n'; } }