Register User

All you need to start is a username and a password:

Please chose any username, e.g. a pseudonym, your e-mail, your phone number, your real name, and chose a safe password.

What is Safe Chat?

Safe Chat is a chat program to protect your privacy. It is designed to be extremely easy to use, with all cool features, but with highest security through strong encryption. For more information, open «About Safe Chat» in the menu () above.

Never forget your Password!

This messenger is absolutely secure. But on the other hand, that means, no one except you knows your password. No one can read your messages exept you, not even our administrator. It is technically impossible to restore a password. You would have to delete your account and create a new one. In that case, all messages are lost.

Keys and Password

Safe Chat internally uses OpenPGP for public/private-key encryption. Your password is not transfered to the server and not stored, it is used only to create and encrypt your private key. There are two keys, a secret private key, that is stored in the browser (or app) on your computer, encrypted with your password and not sent to the server. There is also public key, which is sent to the server and used by other users to encrypt messages that only you can read. You can backup and restore your keys and setings to and from a file. This is the only way to transfer your account to another browser or to computer. Do not delete your browser's local storage unless you have backed up your keys.