/*! * Express - View * Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var path = require('path') , utils = require('../utils') , extname = path.extname , dirname = path.dirname , basename = path.basename , fs = require('fs') , stat = fs.statSync; /** * Expose `View`. */ exports = module.exports = View; /** * Require cache. */ var cache = {}; /** * Initialize a new `View` with the given `view` path and `options`. * * @param {String} view * @param {Object} options * @api private */ function View(view, options) { options = options || {}; this.view = view; this.root = options.root; this.relative = false !== options.relative; this.defaultEngine = options.defaultEngine; this.parent = options.parentView; this.basename = basename(view); this.engine = this.resolveEngine(); this.extension = '.' + this.engine; this.name = this.basename.replace(this.extension, ''); this.path = this.resolvePath(); this.dirname = dirname(this.path); if (options.attempts) { if (!~options.attempts.indexOf(this.path)) options.attempts.push(this.path); } }; /** * Check if the view path exists. * * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('exists', function(){ try { stat(this.path); return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }); /** * Resolve view engine. * * @return {String} * @api private */ View.prototype.resolveEngine = function(){ // Explicit if (~this.basename.indexOf('.')) return extname(this.basename).substr(1); // Inherit from parent if (this.parent) return this.parent.engine; // Default return this.defaultEngine; }; /** * Resolve view path. * * @return {String} * @api private */ View.prototype.resolvePath = function(){ var path = this.view; // Implicit engine if (!~this.basename.indexOf('.')) path += this.extension; // Absolute if (utils.isAbsolute(path)) return path; // Relative to parent if (this.relative && this.parent) return this.parent.dirname + '/' + path; // Relative to root return this.root ? this.root + '/' + path : path; }; /** * Get view contents. This is a one-time hit, so we * can afford to be sync. * * @return {String} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('contents', function(){ return fs.readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8'); }); /** * Get template engine api, cache exports to reduce * require() calls. * * @return {Object} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('templateEngine', function(){ var ext = this.extension; return cache[ext] || (cache[ext] = require(this.engine)); }); /** * Return root path alternative. * * @return {String} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('rootPath', function(){ this.relative = false; return this.resolvePath(); }); /** * Return index path alternative. * * @return {String} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('indexPath', function(){ return this.dirname + '/' + this.basename.replace(this.extension, '') + '/index' + this.extension; }); /** * Return ..//index path alternative. * * @return {String} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('upIndexPath', function(){ return this.dirname + '/../' + this.name + '/index' + this.extension; }); /** * Return _ prefix path alternative * * @return {String} * @api public */ View.prototype.__defineGetter__('prefixPath', function(){ return this.dirname + '/_' + this.basename; }); /** * Register the given template engine `exports` * as `ext`. For example we may wish to map ".html" * files to jade: * * app.register('.html', require('jade')); * * or * * app.register('html', require('jade')); * * This is also useful for libraries that may not * match extensions correctly. For example my haml.js * library is installed from npm as "hamljs" so instead * of layout.hamljs, we can register the engine as ".haml": * * app.register('.haml', require('haml-js')); * * @param {String} ext * @param {Object} obj * @api public */ exports.register = function(ext, exports) { if ('.' != ext[0]) ext = '.' + ext; cache[ext] = exports; };