/** @file $Id$ $Date$ $Author$ @copy © Marc Wäckerlin @license LGPL, see file COPYING $Log$ Revision 1.7 2005/11/29 12:38:46 marc - make it compilable with gcc 4.0.2 and newer doxygen - added split and join Revision 1.6 2005/04/07 20:48:42 marc docu: new doxygen, new grouping Revision 1.5 2005/01/28 07:53:09 marc doc: hint regarding iomanip on string Revision 1.4 2004/12/20 13:24:08 marc from string conversion throws exception in case of failure Revision 1.3 2004/12/20 07:40:36 marc documentation improved, new grouping Revision 1.2 2004/12/16 13:09:47 marc inlines forgotten Revision 1.1 2004/10/07 09:31:30 marc new feature */ #ifndef __MRW__STRING__HPP__ #define __MRW__STRING__HPP__ #include #include #include #include namespace mrw { /** @defgroup StdExt Extensions for C++ Standard Libraries @section stdextfeatures Features @subsection stdextstringfeatures Extensions to std::string - Shift operator to shift any kind of values into a string without the need for a stingstream. - Addition operators to add, means concatenate, any kind of value (e.g. integer) to a string without the need for a stringstream. - Function mrw::string to convert any type of variable to a string without the need for a stringstream. - Function mrw::to<> to convert a string to any type of variable without the need for a stringstream. @subsection stdextstlfeatures Extensions to STL containers - Shift operator to shift elements from and to all STL containers. @subsection stdextstreams Extensions for stream handling - Function mrw::getline to read a whole line from a stream (file) without the need of a buffer and without having to check whether the buffer was large enough. @section stdextmotivation Motivation There are some feature I am often missing in standard C++. They are relatively easy to obtain, but they could be even simpler. I am mainly a convinced C++ programmer, because I love simplicity. This means, to convert an integer to a string, something like this is not simple enough: @code int i; std::string s; [...] std::stringstream ss; ss<<"length is: "<>s; @endcode Why can't it simply be: @code int i; std::string s; [...] s<<"length is: "< l; l<<1<<2<<<3<<4; int i1, i2, i3, i4; l>>i1>>i2>>i3>>i4; @endcode And the possibility to add strings to integers and vice versa: @code std::string s("x"); s = 1+s+2; // s=="1x2" @endcode @warning Please note that global namespace is polluted with some operators. If you don't want this, just don't include any of these include files files. There's no impact from this module, if you don't include a header, since all code is inline. @note The signature of some string functions has changed: They may now throw exceptions if conversion fails! (since 1.4.1) */ //@{ /** @defgroup stdextstring String extensions The string extensions give you a lot of new powerful operations: - convert anything to string: @code std::string s = mrw::string(15); @endcode - convert a string to something else: @code double d = mrw::to("3.1415926535898"); @endcode - shift values into a string: @code std::string s; s<<"length is: "<>i1>>i2>>i3>>i4; @endcode - add all kind of integer and floating point numbers to a string: @code std::string s("hello"); s += 4; s = 13.5 + s + 24.8; @endcode @note Please note that you can use the shift operator on strings, but the IO manipulators from @c iomanip don't work, nor @c std::endl and thelike. @note The signature of some string functions has changed: They may now throw exceptions if conversion fails! (since 1.4.1) */ //@} /** @addtogroup stdextstring */ //@{ /** @brief convert any value to a std::string @code std::string s = mrw::string(15); @endcode @param o a value to be converted to std::string @pre \#include @pre T must support operator<< to a stream */ template std::string string(const T& o) throw(std::bad_exception) { std::stringstream ss; ss<("15"); @endcode @throw mrw::invalid_argument if value can not be created from string @param s the string where a value of type @c T is extracted from @pre \#include @pre T must support operator>> from a stream @pre operator>> from T must not throw anything else than std::exception @note The signature has changed: It may now throw exceptions if conversion fails! (since 1.4.1) */ template T to(const std::string& s) throw(std::exception) { T o; std::stringstream ss(s); if (!(ss>>o)) throw mrw::invalid_argument(s); return o; } /** @brief join a string from pieces @code std::list l; l<<"hello"<<"world"; // needs mrw/list.hpp std::string hello_world(mrw::join(l)); // hello_world is now "hello world" @endcode @param l the list of strings to join @param delimiter the delimiter between the joined strings */ template class LIST, typename CONTENTS> std::string join(const LIST& l, const std::string& delimiter=" ") throw(std::bad_exception) { std::string result; for (typename LIST::const_iterator it(l.begin()); it!=l.end(); ++it) result+=(result.size()?delimiter:"")+mrw::string(*it); return result; } /** @brief split a string into pieces @code std::string hello_world("hello world"); std::list l(mrw::split(hello_world)); // l contains now "hello" and "world" @endcode @param text the text that has to be split into tokens @param greedy - @c true don't generate empty tokens, if a delimiter is followed by another delimiter, both are removed - @c false if several delimiters follow each other in the text, eat them all and don't produce empty tokens @param delimiters a list of delimiters, each char in the string is a delimiter */ inline std::list split(const std::string& text, bool greedy=true, const std::string& delimiters=" \n\t") throw(std::bad_exception) { std::list res; for (std::string::size_type pos(0); pos @pre T must support operator<< to a stream */ template std::string& operator<<(std::string& s, const T& o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief extract any value from a string @code std::string s1("length: 15 mm"); string s2, s3; int i(0); s1>>s2>>is3; // now: s1=="" s2=="length:" i==15 s3=="mm" @endcode @throw mrw::invalid_argument if value can not be created from string @param s the string, from which o is extracted @param o the value to extract from s @note when something is extracted from a string, it is removed from the string, that means after every shift the string is shortened by the shifted element @pre \#include @pre T must support operator>> from a stream @note The signature has changed: It may now throw exceptions if conversion fails! (since 1.4.1) */ template std::string& operator>>(std::string& s, T& o) throw(std::exception) { std::stringstream ss(s); if (!(ss>>o)) throw mrw::invalid_argument(s); return (s=ss.tellg()>0?s.substr(ss.tellg()):""); } /** @brief add a @c unsigned short value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, unsigned short o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to a @c unsigned short value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(unsigned short o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add an @c unsigned int value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, unsigned int o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to an @c unsigned int value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(unsigned int o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add a @c unsigned long value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, unsigned long o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to a @c unsigned long value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(unsigned long o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add a @c signed short value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, signed short o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to a @c signed short value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(signed short o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add an @c signed int value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, signed int o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to an @c signed int value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(signed int o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add a @c signed long value to a string @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(const std::string& s, signed long o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+mrw::string(o); } /** @brief append a string to a @c signed long value @code std::string s; s+"length is: "+i+"mm"; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is prepended @param o the value to prepend in front of @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string operator+(signed long o, const std::string& s) throw(std::bad_exception) { return mrw::string(o)+s; } /** @brief add a @c unsigned short value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, unsigned short o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief add an @c unsigned int value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, unsigned int o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief add a @c unsigned long value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, unsigned long o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief add a @c signed short value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, signed short o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief add an @c signed int value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, signed int o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } /** @brief add a @c signed long value to a string @code std::string s; s += o; @endcode @param s the string, where @c o is appended @param o the value to append to @c s @pre \#include */ inline std::string& operator+=(std::string& s, signed long o) throw(std::bad_exception) { return s+=mrw::string(o); } //@} #endif