/** @file $Id$ $Date$ $Author$ @copy © Marc Wäckerlin @license LGPL, see file COPYING $Log$ Revision 1.11 2005/03/14 16:25:23 marc changed size of dot image so that it fits an A4 Revision 1.10 2005/02/08 12:34:14 marc added errno / unix_error Revision 1.9 2005/01/28 12:18:37 marc workaround for doxygen warning (doxygen misinterpreted class forward declaration) Revision 1.8 2005/01/28 12:13:11 marc interference between group name StackTrace and class name StackTrace Revision 1.7 2005/01/28 12:13:11 marc interference between group name StackTrace and class name StackTrace Revision 1.6 2005/01/28 07:51:24 marc improved and corrected trace formatting Revision 1.5 2004/10/07 09:25:34 marc new group for suggestions new inheritance Revision 1.4 2004/08/28 16:21:25 marc mrw-c++-0.92 (mrw) - new file: version.cpp - new file header for all sources - work around warning in mrw::auto - possibility to compile without log4cxx - work around bugs in demangle.h and libiberty.h - corrections in documentation - added simple tracing mechanism - more warnings - small corrections in Auto<>::Free and a new test for it - possibility to compile without stack trace */ #ifndef __MRW_EXCEPTION_HPP__ #define __MRW_EXCEPTION_HPP__ #include #include #include #include namespace mrw {class StackTrace;} // work around Doxygen warning namespace mrw { /** @addtogroup grpStackTrace @section exc Exception Handling with Stack Trace One of the main reasons for the mrw::StackTrace class is, to be able to store a trace where an exception is thrown. This trace is then stored as exception information, but not yet evaluated, symbols are calculated only if necessary, upon request. So the exception is still relatively cheap. There is a class named mrw::exception that derieves from and behaves as @c std::exception, but it stores a mrw::StackTrace on construction and offers a method @c mrw::exception::stacktrace() that returns a well formatted stack trace of the point, where the exception was created. @subsection excprob Common Problems with Exception Handling Exceptions are very handy: When you have a problem, you throw an exception and when you call a method and reach the next line, everything was fine. You don't have to care about error handling unless you are able to handle it. Otherwise you simply let pass any exception up in the stack. The big disadvantage is, when you catch an exception, you don't know where it was thrown. That's the stack trace for. Another problem is, the exception specification problem: When you don't write exception specifications, you don't know what a specific method throws. If you do write exception specifications, they are not checked at compile time, but enforced at run time. If a wrong exception is thrown, the program stops, calls an unexpected handler that by default aborts the program. Since the unexpected handler must not return, the problem cannot be recovered from. But the unexpected handler can rethrow and catch the bad exception and it is allowed to throw a new exception. This is what my suggested exception handling concept makes use of. */ //@{ /** @example exceptionhandling.cpp It is possible to recover from an unexpected exception! A stack trace helps you to find the source of a problem, here function @c fn2() in file @c /privat/home/marc/pro/mrw-c++/mrw/test.cpp on line @c 25. This example produces the following output: @verbatim call fn0 enter fn0 enter fn1 enter fn2 UNEXPECTED:N3mrw9exceptionE ---------------------------Stack: [ 0x8048e11] _start ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S:105 [0x4016e92b] __libc_start_main ????:0 [ 0x8049392] main /.../mrw-c++/mrw/examples/exceptionhandling.cpp:50 [ 0x8049265] fn0() /.../mrw-c++/mrw/examples/exceptionhandling.cpp:38 [ 0x80491e9] fn1() /.../mrw-c++/mrw/examples/exceptionhandling.cpp:32 [ 0x8049183] fn2() /.../mrw-c++/mrw/examples/exceptionhandling.cpp:25 [0x400494a4] mrw::exception::exception() ????:0 [0x4005ace5] mrw::StackTrace::StackTrace() ????:0 --------------------------------- EXCEPTION caught in fn0:St13bad_exception leave fn0 call of fn0 successful @endverbatim The unexpected handler is implemented ready to use in @ref AutoTrace "a separate library". Please note, that without the exception concept and without the unexpected handler, the program would abort in function fn2 on line 25. The output was produced by the following code: */ /* here follows the example code... */ /** @defgroup exceptions Exceptions with Stack Trace The following diagram shows the inheritance of the MRW exception classes and how they are related to the C++ standard exceptions. @c mrw::exception inherits @c std::exception, then a inheritance corresponding to the standard is implemented below @c mrw::exception. To prevent diamond-shaped inheritance, the MRW exceptions below the @c mrw::exception base class do not inherit from their corresponding standard exception. The exception classes are meant as a replacement to the standard exceptions that provide stack trace information. I suggest exception handling according to @ref excsug. @dot digraph ExceptionInheritance { graph [rankdir="LR", size="7,8"]; node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8]; edge [dir=back, headport=w, tailport=e, arrowtail=empty]; std_exception [label="std::exception"]; std_bad_alloc [label="std::bad_alloc"]; std_bad_cast [label="std::bad_cast"]; std_logic_error [label="std::logic_error"]; std_domain_error [label="std::domain_error"]; std_invalid_argument [label="std::invalid_argument"]; std_length_error [label="std::length_error"]; std_out_of_range [label="std::out_of_range"]; std_runtime_error [label="std::runtime_error"]; std_overflow_error [label="std::overflow_error"]; std_range_error [label="std::range_error"]; std_underflow_error [label="std::underflow_error"]; std_bad_exception [label="std::bad_exception"]; std_bad_typeid [label="std::bad_typeid"]; mrw_exception [label="mrw::exception" URL="\ref mrw::exception"]; mrw_bad_alloc [label="mrw::bad_alloc" URL="\ref mrw::bad_alloc"]; mrw_bad_cast [label="mrw::bad_cast" URL="\ref mrw::bad_cast"]; mrw_logic_error [label="mrw::logic_error" URL="\ref mrw::logic_error"]; mrw_domain_error [label="mrw::domain_error" URL="\ref mrw::domain_error"]; mrw_invalid_argument [label="mrw::invalid_argument" URL="\ref mrw::invalid_argument"]; mrw_length_error [label="mrw::length_error" URL="\ref mrw::length_error"]; mrw_out_of_range [label="mrw::out_of_range" URL="\ref mrw::out_of_range"]; mrw_runtime_error [label="mrw::runtime_error" URL="\ref mrw::runtime_error"]; mrw_overflow_error [label="mrw::overflow_error" URL="\ref mrw::overflow_error"]; mrw_range_error [label="mrw::range_error" URL="\ref mrw::range_error"]; mrw_underflow_error [label="mrw::underflow_error" URL="\ref mrw::underflow_error"]; mrw_unix_error [label="mrw::unix_error" URL="\ref mrw::unix_error"]; mrw_bad_exception [label="mrw::bad_exception" URL="\ref mrw::bad_exception"]; mrw_bad_typeid [label="mrw::bad_typeid" URL="\ref mrw::bad_typeid"]; {rank=same; std_exception; mrw_exception;} {rank=same; std_bad_alloc; mrw_bad_alloc;} {rank=same; std_bad_cast; mrw_bad_cast;} {rank=same; std_logic_error; mrw_logic_error;} {rank=same; std_domain_error; mrw_domain_error;} {rank=same; std_invalid_argument; mrw_invalid_argument;} {rank=same; std_length_error; mrw_length_error;} {rank=same; std_out_of_range; mrw_out_of_range;} {rank=same; std_runtime_error; mrw_runtime_error;} {rank=same; std_overflow_error; mrw_overflow_error;} {rank=same; std_range_error; mrw_range_error;} {rank=same; std_underflow_error; mrw_underflow_error;} {rank=same; std_bad_exception; mrw_bad_exception;} {rank=same; std_bad_typeid; mrw_bad_typeid;} mrw_exception -> mrw_bad_alloc; mrw_exception -> mrw_bad_cast; mrw_exception -> mrw_logic_error; mrw_logic_error -> mrw_domain_error; mrw_logic_error -> mrw_invalid_argument; mrw_logic_error -> mrw_length_error; mrw_logic_error -> mrw_out_of_range; mrw_exception -> mrw_runtime_error; mrw_runtime_error -> mrw_overflow_error; mrw_runtime_error -> mrw_range_error; mrw_runtime_error -> mrw_underflow_error; mrw_runtime_error -> mrw_unix_error; mrw_exception -> mrw_bad_exception; mrw_exception -> mrw_bad_typeid; std_exception -> std_bad_alloc; std_exception -> std_bad_cast; std_exception -> std_logic_error; std_logic_error -> std_domain_error; std_logic_error -> std_invalid_argument; std_logic_error -> std_length_error; std_logic_error -> std_out_of_range; std_exception -> std_runtime_error; std_runtime_error -> std_overflow_error; std_runtime_error -> std_range_error; std_runtime_error -> std_underflow_error; std_exception -> std_bad_exception; std_exception -> std_bad_typeid; std_exception -> mrw_exception; } @enddot */ //@{ /** @brief replacement for @c std::exception, that collects a stack trace @pre #include This exception class behaves exactely like @c std::exception, but it collects a stack trace in the constructor and offers a method to return the formatted stack trace for logging. It is recommended, to inherit all the exceptions you ever throw from this class. This way you can always access the stack trace if you run into troubles. It is fursther recommended, to write a unexpected handler, that rethrows, catches this exception, then throws a @c std::bad_exception to try to continue. This is the reason, why all the exception specifications in the MRW C++ Library declar @c throw(std::bad_exception) instead of @c throw(), when they throw nothing. @code namespace myProject { void unexpectedHandler() { try { throw; } catch (mrw::exception& x) { // trace x.stacktrace() and x.what() } catch (std::exception& x) { // trace x.what() } catch (...) { // trace unknown unexpected } throw std::bad_exception(); // try to recover } } int main() { std::set_unexpected(&myProject::unexpectedHandler); ... } @endcode */ class exception: public std::exception { public: exception() throw(std::bad_exception); virtual ~exception() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw() { return std::exception::what(); } const std::string& stacktrace() const throw(std::bad_exception); private: StackTrace* _stacktrace; }; /// Replacement for @c std::bad_alloc, but with stack trace class bad_alloc: public mrw::exception { public: ~bad_alloc() throw() {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "mrw::bad_alloc"; } }; /// Replacement for @c std::bad_cast, but with stack trace class bad_cast: public mrw::exception { public: ~bad_cast() throw() {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "mrw::bad_cast"; } }; /// Replacement