create table if not exists `user` ( `name` varchar(50) not null unique comment 'unique name of the user', `pubkey` text not null comment 'armored gnupg public key of the user', primary key (`name`) ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 comment='list of all registered users and their public keys'; create table if not exists `message` ( `id` int not null auto_increment comment "id of the message, it is used in the client to check if a message has already been downloaded or not", `time` timestamp default current_timestamp comment "time when the message has been stored on the server", `user` varchar(50) not null comment "name of the user that sent the message", `msg` longtext not null comment "message content, must be armored gnupg encrypted format", primary key (id), foreign key (user) references user(name) on delete cascade on update cascade ) character set utf8 engine=innodb comment="table to hold all messages for later download by the receiver"; /* table to sore arbitrary options */ create table if not exists `options` ( `name` varchar(50) not null unique comment "option name", `value` text not null comment "option value", primary key (name) ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 comment="table for system settings";