/*! @file @id $Id$ */ // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 /** @mainpage SafeChat SafeChat runs on: https://safechat.ch SafeChat development is on: https://dev.marc.waeckerlin.org/redmine/projects/safechat Implementation Details: @ref security, @ref api, @ref protocol, @ref database SafeChat is a chat program designed to protect your privacy. It is designed to be: -# extremely easy to use -# zero installation -# simple registration, within seconds -# web 2.0 - works in any modern browser -# user does not have to care about keys, security, encryption -# all cool features -# pseudonym accounts, no phone number, no email,nothing required -# send images and other attachments -# build groups -# no need to be online, receive messages on next login -# central user directory -# absolutely secure -# tap-proof -# no metadata available -# all messages are sent to all users, only the authorized users can decrypt it -# server can be untrusted -# thin server, rich client -# all encryption is done in the client -# server only stores minimal user data (name, public key) and encrypted messages -# no access to plain data, not even through server confiscation -# double secured internet transport -# messages are encrypted for the recipents only -# server connection is SSL secured in addition -# private data fully in the user's hand -# password is stored in the user's brain only -# private key is password encrypted -# private key is stored in the user's local machine only -# two factor security, access needs two tokens -# the password in the user's brain -# the private key in the user's browser memory -# fully open source @section why Why I Created SafeChat The Swiss parliament has decided to increase the power of police (BÜPF: Bundesgesetz zur Überwachung des Post- und Fernmeldeverkehrs) and secret service (NDG: Nachrichtendienstgesetz). This increases global enforced data preservation without any suspicion. This even allows the police to run a trojan in computers of suspicious persons. That was the point, when I started to think about secure communication that defeats these attacks against our privacy. Noone should be able to read what's not for his eyes, even if he controls the server. There should be no metadata, i.e. no one should know, who is communicating to each other. There are secure means of communication, i.e. Jabber/OTR and PGP-Mail (but with unprotected metadata). But these are too complicated for the avarage user. He has to take care about keys and their distribution. In some chat programs, there is no offline message store, so you can only send a message, if the receiver is online. Some chat programs require to identify you, they ask your phone number and some even steal your address book (i.e. WhatsApp). Not here! Use any pseudonym. No special knowledge needed. User is guided as much as possible, the interface is as simple as possible. Data is only collected, if it is necessary. So I present here the safe chat program for dummies @page security Password and Secrets Concept Neither the password nor the private key are sent to the server. They remain under the user's control and in the user's property. Only the user name and the public key are sent to the server. - The password is only kept in the browser's transient memory. - The private key is kept in encrypted form in the browser's persistent local storage. - The public key is stored on server, so that other users can lookup for a user's public key. There are two secret security tokens: The password, that is in the user's mind and the private key, which is in the user's device, in the local storage of his browser. Messages can only be sent or read with access to both security tokens. @page protocol SafeChat Protocol @tableofcontents @section newuser Create New User If no credentials exist in the browser's local storage, the browser asks the user for a user name and a password and creates a private key that is encrypted with the password. In the login(), the browser sends the user's name and public key to the server. The server creates a new user, if the user does not exist yet. Then the server returns, whether user name and public key match to what he has in his table. @msc user, browser, server; user -> browser [label="https://safechat.ch"]; browser -> server [label="index.html"]; browser <- server [label="safechat.js",URL="\ref safechat.js"]; user <- browser [label="register new user"]; user -> browser [label="username / password"]; browser -> browser [label="create openpgp-public/private keys"]; browser -> server [label="login.php(username, public-key)"]; server -> server [label="if user name does not exist:\nstore username/public-key"]; server -> browser [label="success"]; @endmsc */ /** @page api Server API Calls @tableofcontents List of server REST API calls. SafeChat server implement s REST API, so that all API calls are in the following form, where parameters and values are url encoded: @code https://safechat.ch/api-call.php?param1=value1¶m2=value2[...] @endcode So for method get() a valid call could be: @code https://safechat.ch/get.php?start=100 @endcode */