for @c std::bad_exception, but with stack trace class bad_exception: public mrw::exception { public: ~bad_exception() throw() {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "mrw::bad_exception"; } }; /// Replacement for @c std::bad_typeid, but with stack trace class bad_typeid: public mrw::exception { public: ~bad_typeid() throw() {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "mrw::bad_typeid"; } }; /// Replacement for @c std::logic_error, but with stack trace class logic_error: public mrw::exception { public: ~logic_error() throw() {} logic_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): _what(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return _what.c_str(); } private: std::string _what; }; /// Replacement for @c std::domain_error, but with stack trace class domain_error: public mrw::logic_error { public: ~domain_error() throw() {} domain_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::logic_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::logic_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::invalid_argument, but with stack trace class invalid_argument: public mrw::logic_error { public: ~invalid_argument() throw() {} invalid_argument(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::logic_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::logic_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::length_error, but with stack trace class length_error: public mrw::logic_error { public: ~length_error() throw() {} length_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::logic_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::logic_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::out_of_range, but with stack trace class out_of_range: public mrw::logic_error { public: ~out_of_range() throw() {} out_of_range(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::logic_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::logic_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::runtime_error, but with stack trace class runtime_error: public mrw::exception { public: ~runtime_error() throw() {} runtime_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): _what(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return _what.c_str(); } private: std::string _what; }; /// Replacement for @c std::overflow_error, but with stack trace class overflow_error: public mrw::runtime_error { public: ~overflow_error() throw() {} overflow_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::runtime_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::runtime_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::range_error, but with stack trace class range_error: public mrw::runtime_error { public: ~range_error() throw() {} range_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::runtime_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::runtime_error::what(); } }; /// Replacement for @c std::underflow_error, but with stack trace class underflow_error: public mrw::runtime_error { public: ~underflow_error() throw() {} underflow_error(const std::string& arg) throw(): mrw::runtime_error(arg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return mrw::runtime_error::what(); } }; //@} /** @defgroup excsug Suggested Exception Handling Rules -# derieve all your exceptions from mrw::exception -# write exception specifications as follows: @n (this specification is "binary", it only declares whether an exception is thrown or not, but it does not specify which exact exception can be thrown) - if no exception is thrown, specify @c throw(std::bad_exception) instead of @c throw() as you would normally specify - if any exception is thrown specify @c throw(std::exception) @n (@b Note: If you need a more specific declaration, you must also declare @c std::bad_exception in addition to your exceptions!) - only declare @c throw() if you are 100% sure, that it is absolutely impossible that this method ever throws an exception, that means this method calls no other function or method (not even from a system library) that does not declare @c throw() -# document the exact exception thrown with Doxygen's @c \@throw tag -# write an unexpected handler as follows (or link to a @ref AutoTrace "library"): @code void unexpectedHandler() { try { throw; } catch (mrw::exception& x) { // trace x.stacktrace() and x.what() } catch (std::exception& x) { // trace x.what() } catch (...) { // trace unknown unexpected } throw std::bad_exception(); // try to recover } @endcode What happens: - If you throw an exception in a method that declares not to throw an exception, the unexpected handler is called. - It writes a stack trace for you to be able to find your bug. - Then it throws a @c std::bad_exception, which is allowed to pass. - Your program does not abort, but continues running. - If higher in the stack you catch the exception, you may be able to recover. - If you throw an exception where you are allowed to, you only need to catch mrw::exception and you can access @c what() and @c stacktrace(). For a proof of concept refer to @ref exceptionhandling.cpp "the example exceptionhandling.cpp". The unexpected handler is implemented ready to use in @ref AutoTrace "a separate library". */ //@} } #endif