UTF-8 Browser SwissSurfer SwissSign Browser about:blank toolBar &File &Settings &Proxy Configuration Proxy Password neu laden stoppen zurückkehren weitergehen Startseite &New Browser New Browser Window Ctrl+N &Close Ctrl+W &Proxy... Ctrl+P The connection to the proxy server was refused (the proxy server is not accepting requests). the connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent The proxy requires authentication in order to honour the request but did not accept any credentials offered (if any). the Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known Checking: %1 Opening: %1 Reading: %1 Reading: %1% <h2>%1</h2><p>%2</p> Reply Error Network Error Zoom: %1% %1 - SwissSurfer <html><title>Page Load Error</title><body><h1>Page Load Error</h1>%1</body></html> <h2>%1</h2><p>URL: %3</p><p>%2</p> <h2>%1</h2><p>URL: %4</p><p>%2</p><h3>SSL Errors</h3><p><ul>%3</ul></p> <h2>%1</h2><p>URL: %3</p><p>%2</p><h3>SSL Errors</h3><p><ul>%3</ul></p> Unsuported Content access to URL %1 not allowed Network connection successful, remote host can be reached. The remote server refused the connection (the server is not accepting requests). The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed. The remote host name was not found (invalid hostname). The connection to the remote server timed out. The operation was canceled via calls to abort() or close() before it was finished. The SSL/TLS handshake failed and the encrypted channel could not be established. The sslErrors() signal should have been emitted. The proxy server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed. The proxy host name was not found (invalid proxy hostname). The connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent. The access to the remote content was denied (similar to HTTP error 401). The operation requested on the remote content is not permitted. The remote content was not found at the server (similar to HTTP error 404). The remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not accepted (if any). The Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known. The requested operation is invalid for this protocol. An unknown network-related error was detected. An unknown proxy-related error was detected. An unknonwn error related to the remote content was detected. A breakdown in protocol was detected (parsing error, invalid or unexpected responses, etc.). <strong>Unknown network error (code: %1).</string> Illegal URL: %1 network error proxy error <h2>%1</h2><p>Proxy: %3</p><p>%2</p><p>%4</p> Possible Proxy Failed Connection Cannot Be Established Info: %1 download error donload error done. %1 statusbar for hovered link %1=url unsupported content Forbidden: %1 Access Denied <p>Access denied due to security considerations.</p><p>You are not allowed to connect to %1. authentication required Authentication Required ssl error <li>%1</li> single ssl error SSL Error QObject Usage: %1 [OPTIONS...] [<url> ...] Options: -h, --help show this help text -k, --kiosk no url bar -p, --no-proxy no proxy detection -c, --cert <file> load local client certificate from <file> -y, --key <file> load local certificate key from <file> <url> optional full URL Environment: LANGUAGE "de", "en", ... (actual: %5) PROXY_TYPE "http" or "socks" or "" (actual: %2) PROXY_PORT proxy port number (actual: %3) PROXY_HOST proxy host name (actual: %4) Usage: %1 [OPTIONS...] [<url> ...] Options: -h, --help show this help text -k, --kiosk no url bar -p, --no-proxy no proxy detection -c, --cert <file> load local client certificate from <file> <url> optional full URL Environment: LANGUAGE "de", "en", ... (actual: %5) PROXY_TYPE "http" or "socks" or "" (actual: %2) PROXY_PORT proxy port number (actual: %3) PROXY_HOST proxy host name (actual: %4) Cannot read PEM certificate from file: %1 Read PEM certificates from file: %1 Cannot read PEM RSA key from file: %1 Read private key from file: %1 Too few arguments. Try: %1 --help http://swisssign.com