/*! * Stylus - Selector Parser * Copyright (c) Automattic * MIT Licensed */ var COMBINATORS = ['>', '+', '~']; /** * Initialize a new `SelectorParser` * with the given `str` and selectors `stack`. * * @param {String} str * @param {Array} stack * @param {Array} parts * @api private */ var SelectorParser = module.exports = function SelectorParser(str, stack, parts) { this.str = str; this.stack = stack || []; this.parts = parts || []; this.pos = 0; this.level = 2; this.nested = true; this.ignore = false; }; /** * Consume the given `len` and move current position. * * @param {Number} len * @api private */ SelectorParser.prototype.skip = function(len) { this.str = this.str.substr(len); this.pos += len; }; /** * Consume spaces. */ SelectorParser.prototype.skipSpaces = function() { while (' ' == this.str[0]) this.skip(1); }; /** * Fetch next token. * * @return {String} * @api private */ SelectorParser.prototype.advance = function() { return this.root() || this.relative() || this.escaped() || this.parent() || this.partial() || this.char(); }; /** * '/' */ SelectorParser.prototype.root = function() { if (!this.pos && '/' == this.str[0] && 'deep' != this.str.slice(1, 5)) { this.nested = false; this.skip(1); } }; /** * '../' */ SelectorParser.prototype.relative = function(multi) { if ((!this.pos || multi) && '../' == this.str.slice(0, 3)) { this.nested = false; this.skip(3); while (this.relative(true)) this.level++; if (!this.raw) { var ret = this.stack[this.stack.length - this.level]; if (ret) { return ret; } else { this.ignore = true; } } } }; /** * '\' ('&' | '^') */ SelectorParser.prototype.escaped = function() { if ('\\' == this.str[0]) { var char = this.str[1]; if ('&' == char || '^' == char) { this.skip(2); return char; } } }; /** * '&' */ SelectorParser.prototype.parent = function() { if ('&' == this.str[0]) { if (!this.pos && (!this.stack.length || this.raw)) { var i = 0; while (' ' == this.str[++i]) ; if (~COMBINATORS.indexOf(this.str[i])) { this.skip(i + 1); return; } } this.nested = false; this.skip(1); if (!this.raw) return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } }; /** * '^[' range ']' */ SelectorParser.prototype.partial = function() { if ('^' == this.str[0] && '[' == this.str[1]) { this.skip(2); this.skipSpaces(); var ret = this.range(); this.skipSpaces(); if (']' != this.str[0]) return '^['; this.nested = false; this.skip(1); if (ret) { return ret; } else { this.ignore = true; } } }; /** * '-'? 0-9+ */ SelectorParser.prototype.number = function() { var i = 0, ret = ''; if ('-' == this.str[i]) ret += this.str[i++]; while (this.str.charCodeAt(i) >= 48 && this.str.charCodeAt(i) <= 57) ret += this.str[i++]; if (ret) { this.skip(i); return Number(ret); } }; /** * number ('..' number)? */ SelectorParser.prototype.range = function() { var start = this.number() , ret; if ('..' == this.str.slice(0, 2)) { this.skip(2); var end = this.number() , len = this.parts.length; if (start < 0) start = len + start - 1; if (end < 0) end = len + end - 1; if (start > end) { var tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; } if (end < len - 1) { ret = this.parts.slice(start, end + 1).map(function(part) { var selector = new SelectorParser(part, this.stack, this.parts); selector.raw = true; return selector.parse().val.trim(); }, this).join(' '); } } else { ret = this.stack[ start < 0 ? this.stack.length + start - 1 : start ]; } if (ret) { return ret; } else { this.ignore = true; } }; /** * .+ */ SelectorParser.prototype.char = function() { var char = this.str[0]; this.skip(1); return char; }; /** * Parses the selector. * * @return {Object} * @api private */ SelectorParser.prototype.parse = function() { var val = ''; while (this.str.length) { val += this.advance() || ''; if (this.ignore) { val = ''; break; } } return { val: val.trimRight(), nested: this.nested }; };