#! /bin/bash -e set -o errtrace # build and test everything in a fresh docker installation myarch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) if test "${arch}" = "amd64"; then myarch="amd64|i386" fi mode="apt" img="ubuntu:latest" repos=() keys=() envs=("-e HOME=/home/$(id -un)" "-e TERM=xterm") dirs=("-v $(pwd):/workdir" "-v ${HOME}/.gnupg:/home/$(id -un)/.gnupg:ro") packages=() targets="all check distcheck" commands=() arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) wait=0 if test -e ./build-in-docker.conf; then # you can preconfigure the variables in file build-in-docker.conf # if you do so, add the file to EXTRA_DIST in makefile.am source ./build-in-docker.conf fi while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in (-h|--help) echo "$0 [OPTIONS]" echo echo "OPTIONS:" echo echo " -h, --help show this help" echo " -m, --mode mode: apt, yum, dnf, default: ${mode}" echo " -i, --image use given docker image instead of ${img}" echo " -a, --arch build for given hardware architecture" echo " -t, --targets targets specify build targets, default: ${targets}" echo " -r, --repo add given apt repository" echo " -k, --key add public key from url" echo " -e, --env = set environment variable in docker" echo " -d, --dir access given directory read only" echo " -p, --package install extra debian packages" echo " -c, --cmd execute commands as root in docker" echo " -w, --wait on error keep docker container and wait for enter" echo echo " The option -i must be after -m, because mode sets a new default image" echo echo " The options -r -k -e -d -p -c can be repeated several times." echo echo " The options -r -p -c allow an if-then-else contruct" echo " depending on the operating system:" echo " ::::::" echo " :::" echo " Read as: On linux type use else use " echo " That means: If the distributer ID or codename in lsb_release" echo " matches regular expression , then is replaced, else is replaced." echo " The three colons are for splitting from and part." echo " E.g.: Install package curl on wheezy and npm on olter systems:" echo " $0 -p Debian|precise:::curl:::npm" echo echo "EXAMPLE:" echo echo "$0 -i mwaeckerlin/ubuntu:trusty-i386 \\" echo " -t deb \\" echo " -e ANDROID_HOME=/opt/local/android \\" echo " -d /opt/local/android \\" echo " -r universe \\" echo " -r https://dev.marc.waeckerlin.org/repository \\" echo " -k https://dev.marc.waeckerlin.org/repository/PublicKey \\" echo " -p mrw-c++" echo exit 0 ;; (-m|--mode) shift; mode="$1" case "$mode" in (apt) img="ubuntu:latest";; (yum) img="centos:latest";; (dnf) img="fedora:latest";; (*) echo "**** ERROR: unknown mode '$1', try --help" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac ;; (-i|--image) shift; img="$1" ;; (-a|--arch) shift; arch="$1" ;; (-t|--targets) shift; targets="$1" ;; (-r|--repo) shift; repos+=("$1") ;; (-k|--key) shift; keys+=("$1") ;; (-e|--env) shift; envs+=("-e $1") ;; (-d|--dirs) shift; dirs+=("-v $1:$1:ro") ;; (-p|--package) shift; packages+=("$1") ;; (-c|--cmd) shift; commands+=("$1") ;; (-w|--wait) wait=1 ;; (*) echo "**** ERROR: unknown option '$1', try --help" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac if test $# -eq 0; then echo "**** ERROR: missing value, try --help" 2>61 exit 1 fi shift done function traperror() { set +x local DOCKER_ID="$1" local err=($2) # error status local line="$3" # LINENO local linecallfunc="$4" local command="$5" local funcstack="$6" for e in ${err[@]}; do if test -n "$e" -a "$e" != "0"; then echo "<---" echo "ERROR: line $line - command '$command' exited with status: $e (${err[@]})" if [ "${funcstack}" != "main" -o "$linecallfunc" != "0" ]; then echo -n " ... Error at ${funcstack} " if [ "$linecallfunc" != "" ]; then echo -n "called at line $linecallfunc" fi echo fi if [ "$wait" -eq 1 ]; then echo " ... now you can access the docker container:" echo " docker exec -u $(id -u) -it ${DOCKER_ID} bash" echo -n " ... press enter to cleanup: " read fi echo -n " ... cleanup docker: " docker rm -f "${DOCKER_ID}" echo "returning status: $e" echo "--->" exit $e fi done if [ "$wait" -eq 1 ]; then echo " ... now you can access the docker container:" echo " docker exec -u $(id -u) -it ${DOCKER_ID} bash" echo -n " ... press enter to cleanup: " read fi echo -n " SUCCESS ... cleanup docker: " docker rm -f "${DOCKER_ID}" exit 0 } function ifthenelse() { arg="$1" shift cmd="$*" if test "${arg/:::/}" = "${arg}"; then docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c "${cmd//ARG/${arg}}" else os="${arg%%:::*}" thenpart="${arg#*:::}" if test "${thenpart/:::/}" = "${thenpart}"; then docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'os="'$os'"; if [[ "$(lsb_release -is)-$(lsb_release -cs)-$(dpkg --print-architecture)" =~ ${os} ]]; then '"${cmd//ARG/${thenpart}}"'; fi' else elsepart="${thenpart##*:::}" thenpart="${thenpart%:::*}" if test -n "${thenpart}"; then docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'os="'$os'"; if [[ "$(lsb_release -is)-$(lsb_release -cs)-$(dpkg --print-architecture)" =~ ${os} ]]; then '"${cmd//ARG/${thenpart}}"'; else '"${cmd//ARG/${elsepart}}"'; fi' else docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'os="'$os'"; if [[ "$(lsb_release -is)-$(lsb_release -cs)-$(dpkg --print-architecture)" =~ ${os} ]]; then true; else '"${cmd//ARG/${elsepart}}"'; fi' fi fi fi } set -x docker pull $img DOCKER_ID=$(docker create ${dirs[@]} ${envs[@]} -w /workdir $img sleep infinity) trap 'traperror '"${DOCKER_ID}"' "$? ${PIPESTATUS[@]}" $LINENO $BASH_LINENO "$BASH_COMMAND" "${FUNCNAME[@]}" "${FUNCTION}"' SIGINT INT TERM EXIT if ! [[ $arch =~ $myarch ]]; then docker cp "/usr/bin/qemu-${arch}-static" "${DOCKER_ID}:/usr/bin/qemu-${arch}-static" fi docker start "${DOCKER_ID}" if docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} getent passwd > /dev/null 2>&1; then docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} groupadd -g $(id -g) build docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} useradd -g $(id -g) -u $(id -u) build else docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} useradd -m -u $(id -u) -g $(id -u) -d"${HOME}" build fi case $mode in (apt) OPTIONS='-o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew -y --force-yes --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends' for f in 'libpam-systemd:amd64' 'policykit*' 'colord'; do docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c "echo 'Package: $f' >> /etc/apt/preferences" docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c "echo 'Pin-Priority: -100' >> /etc/apt/preferences" docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c "echo >> /etc/apt/preferences" done docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get update ${OPTIONS} docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get upgrade ${OPTIONS} docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get install ${OPTIONS} python-software-properties software-properties-common apt-transport-https dpkg-dev lsb-release || \ docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get install ${OPTIONS} software-properties-common apt-transport-https dpkg-dev lsb-release || \ docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get install ${OPTIONS} python-software-properties apt-transport-https dpkg-dev lsb-release; for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do ifthenelse "${repo}" "apt-add-repository ARG" done for key in "${keys[@]}"; do wget -O- "$key" \ | docker exec -i ${DOCKER_ID} apt-key add - done docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} apt-get update ${OPTIONS} for package in "${packages[@]}"; do ifthenelse "${package}" "apt-get install ${OPTIONS} ARG" done for command in "${commands[@]}"; do ifthenelse "${command}" "ARG" done docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} ./resolve-debbuilddeps.sh ;; (yum) ./bootstrap.sh -t dist if [[ "$img" =~ "centos" ]]; then docker exec ${DOCKER_ID} yum install -y redhat-lsb docker exec -i ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' <> /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' docker exec -i ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' < /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' <> /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' docker exec -i ${DOCKER_ID} bash -c 'cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/wandisco-svn.repo' <