## @id $Id$ ## ## This file has been added: ## - by bootstrap.sh ## - on Wed, 04 April 2018 22:04:06 +0200 ## Feel free to change it or even remove and rebuild it, up to your needs ## ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 bin_PROGRAMS = pdfsign ## required to enable the translation feature LANGUAGE_FILE_BASE = pdfsign ## list here the Qt plugins your project depends on ## required to build Mac OS-X app-bundle QT_PLUGINS = iconengines imageformats platforms #### enable if you deliver a KDE/Gnome desktop file #applicationsdir = ${datarootdir}/applications #dist_applications_DATA = pdfsign.desktop #### enable (ev. instead of bin_PROGRAMS) if you build a library #lib_LTLIBRARIES = pdfsign.la #pdfsign_la_SOURCES = libmain.cxx version.cxx ## noop to prevent: ## «src/makefile.am: error: object 'version.$(OBJEXT)' created both with ## libtool and without» #pdfsign_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) ## list headers that are required for build, but that are not installed noinst_HEADERS = version.hxx ## list all %.hxx files with Q_OBJECT as moc_%.cxx pdfsign_MOCFILES = moc_pdfsign.cxx ## list all %.ui files as ui_%.hxx pdfsign_UIFILES = ui_pdfsign.hxx ## list all %.qrc resource files as qrc_%.cxx ## note: if there exists a directory %, the file %.qrc is generated from that pdfsign_RESOURCES = qrc_languages.cxx # qrc_resources.cxx ## list all final translation files, list all supported languages here pdfsign_TRANSLATIONS = ${LANGUAGE_FILE_BASE}_en.qm \ ${LANGUAGE_FILE_BASE}_de.qm \ ${LANGUAGE_FILE_BASE}_fr.qm \ ${LANGUAGE_FILE_BASE}_it.qm ## list all C++ files that need translation pdfsign_TR_FILES = main.cxx version.cxx ## automatic assembly, no need to change pdfsign_SOURCES = ${pdfsign_TR_FILES} ${BUILT_SOURCES} ## automatic assembly, no need to change BUILT_SOURCES = ${pdfsign_MOCFILES} \ ${pdfsign_UIFILES} \ ${pdfsign_TRANSLATIONS} \ ${pdfsign_RESOURCES} ## automatic assembly, no need to change EXTRA_DIST_TR = ${pdfsign_MOCFILES:moc_%.cxx=%.hxx} \ ${pdfsign_UIFILES:ui_%.hxx=%.ui} ## automatic assembly, no need to change ## except: adapt the pre-delivered qt_%.qm list (language files you copy from qt EXTRA_DIST = ${EXTRA_DIST_TR} \ ${pdfsign_RESOURCES:qrc_%.cxx=%.qrc} \ ${pdfsign_TRANSLATIONS:%.qm=%.ts} \ qt_de.qm qt_fr.qm ## automatic assembly, no need to change LANGUAGE_FILES = ${EXTRA_DIST_TR} ${pdfsign_TR_FILES} CLEANFILES = ${pdfsign_RESOURCES} MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = makefile.in