/* * jQuery CSSEmoticons plugin 0.2.9 * * Copyright (c) 2010 Steve Schwartz (JangoSteve) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Date: Sun Oct 22 1:00:00 2010 -0500 */ (function($) { $.fn.emoticonize = function(options) { var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.emoticonize.defaults, options); var escapeCharacters = [ ")", "(", "*", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|", "^", "<", ">", "\\", "?", "+", "=", "." ]; var threeCharacterEmoticons = [ // really weird bug if you have :{ and then have :{) in the same container anywhere *after* :{ then :{ doesn't get matched, e.g. :] :{ :) :{) :) :-) will match everything except :{ // But if you take out the :{) or even just move :{ to the right of :{) then everything works fine. This has something to do with the preMatch string below I think, because // it'll work again if you set preMatch equal to '()' // So for now, we'll just remove :{) from the emoticons, because who actually uses this mustache man anyway? // ":{)", ":-)", ":o)", ":c)", ":^)", ":-D", ":-(", ":-9", ";-)", ":-P", ":-p", ":-Þ", ":-b", ":-O", ":-/", ":-X", ":-#", ":'(", "B-)", "8-)", ";*(", ":-*", ":-\\", "?-)", // <== This is my own invention, it's a smiling pirate (with an eye-patch)! // and the twoCharacterEmoticons from below, but with a space inserted ": )", ": ]", "= ]", "= )", "8 )", ": }", ": D", "8 D", "X D", "x D", "= D", ": (", ": [", ": {", "= (", "; )", "; ]", "; D", ": P", ": p", "= P", "= p", ": b", ": Þ", ": O", "8 O", ": /", "= /", ": S", ": #", ": X", "B )", ": |", ": \\", "= \\", ": *", ": >", ": <"//, "* )" ]; var twoCharacterEmoticons = [ // separate these out so that we can add a letter-spacing between the characters for better proportions ":)", ":]", "=]", "=)", "8)", ":}", ":D", ":(", ":[", ":{", "=(", ";)", ";]", ";D", ":P", ":p", "=P", "=p", ":b", ":Þ", ":O", ":/", "=/", ":S", ":#", ":X", "B)", ":|", ":\\", "=\\", ":*", ":>", ":<"//, "*)" ]; var specialEmoticons = { // emoticons to be treated with a special class, hash specifies the additional class to add, along with standard css-emoticon class ">:)": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, ">;)": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon spaced-emoticon"}, ">:(": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, ">: )": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon" }, ">; )": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon"}, ">: (": { cssClass: "red-emoticon small-emoticon" }, ";(": { cssClass: "red-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "<3": { cssClass: "pink-emoticon counter-rotated" }, "O_O": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "o_o": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "0_o": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "O_o": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "T_T": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "^_^": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, "O:)": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "O: )": { cssClass: "small-emoticon" }, "8D": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "XD": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "xD": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "=D": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "8O": { cssClass: "small-emoticon spaced-emoticon" }, "[+=..]": { cssClass: "no-rotate nintendo-controller" } //"OwO": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, // these emoticons overflow and look weird even if they're made even smaller, could probably fix this with some more css trickery //"O-O": { cssClass: "no-rotate" }, //"O=)": { cssClass: "small-emoticon" } } var specialRegex = new RegExp( '(\\' + escapeCharacters.join('|\\') + ')', 'g' ); // One of these characters must be present before the matched emoticon, or the matched emoticon must be the first character in the container HTML // This is to ensure that the characters in the middle of HTML properties or URLs are not matched as emoticons // Below matches ^ (first character in container HTML), \s (whitespace like space or tab), or \0 (NULL character) // (<\\S+.*>) matches <\\S+.*> (matches an HTML tag like or
), but haven't quite gotten it working yet, need to push this fix now var preMatch = '(^|[\\s\\0])'; for ( var i=threeCharacterEmoticons.length-1; i>=0; --i ){ threeCharacterEmoticons[i] = threeCharacterEmoticons[i].replace(specialRegex,'\\$1'); threeCharacterEmoticons[i] = new RegExp( preMatch+'(' + threeCharacterEmoticons[i] + ')', 'g' ); } for ( var i=twoCharacterEmoticons.length-1; i>=0; --i ){ twoCharacterEmoticons[i] = twoCharacterEmoticons[i].replace(specialRegex,'\\$1'); twoCharacterEmoticons[i] = new RegExp( preMatch+'(' + twoCharacterEmoticons[i] + ')', 'g' ); } for ( var emoticon in specialEmoticons ){ specialEmoticons[emoticon].regexp = emoticon.replace(specialRegex,'\\$1'); specialEmoticons[emoticon].regexp = new RegExp( preMatch+'(' + specialEmoticons[emoticon].regexp + ')', 'g' ); } var exclude = 'span.css-emoticon'; if(opts.exclude){ exclude += ','+opts.exclude; } var excludeArray = exclude.split(',') return this.not(exclude).each(function() { var container = $(this); var cssClass = 'css-emoticon' if(opts.animate){ cssClass += ' un-transformed-emoticon animated-emoticon'; } for( var emoticon in specialEmoticons ){ specialCssClass = cssClass + " " + specialEmoticons[emoticon].cssClass; container.html(container.html().replace(specialEmoticons[emoticon].regexp,"$1$2")); } $(threeCharacterEmoticons).each(function(){ container.html(container.html().replace(this,"$1$2")); }); $(twoCharacterEmoticons).each(function(){ container.html(container.html().replace(this,"$1$2")); }); // fix emoticons that got matched more then once (where one emoticon is a subset of another emoticon), and thus got nested spans $.each(excludeArray,function(index,item){ container.find($.trim(item)+" span.css-emoticon").each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith($(this).text()); }); }); if(opts.animate){ setTimeout(function(){$('.un-transformed-emoticon').removeClass('un-transformed-emoticon');}, opts.delay); } }); } $.fn.unemoticonize = function(options) { var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.emoticonize.defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var container = $(this); container.find('span.css-emoticon').each(function(){ // add delay equal to animate speed if animate is not false var span = $(this); if(opts.animate){ span.addClass('un-transformed-emoticon'); setTimeout(function(){span.replaceWith(span.text());}, opts.delay); }else{ span.replaceWith(span.text()); } }); }); } $.fn.emoticonize.defaults = {animate: true, delay: 500, exclude: 'pre,code,.no-emoticons'} })(jQuery);